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Status: Open
Item no.: 173499677856
Current bid: 29 ( Convert )
By user Stanley12 on 12/26/2024 10:42
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Ending in: 16 days, 22:05:11
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Rate: 7402-350
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7402-350 Mixed lot of books, catalogs, and reprints. THE STANLEY PLANES and WOODWORKING PLANES books by Alvin Sellens, the Stanley Planes dust cover has several tears and taped spots otherwise both decent. A STANLEY TOOL GUIDE original catalog from 1950, which consists of smaller versions of the wall instruction posters and charts that can be removed from the book and hung. An original BAILEY DEFIANCE Metallic Bench Planes that shows spokeshaves and bench planes, gently used in protective sleeve. Plus reprints for instruction booklets for STANLEY No. 45 and 46 planes, a price list for a No. 34 catalog, Facts about Tools by STANLEY, a STANLEY 1959 price list reprint, and a LEONARD BAILEY & CO. Bench Planes pamphlet reprint, all gently used. Good & better (RST126, 438) 50-100

Bid:  20
16 days, 21:40:11
Bid:  20
16 days, 21:50:11
Bid:  20
16 days, 21:50:11
Bid:  20
16 days, 22:00:11