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Item no.: 156659404858
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Rate: 6901-165
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6901-165 Lot of two axes. A broad axe with 11" edge, 26" curved handle with significant chipping and damage, heavily pitted metal and surface rust. And a mast axe with 7" edge, user name stamped into 22" handle near head, rusty. Good (GST287, 289) 30 - 60 ~~ INITIAL BIDS must be placed by end of the day on Saturday, September 14, 2019. PLACED BIDS may be raised until 10PM EST on Sunday, September 15, 2019 by calling (800) 964-9036. To see current high bid, please call (800) 964-9036 between 10am-5pm EST as we also get bids via phone, mail, and fax ~~

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