Status: Open
Item no.: 173499641770
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Ending in: 17 days, 00:19:13
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Rate: 7402-233
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7402-233 Lot of two STANLEY combination squares. One is a Defiance No. 1221, with 12" blade, head painted red, level vial compartment is solid metal and looks to be cast that way. And one with STANLEY No. 21 marked on the rule with sweetheart mark, but head is not marked and is cast without level vial or scratch awl, clean. Good & better (BZL092) 30-60

Bid:  22
17 days, 00:24:13
Bid:  20
17 days, 00:04:13
Bid:  20
17 days, 00:24:13
Bid:  20
16 days, 23:59:13