6801-1 STANLEY No. 12-three-fourths veneer scraper. All original rosewood sole in good condition japanning 85 percent with some spots of surface rust. Handles have light wear. Original toothed cutter with Stanley mark. Good plus 500-1000 BES90 |
6801-2 NORRIS infill smoother. Steel body with marked gunmetal lever cap 2-one-eighth inch cutter is unmarked replacement wood is ebonized beech with wear closed tote. Sole looks polished but in ok shape throat may be widened. Looks like a post war model but no screw in bun. Good 150-300 CVR268 |
6801-3 MORIN bench plane. These things show up occasionally but are pretty uncommon. They're French but nothing is known of the actual maker. They have a cast brass body with a 12 sole and a distinctive diagonal front bridge with Morin cast with a red enamel background. The 2 cutter is held by an eccentric cam lever and there is also a lever cap with a screw that seems to serve no particular function. Bakelite tote. This one is complete and in good condition noting some wear to the front bridge. Good plus 100-200 ADS9 |
6801-4 User made infill plane. Crudely made with flat-top shaped cheeks brass lever cap with locking wingnut but it doesn't lock cutter very tightly. Closed tote made of mahogany and has no tip front bun looks like oak. 2-one-eighth inch ALEX MATHIESON and SON cutter. Good- 40-80 HNL88 |
6801-5 Lot of two SARGENT No. 160 roughing planes. Both later versions with wood knob and tote properly marked cutters japanning 95 percent on one and highly worn lacquer on wood. Other has some grind marks on cheeks and japanning on bed and cap only wood has light wear but knob looks like it may be worn down or a replacement. Good- 50-100 DOR285 |
6801-6 STANLEY No. 11-one-half floor plane. Japanning 80 percent cutter rusty and discolored with T mark handles have wear and a few scratches. Throat ok. Could use a cleaning. Good 90-180 HNL100 |
6801-7 Lot of two STANLEY No. 18 knuckle-joint block planes. A Type 2 with Bailey cutter traces of nickel plating japanning 70 percent. And a later type with Sweetheart mark on cap nickel and 70 percent a few dings. Both have a few spots of surface rust. Good 50-100 CVR385 390 |
6801-8 STANLEY No. 148 match plane. Marked for seven-eighths inch but has two five-eighths inch groove cutters in each side so you'll need to find proper cutters. Plating near complete plain cap screws. Good- 30-60 MAG118 |
6801-9 STANLEY No. 13 circular plane. Earlier type with solid adjustment wheel with Bailey's patent no model number cutter also a Bailey mark japanning 90 percent. Some surface rust spots user name stamped a few times. Good 50-100 HEN24 |
6801-10 MILLERS FALLS No. 10 smoothing plane. Same size as Stanley 4-one-half. Wood has light wear japanning near complete light surface rust and a few light scratches. Good 35-70 GAN5603 |
6801-11 STANLEY No. A4 smoothing plane. Knob good repaired crack and a few small nicks in tote with 75 percent decal aluminum body has a few spots of light oxidation Sweetheart cutter. Mild scratching on sole as to be expected plating on cap 90 percent with most of orange paint on Stanley mark. Good- 50-100 HEN19 |
6801-12 STANLEY No. 10-one-halfC carriagemaker's rabbet plane. Plain lever cap and notched rectangle mark on cutter low knob japanning 80 percent B casting mark behind frog. Surface rust repaired crack at base of tote knob has dinging and cracks at base. Throat good. Good- 150-300 TWR299A |
6801-13 STANLEY No. 10-one-half carriagemaker's rabbet plane. Sweetheart cutter wood good with light wear japanning 95 percent plain lever cap a few spots of surface rust. Good 125-250 TWR299B |
6801-14 STANLEY No. 2 smoothing plane. Looks like Type 11 with vee cutter japanning 90 percent. Some pitting and rust spots small nick in throat tote is replacement in nice shape and knob has large chip at base and wear. Good- 75-150 BHR391 |
6801-15 STANLEY No. 48 swinging fence match plane. Nickel 60 percent with some surface rust scroll handle knob has light wear S casting mark behind cutter. Could use a cleaning. Good- 30-60 GAN5606 |
6801-16 STANLEY No. 97 chisel edge plane. Type 4 with sweetheart cutter japanning 95 percent and retouched in one spot on lever cap knob in nice condition. Front edge has two small notches on each corner looks intentional. A few spots of surface rust on sole. Good 175-350 TWR177 |
6801-17 STANLEY No. 98 and 99 side rabbet planes. A Type 1 pair with patent dates on skates B cast on backsides plating 85 percent knobs have light wear a spot or two of rust. Plus an extra No. 99 also Type 1 with 70 percent plating and some rust cutter has a little bit of life left. Good 60-120 GFR173 |
6801-18 STANLEY Victor No. 20 circular plane. Early nickel plated version with model number on adjustment knob and patent date on bridge. Patent date cutter plating 95 percent super clean with only one or two small spots of rust. Good plus 75-150 HEN25 |
6801-19 J. DENISON screw-arm plow plane. Beech body with boxwood fence and nuts threads have light to moderate chipping unmarked cutter. A few cracks in front part of fence and in front of blade at top of body user initials. Good 35-70 REW467 |
6801-20 AUBURN TOOL CO. No. 90-one-half handled plow plane. Beech body marked on toe BUTCHER cutter wedge is replacement light pitting on screw arms knurled pattern carvings on nuts tip of tote good with light wear. A few stains on body. Good 50-100 ECN331 |
6801-21 SANDUSKY TOOL CO. screw arm handled plow plane. Missing cutter and locking screw for depth stop body dirty and stained with minor dinging threads have moderate chipping tip of tote worn. Skate rusty but no pitting. With some TLC could clean up nicely. Good- 30-60 JRI519 |
