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Status: Open
Item no.: 171944457152
Current bid: 26 ( Convert )
By user 5182222 on 06/27/2024 18:36
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Ending in: 8 days, 04:35:59
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Rate: 7304-194
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7304-194 Cast iron badger plane. User made but nicely done. 3" skew cutter that extends into the right cheek, low angle, held by cast iron lever cap with knurled locking thumbscrew that has July 18, 1871 patent date on it. It does not correspond to any patents that we can find so could be repurposed screw. Also has nicker in right cheek. Tote and knob crudely made and large crack in tote. Unusual. (CSA764)

Bid:  20
8 days, 04:25:59
Bid:  92
8 days, 04:20:59
Bid:  20
8 days, 04:45:59
Bid:  20
8 days, 04:30:59