Status: Open
Item no.: 173499589029
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Ending in: 16 days, 23:05:22
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Rate: 7402-138
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7402-138 Lot of three STANLEY tools IOB. A No. 60 chisel, 1/4", yellow plastic handle, clean with fully intact box. A No. 420 electric soldering iron, can't guarantee it works, includes original instruction booklet, clean with good box that has split seams but mostly intact. Plus a Handyman No. 233M archimedean screwdriver, mild wear and some rust, box is intact, set of bits in handle and works smoothly. Good (MCH041, MCH042, MCH043) 30-60

Bid:  22
16 days, 23:00:22
Bid:  51
16 days, 23:10:22
Bid:  20
16 days, 23:20:22
Bid:  20
16 days, 23:25:22