6801-22 T. GOLDSMITH screw-arm plow plane. B mark 2 stars. Arms look a little short and may be repaired breaks some chipping beech body with boxwood nuts ATKIN and SONS cutter dinging at heel and tight crack ahead of cutter. Goldsmith was a Philadelphia plane maker from 1801-1837. Good- 40-80 REW465 |
6801-23 User made coachmaker's plow. Made of oak with handle looks similar to those you find on saws and has repaired top horn horseshoe shaped escapement at throat center brass skate at front two-thirds of body 1-one-eighth inch long fence attached to square arm that is screwed into cheek and not sure how it adjusts. one-fourth inch cutter thin wedge. Good 30-60 JRI411 |
6801-24 OHIO TOOL No. 105 ivory tipped plow plane. Unmarked but looks like Ohio Tool. Boxwood body and fence outer nuts look like replacement and tip of tote shortened tips have yellowing and a couple cracks threads fairly good skate rusty replaced wedge. User initials some staining and dirt. Good- 200-300 CSD4 |
6801-25 PRESTON and SONS wedge-arm sash filletster. Boxed sole beech body brass tips with inlaid cross mark on ends marked 248 on heel. A stain or two but overall clean. Good 50-100 GAN5605 |
6801-26 A. CUMINGS ship hawk plow plane. Uncommon form of fenced plow with a v-shaped sole and cutter used in shipyards to cut grooves in hulls and bulkheads. Locking thumbscrews for arms and depth stop. Clean depth is boxwood and rest of plane is beech. A mark on toe. Good 75-150 REW452 |
6801-27 Lot of 5 chisels. One is 1-three-fourths inches wide rest are all 2 inches. Makers include STANLEY LAKESIDE SEARS ROEBUCK HUBBARD OVB. Edges sharp except for a couple nicks light surface discoloration but no significant rust various handles with a couple having strike rings. Good 75-150 TWR161 |
6801-28 Lot of 23 BUCK chisels and gouges mounted on board. one-eighth inch to 2 inch in widths a few goosenecks various handle types clean edges. Mounted on 26 inch x 20 inch frame with burlap backing and leaf carving painted gold. Good 150-300 ECN43 |
6801-29 HIBBARD SPENCER BARTLETT and CO corner chisels IOB. three-fourth inch seven-eighths inch and 1 inch edges all look barely used with nearly pristine handles metal has a few spots of discoloration but edges near mint. Wood sliding lid box has small crack in edge of lid so doesn't close correctly 85 percent original label. Good plus 125-250 RRT801 |
6801-30 Bulb planting dibble. Cast iron with tube shaped handle presumably to allow a wood rod through it cast 207 on handle stem 9-one-half inch pointed blade riveted to handle with both sides of edges sharpened. Spots of surface rust. Good 30-60 LEE132 |
6801-31 STANLEY No. 750 bevel edge chisels in box. one-fourth inch to 1-one-half inch in widths all but one has red lacquered handles a couple have highly worn lacquer. All edges good a few spots of surface rust inside a repurposed FREUD box. Good 100-200 KDL561 |
6801-32 Lot of 8 DISSTON Keystone turning tools. 8 total including skew chisels parting tools gouges. 9 inch handles have mild wear with brass ferrules some light surface rust but generally clean. Good 35-70 KDL554 |
6801-33 BUCK BROS carving tools. 7 total including gouges and skew chisels 4 inch handles with brass ferrules. Generally clean with light wear on a few. Good 40-80 GST418 |
6801-34 HORTON adze. 4-one-fourth inch edge Horton New York stamp on underside square poll light pitting nice 31 inch handle with small chip at end. Good 30-60 REW1744 |
6801-35 D. R. BARTON broad axe. Ground one side 10-one-fourth inch blade nice and sharp minor surface pitting Barton mark is faint but readable. 18 inch straight handle old but probably not original. Good 50-100 LDZ260 |
6801-36 W. BEATTY and SON slick. 4 inch slightly curved edge very light pitting and a few dings on front side well made and clean replacement handle with bulbous end. 34 inches long total. Good 50-100 REW1753 |
6801-37 R. KING forest axe. 4 inch edge some pitting on head near 31 inch handle some wear. Good 35-70 CLA238 |
6801-38 Lot of two edge tools. Hatchet by UNDERHILL EDGE TOOL CO. 3-one-fourth inch blade blade needs sharpening old 13 inch handle and an old unmarked felling axe 4-three-fourths inch sharp blade with laid-in edge mild surface pitting 23 inch handle looks original but damaged. Good 50-100 LDZ265 277 |
6801-39 Lot of two hatchets. One has faint mark that looks like OVB other unmarked. Both with 2-one-half inch edges 10 inch and 11 inch handles with wear and a few chips. Surface rust and some pitting. Good 30-60 LDZ281 285 |
6801-40 WARREN AXE AND TOOL double bit axe head. Example of the Chemical Treatment axe head invented by William Sager. Stamped with Sager's name and with 70 percent label on front side and traces of label on backside. 8 inches long. Good 60-100 MAG112 |
6801-41 Decorated goosewing axe. Folded head 8 inch blade moderate pitting decorated with two cast pinwheels and touchmarks 11 inch straight handle old a little loose. Good 60-100 LDZ239 |
*6801-42 SIMMONS Suregrip ratchet brace. 9 sweep ratchet needs oiling but looks like it would work minor surface rust marked on chuck. Good 10-20 JCI136 |
6801-43 BENNETT AND BLOEDEL patent corner brace. Manufactured by LMK Machine Company. A rare brace wood and metal good ratchet works smoothly but missing the often-MIA detachable handle. One thing we've never noticed before is that the patent date stamped on the chuck has a typo - COT -instead of OCT- 10 1905. Good 40-80 REW79 |
*6801-44 Scandinavian brace. Unsigned and smith made from flat stock good rotating head that looks like birch has a spring-locking chuck and one original bit 6-one-half sweep. Good 20-40 DCR421 |
6801-45 A.W. STREETER patented brace. Manufactured by H.S. Shepardson of Shelburne Falls MA version with solid cast iron head 10 sweep. Good plus 50-100 JCI139 |
6801-46 Lot of two metal braces. Both unmarked and probably English. One has a good ball handle and bulbous rotating head beech 7-one-half sweep the other has an old chip out of head 8 sweep both have thumbscrew locking chucks. Good 40-80 PLH269X |
*6801-47 Armorer's brace. Solid brass to avoid sparks unmarked 7 sweep screw-locking chuck. Good plus 20-40 REW95 |
6801-48 Ball-handled brace. Unmarked octagonal body 7-one-half sweep good wooden handle and head some minor rust thumbscrew locking chuck. Good plus 30-50 PLH270X |
6801-49 Scandinavian brace. Marked WEA and smith made from flat stock extra nice large two-piece rotating head that looks like birch the chuck takes a specialized flat-tanged bit with a hole in the end held by a spring lock one original bit included. An extra nice example of the type. 8 sweep. Good plus 50-100 DCR419 |
6801-50 PEUGEOT FRERES ball handled brace. Extra nice example 9 sweep good handle and rotating head thumbscrew chuck one bit that isn't original but works. Good plus 50-100 WOL858 |
6801-51 STANLEY Bedrock No. 603. Flat top sides with vee logo two patent dates behind frog plain Bedrock lever cap smoothed over chips on tote cracks at base of knob japanning 85 percent. Good 75-150 KDL12 |
6801-52 SIEGLEY No. 4C bench plane. Proper marked cutter nickel plating on cap 80 percent and has number 4 cast on underside checkered pattern handle black paint spots on wood with light wear japanning retouched. Good 40-80 KDL32 |
6801-53 STANLEY No. 72 chamfer plane. Type 2 with patent date on side SRandL mark on cutter S casting mark on lever cap japanning repainted. No bullnose attachment has repaired crack in right cheek edge wood has wear. User initials on wood and cutter. Good- 80-160 KDL43 |
6801-54 STANLEY No. 10 carriage makers rabbet plane. Sweetheart cutter tall knob japanning 30 percent scratching on sole dings to wood and tip of tote replaced. Good- 60-120 KDL6 |
6801-55 STANLEY No. 11 beltmakers plane. Type 2 patent date cutter japanning 70 percent wood lightly worn on right front and left rear of handles from use. Good 35-70 KDL266 |
*6801-56 R.M. RUMBOLD CO. butt mortise plane. Patented Christmas Day 1951 by Wilbert Dohmeyer of Crete IL and manufactured by RM Rumbold company. Marked "Pat Appl'd For" behind frog where patent usually located and "Made in USA" behind front knob. Knobs worn traces of japanning. Good 25-50 GST309 |
6801-57 GLADWIN patent combination tool handle. Cast iron version of P.A. Gladwin's 1878 patented combination plane and tool holder with Gladwin's name cast into the lever cap. See PTAMPIA I page 36. Original cutter. Traces of japanning knob is nicely turned replacement surface rust. Good- 100-200 GST294 |
6801-58 STANLEY No. 90J bullnose rabbet plane. Made in USA on cutter light surface rust but throat good cutter edge sharp japanning 90 percent. Good 100-200 KDL216 |
6801-59 STANLEY No. 95 edge trimming plane. Notched rectangle cutter japanning retouched a few spots of rust. R or B mark cast into body. Good 40-80 GST298 |
6801-60 STANLEY No. 112 cabinet scraper plane. Later type unmarked screws and cutter japanning 80 percent wood has wear and tote has repair and might be replacement. Good- 40-80 KDL273 |
6801-61 Clapboard gauge. User made 6-one-half inch by 7-one-half inch body with 5 inch handle. A few chips and stains handle a little loose. Good 30-60 SPM686 |
*6801-62 Panel gauge. Looks user made 17 inch long ruled stem wooden locking thumbscrew on head. Some wear and a few chips a couple stains. Good 25-50 CLA350 |
*6801-63 Wooden drafting protractor square. 45 degree angle square with protractor degrees and curved edge. User stamp. Good 15-30 WOL834 |
6801-64 Lot of LUFKIN tools IOB. No. 534 spring joint rules 2 in box that holds 6. No. 651 boxwood rules 2 in box that holds 12. No. 751 boxwood rules 1 in box that holds 12. And No. 066A folding rules 3 in box that holds 6. Rules mostly clean and unused one or two have light wear. Boxes have dirt and wear but no major damage. Good 30-60 MHT |
6801-65 Lot of two panel gauges. One made of rosewood 7 inch head and 16 inch stem a few chips and head missing locking wedge. And one made of beech with 6 inch head with 20 inch stem hanghole at one end large locking thumbscrew a few stains. Good- and better 35-70 JCI91X |
6801-66 Drafting set. 9 pieces in purple velvet lined 1-three-fourths inch by 7-five-eighths inch wood box. Tray lifts out and there's a mix of about 18 or so tools beneath as well some just parts and pieces. No key. Good 30-60 WOL872 |
*6801-67 Lot of two drafting tools. A POSTS GERMANY proportional dividers and DIXON No. 3-one-half graduated caliper both in handmade box with clasp. Good 10-20 SAN253 |
6801-68 L. BAILEY patent flush t-bevel. Type 1 with patent date on 10 inch blade some pitting and surface rust no japanning. Good 100-200 BHR619 |
6801-69 Brass stem mortise gauge. Rosewood head ultimatum style with center locking screw unmarked. Points good some dinging and a few chips on head. Good 50-100 WOL816 |
6801-70 Ultimatum style marking gauge. Rosewood with decorative brass frame on stem one point worn. Light scratching and dinging to wood and a few tarnish spots on brass. Good 45-90 WOL818 |
6801-71 Windsor beader. Type 2 with both patent dates and brown finish. 2 cutter wheels plating 50 percent a few holes in sole where presumably the fence was moved a few times. A few stains and chips in wood. Good 70-140 JCI103 |
6801-72 Ultimatum style bevel. 5-one-half inch brass frame with infill ebony 9 inch blade locked with flathead screw and has pitting handle has wear and one tight crack in brass. Good- 30-60 CLA343 |
6801-73 Lot of three STARRETT tools IOB. A No. 47 bevel 6 inch blade. A No. 28B scratch gauge. And No. 50A trammel points. All near mint in lightly worn boxes. Good plus 35-70 RBN253 262 269 |
*6801-74 Lot of two brass rules. A 6-one-half inch straight edge with scales unmarked with light wear. And a 24 inch blacksmith rule unmarked. Good 25-50 WOL851 |
6801-75 GOODELL-PRATT bevel. 8 inch blade with rosewood and brass handle large knurled locking thumbscrew. Light wear and slight pitting on blade user initials. Uncommon. Good 75-150 DEN150 |
6801-76 Lot of four brass rules. 3 blacksmith rules 24 inches two by RABONE and one marked U.W.W. Makers Birmingham. And a 12 inch straight rule marked GAWTHORP London. All with light wear heavy staining on one. Good- and better 35-70 WOL853 |
6801-77 Lot of three hand scrapers. A STARRETT No. 181 clean with light wear. A MILLERS FALLS No. 296 some wear on handle but blade clean. And a SARGENT No. 52 with 75 percent japanning and light wear some rust spots. Good 50-100 RML52 54 62 |
*6801-78 Lot of two hand scrapers. An E.C. ATKINS with wear to handle and some paint plating 60 percent rust on head and cutter but looks barely used. And a STANLEY No. 70 wear and hanghole in handle japanning 70 percent cutter marked but has chip and crack in one side but edge is ok. Good- 25-50 RER4 |
*6801-79 Lot of three scrapers. A fixed head scraper with curved 12 inch wood handle handforged plates on either side to fix crack in head locking wingnut unmarked 2-one-half inch cutter looks handmade. And two wall scrapers cast iron bodies with broom stick handle holes at ends some rust spots. Good 25-50 ASY50 51 |
6801-80 Lot of two MARTIN'S box scrapers. It is presumed these were made by the TATUM CO. -see Lamond pg. 237- these are both the fixed head type with HARGRAVE cutters. Traces of japanning on both and some surface rust. One cutter good other has chips. Good 35-70 RML42 217 |
6801-81 Lot of four STANLEY hand scrapers. Three No. 82 and a No. 282. All with wear and staining two No. 82 missing blades No. 282 has japanning retouched with 60 percent original decal on handle. Good- 30-60 OVR254 258 |
6801-82 DISSTON No. 43 combination saw. Decent example of the combination saw square and level based on Gorham's 1856 patent. 25-one-half inch blade crosscut 8 tpi and it has been sharpened a few times. Top horn shortened brass has wear etch faint but legible missing the scratch awl. Good- 75-150 SPM610 |
6801-83 Lot of two ATKINS hand saws. A No. 53 with 26 inch blade 5 tpi good etch wheatsheaf handle has wear to lacquer and user stamp. And one without etch 24-one-half inch blade 11 tpi missing one button on floral etch handle with light wear blade looks cleaned. Good 35-70 CVR42 43 |
6801-84 Lot of two 16 inch backsaws. Both steel backed with semicircle stamps. One by A. PARTRIDGE crude buttons and chipped top horn on handle light surface rust. And a JOHNSON and CO of Sheffield one of the split nuts missing its backing chips and repaired crack in top horn. Good- 40-80 DGO7 8 |
6801-85 R. GROVES and SONS steel backsaw. 18 inch blade split nuts good USE medallion lamb's tongue handle with chips from both horns. Good 50-100 GAN216G |
6801-86 RICHARDSON BROS steel backsaw. 26 inch blade Maltese cross medallion semicircle stamp on backing good handle light rust and discoloration to metal. Good 40-80 LEE32 |
6801-87 CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON ripsaw. Johnson was a leading sawmaker in Sheffield in the 1870s. 27-one-half inch blade with good nib 3-one-half tpi good lamb's tongue handle with the top horn skillfully repaired flat head split nuts Johnson's C.J trademark in a flag clearly marked on blade. Good 50-100 GAN208G |
6801-88 Saw with domed nuts. This saw is something of an enigma. The blade has a clear Disston and Sons etch and it has the domed saw nuts used by Disston on the No. 12 in the 1870s but it also has a decorative plate covering the handle which has a lamb's tongue. We've seen a similar plate in saws by Walter Cresson but this plate is thin stamped brass and appears to be more for decoration. Was this a one-off by Disston or did someone retrofit another maker's saw with a Disston blade. 24 inch blade with nib 10 tpi crosscut and sharpened many times. There's a big chip from the top horn and a smaller one from the bottom repaired crack in handle. Good 30-60 SPM611 |
6801-89 STANLEY No. 47 adjustable dado plane. Unmarked early type No. 46 body. five-eighths inch cutter marked with number 7. No slitter replacement knob japanning on skate repainted but 70 percent on body handle has nicks at top horn. Good- 75-150 HNL588 |
6801-90 BAYLEY patented core box plane. Actually patented by John McCauley of Springfield OH in 1904 but manufactured by William Bayley and almost all known examples have Bayley's name cast into the fence. Very gizmoish with a worm gear activated cutter that rotates with each stroke. Repainted japanning some wear to metal looks to be all there. Good 100-200 HNL646 |
6801-91 STANLEY No. 141 bull nose plow plane. Body has about 70 percent nickel plating tote ok with some mild dinging has depth stops and slitter. The filletster is from a Franklin Mint reproduction with phillips head screws attaching it and the fence is broken off with only the arms present has one-eighth inch cutter. If you're looking for the body only in decent shape here's your chance. Good- 75-150 HNL339 |
6801-92 STANLEY No. 278 rabbet and filletster plane. Sweetheart mark on cap screw japanning 65 percent and has proper fence some rust spots. Good 75-150 RRT11 |
6801-93 STANLEY No. 9-three-fourths tailed block plane. Type 11 with Type 10 lateral japanning repainted knob in nice shape with just one or two dings good throat. Good 100-200 SPM867 |
*6801-94 STANLEY No. 12 veneer scraper. Type 1 with unmarked replacement cutter patent date on rear knob wood has wear japanning 70 percent. Has hanghole at toe and wear to sole at toe and heel. Throat looks widened. Good- 25-50 CVR402 |
6801-95 STANLEY No. 64 butcher block plane. Uncommon plane has vee mark on cutter. Japanning 80 percent wood has wear and tight crack at base of knob and screw looks like replacement. Has filled in chip at corner of throat. Good- 250-500 KDL22 |
6801-96 CHAPLIN patent jack plane. An example of O.R. Chaplin's first patent as manufactured by Tower and Lyon 15 inch sole has user-made corrugations vulcanized rubber tote with chip original cutter with overstrike T and L mark. Good 50-100 CVR149 |
6801-97 CHAPLIN Improved Patent jointer plane. Undoubtedly manufactured by Tower and Lyon the 24 inch No. 1211 the longest version. Original cutter with faint mark Chaplin's Improved cast around knob hard rubber tote traces of japanning cast in corrugated sole with hang hole near heel and what looks like a nail through the sole under the handle. Good plus 75-150 CVR213 |
6801-98 STANELY No. 144-three-eighths corner rounding plane. Japanning 85 percent sweetheart cutter patent applied for model a few spots of surface rust. Good 75-150 KDL1011 |
6801-99 STANLEY No. 144-one-fourth. Japanning might be repainted patent applied for model sweetheart cutter some pitting on sole otherwise clean. Good 75-150 KDL1012 |
6801-100 STANLEY No. 72 chamfer plane. Type 4 with semicircle logo S casting mark on lever cap japanning 75 percent very well repaired hairline crack in tote otherwise wood good. Good 60-120 TWR229 |
6801-101 STANLEY No. 94 rabbet plane. Stanley mark on adjustment knob plating 70 percent with surface rust small crack in one cheek. Unfortunately missing cutter. Good- 50-100 GST296 |
6801-102 STANLEY No. 79 side rabbet. Early type with semicircular cutout sweetheart cutters plating 85 percent with a few spots of rust. Good 60-120 HEN16 |
6801-103 STANLEY No. 93 rabbet plane. Made in England version in immaculate condition with intact decal and original cutter. Fine 50-100 CVR379 |
6801-104 STANLEY No. 2 smoothing plane. Sweetheart cutter may be replacement S casting marks on lever cap and behind frog 3 patent dates on lateral. Wood in suspiciously nice condition japanning retouched. Replacement screws in frog go through bed and show in the sole. Good- 50-100 RRT |
6801-105 BIRMINGHAM PLANE CO. smoothing plane. 9 inch version of the bench planes made by Birmingham based on Mosher's 1884 patent. 1-three-eighths inch Ohio Tool cutter with some mild pitting. Japanning possibly repainted. Unfortunately the front knob is a welded replacement. Some paint and discoloration on sole. Good- 100-200 HNL696 |
6801-106 Lot of four WINDSOR DESIGN tools in original packaging. A 4 piece miniature woodworking set including squares and bevel a mortise gauge 3 piece miniature brass plane set and a 6 inch try square. All new in plastic packaging. Good 50-100 BWH130 |
6801-107 LIE-NIELSEN No. 5-one-fourth jack plane. Minty clean in box for a No. 10-one-fourth. Fine 125-250 MCY32 |
6801-108 Patternmaker's plane. Brass body with knob and tote 1-three-fourths inch curved STANLEY cutter brass lever cap. One bottom. Nicely made. Good 40-80 JBN167 |
6801-109 Infill jack plane. Unmarked mahogany fill in 12-five-eighths inch by 2-five-eighths inch steel body 2-one-fourth inch cutter. Tote has large chip off end wege has small chips some wear to wood and crack at top of body at throat. Dinging at heel. Good 100-200 JBN178 |
*6801-110 STANLEY 16-007 chisels in original packaging. 3 chisels in one-half inch three-fourth inch and 1 inch sizes in unopened packaging. Mint 20-40 JCI142 |
*6801-111 Lot of three WINDSOR DESIGN miniature planes. 3 inch long bullnose smoothing and scraper infill planes clean. Good 20-40 HNL503 |
6801-112 Rabbet plane. Steel body with ebony wedge and five-eighths inch MARPLES cutter. Surface rust that can be cleaned off easily. Good throat. Good 40-80 GST335 |
6801-113 SLATER infill smoother. Unhandled steel sole with rosewood fill marked on lever cap 2-one-eighth inch MARPLES cutter. Wear to wood and bubbling of lacquer behind cutter surface rust. Spots of tarnish on lever cap and throat slightly widened. Good- 125-250 CLA |
*6801-114 Lot of two large calipers. 22 inch and 15 inch long outside calipers both unmarked larger look manufactured but smaller looks smith made some spots of surface rust. Good 25-50 GFR170 |
6801-115 CALHOON patent bevel. Used primarily for roofing and marked with A. O. Calhoon Victor MO and 2-5-07 patent date. No nickel plating some spots of rust level vial replaced and wet. Some pitting on one side but markings mostly visible. Good 60-100 GST |
6801-116 Lot of two STANLEY Type 1 trammel points. No. 2 pair and No. 3 pair all have their shoes on keeper bars a few spots of tarnish. Good 40-80 GST406 410 |
6801-117 Large brass trammel points. 8 inch long with hourglass shape cutout on body some rust on steel points large locking thumbscrews have 75 percent plating and some rust. Both have their shoes and are on 31 inch keeper. Good 30-60 GST405 |
6801-118 Lot of two calipers. A 13 inch long double caliper smith made works smoothly with a few spots of rust. And 12-one-half inch long STARRETT outside calipers mostly clean. Good 35-70 REW941 973 |
*6801-119 Lot of two wing dividers. Both nice and smith made with locking thumbscrews 13 inch and 15 inch legs some mild surface rust but generally clean. Good 25-50 WOL684 |
6801-120 STANLEY No. 5 reel plumb bob. Cast iron that someone has painted gold unmarked brass reel point good. Good- 40-80 KDL1006 |
6801-121 STEPHENS and CO No. 36 combination rule. Marked No. 36 and with maker vial wet bevel has very light spotting wood worn pin broken off in hole a few spots of tarnish and user initials carved at hinge. Good- 75-150 KDL1003 |
6801-122 Solid brass panel gauge. 2-three-eighths inch wide head with brass locking wingnut and square pencil holder also locked with wingnut but locks onto 13 inch brass stem with flat screw. Looks hand made but well done. Good 35-70 REW1103 |
6801-123 WORTHINGTON No. 500W jack plane IOB. Manufactured by Millers Falls as part of its low-end Mohawk-Shelburne line these planes didn't have the MF name cast into them so they could easily be resold by other retailers. This is a rebranded MF No. 814. Worthington was a large hardware dealer in Cleveland. Plane is clean with 85 percent decal on lever cap box has light wear and one hole in bottom but all there. Good plus 40-80 MKJ559 |
6801-124 MILLERS FALLS No. 900 IOB. Plane clean with a few spots of surface rust small ding in tote japanning near complete. Box has some scuffs and light wear but all there. Good 50-100 ECN305 |
6801-125 STANLEY No. 4 IOB. Sweetheart cutter tall knob plating and orange paint on lever cap near complete japanning 99 percent. Some crackling of lacquer and a few spots of discoloration on metal but plane looks barely used. Box has split seams and wear 50 percent label. Rating for plane only. Good plus 50-100 TWR383 |
6801-126 STANLEY No. 220 block plane IOB. Plane near mint with original paper and store tag box has light wear. Good 30-60 RBN271 |
6801-127 CRAFTSMAN No. 3730 rabbet and filletster plane IOB. Early version likely made by Sargent this one has nearly complete japanning fence rod and depth stop present a few spots of rust. Box has a few split seams and rips to paper label ok. Good 30-60 RUS161 |
6801-128 STANLEY No. 80 cabinet scraper IOB. Tool very clean with a few spots of discoloration on sole but japanning near perfect with 95 percent original decal. Vee mark on tension bar sweetheart mark on cutter. Box has split seams and front piece containing label detached but present label 90 percent. Good plus 50-100 RRT209 |
*6801-129 STANLEY No. 9-one-fourth block plane IOB. Japanning near complete with a few spots of rust notched rectangle mark on cutter pasteboard box has no label. Good 25-50 SAN104 |
*6801-130 MILLERS FALLS No. 75 block plane IOB. Clean except for a couple spots of red paint box has split seams especially at bottom writing on lid. Good 25-50 NCY27 |
*6801-131 STANLEY No. 90 bullnose IOB. English version plating 75 percent good throat. Box ok with some marker on lid and label 85 percent. Good 25-50 TWR149 |
6801-132 STANLEY No. 98 side rabbet IOB. Plating on body and fence near complete a few scratches on knob vee mark cutter. Has instructions box ok but only traces of label. Good 30-60 SPM848 |
6801-133 STANLEY No. 248A weatherstrip plane IOB. Plane clean with fence and rods no cutters. Box has one split seam and good label. Good 40-80 HEN44 |
6801-134 Lot of two STANLEY block planes IOB. A No. 60-one-half and No. 102 both with 95 percent japanning notched rectangle marks on cutters boxes ok with nearly complete labels and a couple split seams. Good plus 30-60 TWR50 |
6801-135 Lot of three pod braces. All unsigned and likely user made. One has a pod but no bit held by a wooden peg one has a pod made from the brass shell of a Sheffield brace and one has a nicely made boxwood screw-in pod with bit. All have working rotating heads wood worn but no major damage. Good. 30-60 LEE114 |
*6801-136 Plated Sheffield brace. Unsigned push-button chuck one crack in body near the head rosewood head has some minor chips. Good 20-40 WOL823 |
6801-137 Plated H. HAWKE Sheffield brace. Chuck has a wide flat pushbutton with Hawke's name and an eagle on it. Ebony head with a brass button stamped H. Hawke Solly Works Sheffield. Wood has wear but no damage. An uncommon maker. Good 50-100 LEE104 |
6801-138 Lot of two ball-headed Scandinavian style braces. Both hand-carved with rotating ball-shaped heads one has a spoon bit but missing its brass ferrule the other has no bit. Both 13 long with 6 sweeps. Good 30-60 WOL285 |
6801-139 Clothespin pod brace. Hand carved pod has auger type bit rotating head 14 long with 8 sweep. One tight crack initial M and small star design stamped. Good 30-60 RSH531 |
6801-140 Wooden brace with fixed bit. Hand carved and very well made 14 long including fixed auger bit 6 sweep looks like red beech and wonderful patina of age smooth working head with brass washer. Good plus 40-80 PNG1 |
6801-141 PILKINGTON plated Sheffield brace. Pushbutton chuck marked by Pilkington good lignum head with plain brass button. A super clean example. Fine 60-100 KDL329 |
6801-142 MATHIESON Sheffield style brace. Unplated pushbutton chuck with Mathieson Edinburgh stamped good head that looks like lignum includes original set of six auger bits also marked by Mathieson. Wood has wear and user stamp but no damage. Good plus 50-100 WOL631 |
6801-143 Ornate cast iron harness hanger. 16 inch long swinging hook connected to 6-one-half inch long frame that gets attached to wall. Unmarked brass hinges traces of japanning. Good 50-100 DCR374 |
6801-144 Jeweler's anvil on wood base. 5-five-eighths inch long anvil with one-eighth inch circular hardy hole screwed onto 6 inch x 5 inch circular base. Unmarked some surface rust. Good 50-100 WOL867 |
6801-145 Small anvil. 10 pounds 9 inches long by 2-one-half inches wide by 4 inches tall. one-half inch square hardy hole. Some scratching and surface rust a few small chips. Unmarked. Good 40-80 RRT788 |
6801-146 Patented register cover and ventilator. Likely for a stove. Cast iron 3 ornately designed circular pieces fit concentrically inside each other and are roughly 7 inch 13 inch and 16 inch wide. Marked Patented Dec 11 1900 - Dec 24 1901 6B on backside of largest ring smallest ring has Patent Applied For. I can't find the corresponding patent however. At some point was painted red then painted black on top and some red is showing on worn spots. Good 50-100 DCR463 |
6801-147 SUPREME IRON jeweler's anvil. 4-one-half inches wide painted red mounted on 6 inch x 3 inch x one-half inch steel block. Good 35-70 NCY23 |
*6801-148 Cast iron level holder. That's my best guess. It appears to attach to a bench or wall and the top is slightly sloped with Level Here and 418 cast into body. Rusty but presumably will still hold your level just fine. Good- 25-50 ASY72 |
6801-149 Lot of three small anvils. Two with 5-one-half inch long faces 3 inches tall some surface rust but look barely used. And a taller one with nearly 6 inch long face and 5 inches tall. All unmarked. Good 50-100 HAN670 |
6801-150 Utility rings. That's my best guess likely used in barns in mortar or beams to fasten ropes and horses through the rings. 2 inch long tapered pins with 1-one-half inch wide rings. Look manufactured with some japanning on most. 7 total. Good 35-70 PNG40 |
*6801-151 Broad axe. 14 inch long edge with 32 inch handle light pitting and surface rust but edge good. Unmarked and likely smith made with small casting flaws. Tight crack near top in edge. Good- 25-50 CVR22 |
6801-152 WITHERBY slick. 4 inch edge with a little life left 20 inches long total with 5-one-half inch handle. Some discoloration but no pitting sharp edge. Good 30-60 SPM897 |
6801-153 MWA presentation axe. Has decorative carvings 4 inch edge on aluminum head 31 inch handle a few dirt smudges. Good 30-60 RRT785 |
*6801-154 WITHERBY chisel. 2-one-half inch edge highly pitted 14 inch turned handle. Good- 25-50 RER8 |
*6801-155 Cooper's chamfer knife. Has what looks like partial mark I can't read 6-one-fourth inch edge wood handle ok some light pitting on metal. Good 25-50 SPM17 |
6801-156 Lot of two STANLEY hatchets. One is a foursquare on one side and sweetheart mark on other side with 3-three-fourths inch edge and slightly worn handle. Other has notched rectangle mark with 3 inch edge partial stamp on handle with wear. Both have light surface rust spots. Good 30-60 DOR252 |
6801-157 Side axe with nail hole. 5 inch edge has crack in body near nail hole looks old and smith made. Handle worn with inactive worm. Good- 30-60 CDG222 |
*6801-158 D router. 9-one-half inches wide body unmarked but nicely made cutter held nickel plated thumbscrew and washers on one side connected to brass loop holding cutter. Wood lacquer quite worn but cutter good and sharp. Good 20-40 MSV118 |
6801-159 Laminated D router. 11 inch wide body with two mahogany layers and what looks like cross-grain oak in between them. Several screws and screw holes in body many have cracks through them cutter held with brass plates and large wingnut user stamps sveral times wear to wood. Good- 30-60 SPM650 |
6801-160 Cast iron router. Unmarked but looks manufactured massive 14-one-half inch wide body has two worn and chipped knobs one has crack as well seven-sixtheenths inch cutter held with slot screw pitting and a few holes in sole surface rust. Good 30-60 GST318 |
6801-161 Type 6 STANLEY No. 71 router. Knobs have some scratching and wear plating 70 percent with a few rust spots has pointed cutter 4 hangholes in body and missing depth stop. Good 30-60 TWR357 |
6801-162 Type 7 STANLEY No. 71 router. 3 cutters looks to be all there plating 60 percent with some rust knobs have wear. Good 60-100 OVR133 |
6801-163 SARGENT No. 62 router. Early type with no adjustment screw cutter looks like replacement missing depth stop knob lacquer has wear and chipping nickel plating 90 percent. Good 50-100 JCI108 |
6801-164 STANLEY No. 71-one-half router. Type 4 wood has light wear plating 90 percent one-half inch cutter. Good 60-120 TWR180 |
6801-165 JOHNSON patent clapboard gauge. Patented by Monroe Johnson of Pittsburg KS on 3-16-1886. Unmarked but has fish tail wingnut and wood handle. Wear to lacquer on handle a few spots of light pitting no plating otherwise a nice example of an uncommon tool. Good 40-80 BSR523 |
6801-166 STANLEY No. 69 hand beader. One cutter plating 70 percent handle a little dirty. Good 60-120 TWR262 |
6801-167 Lot of two STANLEY No. 89 clapboard gauges. Plating decent on both a few spots of rust on wingnuts wood has light wear. Good 35-70 BSR |
6801-168 STANLEY No. 83 cabinet scraper. Superclean with lightly worn beach handles roller in good shape plating 95 percent. Good 40-80 PNG93 |
6801-169 KENOSHA KLOSED KROTCH tailor square. Manufactured by COOPER UNDERWEAR CO. 36 inches long with 10 inch arms one fixed and one sliding. Marked Patent Applied For with standard chest measurements on both sides of sliding arm and trunk sizes on stem. Moderate wear and staining. If you feel like making your own underwear this square is for you. Good 50-100 RRT191 |
6801-170 NARRAGANSETT MACHINE CO. calipers. 100 centimeter stem marked also in inches with 7 inch arms the sliding arm has nearly complete gold colored label for Narragansett Machine Co. Providence RI which dates it prior to 1890. Light wear and a few chips and stains. Good 40-80 JRI |
6801-171 Lot of four rules. Two log rules a STANLEY No. 43-one-half with wear to lacquer and a LUFKIN No. 08N with light wear. And a LUFKIN No. 8151 tailor curve mild staining. Plus an unmarked cask rod 36 inches long square boxwood body marked in inches on two sides and wine gallons on one side brass lined tip. Good 50-100 PLH3036 |
6801-172 T-bevel. Nicely made from mahogany and brass 17-seven-eighths inch body with 16-three-eighths slotted blade that is brassbound. Large iron locking wingnut looks handforged. Good 40-80 REW1003 |
6801-173 Lot of two wooden measuring tools. A STANLEY No. 85-one-half panel gauge marked with the patent date but not the model number as was typical. Light wear especially on head. And cooper's dividers made from sincle piece of bent wood square wood nuts lock arms in place points on both ends. Good 50-100 GFR208 |
6801-174 Lot of three STANLEY four square pocket tapes. A No. 3306 traces of japanning and logo painted white tape clean. A No. 1166 light wear and about half the red paint left on logo tape has some wear. And a No. 7366 moderate wear but red paint on four square ok tape a little stained. Good 40-80 TWR256 |
*6801-175 Patternmaker's outside calipers. 9-one-half inch brass body unmarked scissor type handles a few spots of tarnish. Good 25-50 REW1022 |
6801-176 KEUFFEL and ESSER parallel rule No. 1782. Ebonized hardwood 12 inch edges with nickel plated hinges light wear and a few small scratches but generally clean four pieces of tape on backside that could be carefully removed. Good 30-60 GST384 |
*6801-177 Drill. Unmarked inside solid bulbous handle there is a steel tube that holds bits and has 5 inch bit gear has about half its red paint dirty. Gear handle is replaced celluloid one. Good- 20-40 ASY85 |
6801-178 STANLEY No. 748 breast drill. Japanning 85 percent two jaw chuck level vial wet wood ok some surface rust. Good 35-70 BWH80 |
*6801-179 STANLEY Victor No. 744 breast drill. Japanning ok on one side of gear but missing on other side and on breast plate wood worn missing one screw two jaw chuck rusty. Good- 20-40 ECN126 |
*6801-180 Lot of two STANLEY No. 130A Yankee screwdrivers. Handles worn some spots of rust one with flat head and other with Phillips head plating 80 percent. Good 20-40 ASY140 |
*6801-181 Lot of two hand tools. MILLERS FALLS No. 51 hand drill 8 bits in handle clean with light wear and red looks repainted. Plus a STANLEY No. 82 cabinet scraper wear spots on lacquer japanning ok. Good 25-50 PLT103 106 |
6801-182 Lot of two tool handles. One is marked with 8-12-1884 patent date corresponding to G.W. WRIGHT likely made by SARGENT with 10 bits in handle light wear one small chip and plating 80 percent. And smaller one unmarked but similar in style with 8 bits waer to wood and 60 percent plating. Good 40-80 GFR179 |
6801-183 Lot of tool handles. An uncommon example of THAYER'S patent square chuck ratcheting handle marked on backside with 12-25-1883 patent date plating 85 percent wear to wood handle no bit. And a BUELL BROS moderate wear and some rust 6 tools. Good 50-100 GAN5607 |
6801-184 Lot of 3 hand drills. A MILLERS FALLS No. 38 90 percent japanning and label wood lightly worn. A CRAFTSMAN near complete japanning and label 8 bits in handle. And a GOODELL PRATT No. 5-one-half japanning 85 percent wood has light wear. All clean with 3 jaw chucks. Good 40-80 MHT |
6801-185 Lot of three EAGLE SQUARE framing squares. A No. 18 clean and No. 100 rusty. And one marked HAWES PATENTED STEEL HandB which is presumably Silas Hawes' 12-15-1819 patent predecessor to the Eagle Square Company. Faint markings and some rust spots. Good- and better 50-100 LEE40 143 |
6801-186 Lot of four framing squares. Two by SARGENT a No. 14B and a No. 5. A PSandW No. 0300 with 8-16-81 patent date on it. And a brass plated one by BLUEGRASS looks more modern than the others. All clean with the PSandW having a few spots of rust. Good 35-70 BFS369 |
6801-187 ROBERT SORBY infill try square. 12 inch steel handle with what looks like worn mahogany infill in two oval shapes 21-one-half inch edge with stamped notches on one side but no numbers ROBT SORBY SHEFFIELD stamped on other side. Surface rust spots and some wear. Good- 60-120 CLA368 |
6801-188 Lot of three STANLEY combination squares. A DEFIANCE No. 1221 with 80 percent red japanning left a No. 122 with wet vial 85 percent japanning 5C stamp on head. And a No. 21-one-half rule is marked faintly No. 21 but head looks like 21-one-half 70 percent plating. All have some rust spots No. 122 is cleanest. Good 40-80 SAN281 |
6801-189 Lot of 3 try squares. All unmarked but look English 10-one-half inch 4-one-half inch and 3 inch blades with rosewood handles. All worn with some chips blades have pitting. Good- 30-60 BHR579 585 606 |
6801-190 Lot of three STANLEY No. 20 try squares. 12 inch 6 inch and 4-one-half inch sizes all marked Stanley. Handles have some light wear largest has most wear to wood some spots of light pitting on blades. Good- and better 40-80 BHR569 596 605 |
*6801-191 Wing dividers. Look smith made with 12 inch legs flat locking thumbscrew some light rust. Good 25-50 ACS111 |
6801-192 Lot of two WINTERBOTTOM patent mitre and try squares. A No. 1 Type 1 with 4 inch blade and No. 2 Type 2 with 6 inch blade. Some wear and light pitting on No. 1 especially plus staining on wood. No. 2 wood is cleaner. Good 50-100 BHR588 616 |
6801-193 STARRETT No. 490 combination square and protractor. Japanning 90 percent 12 inch rule has a few spots of tarnish vials wet. Good 30-60 COL237 |
*6801-194 Dividers. Iron look smith made 12 inch legs partial mark may be initials fairly clean. Good 25-50 RSH534 |
*6801-195 Lot of two STANLEY transitional planes. A No. 129 Liberty Bell knob and tote have cracks vee mark on cutter Type N stamp on toe japanning 80 percent and chip off side of tote tip. And a No. 26 with sweetheart cutter with some rust 75 percent of decal on toe japanning 90 percent wood has light wear. Good 20-40 HOO29 31 |
6801-196 SARGENT No. 3426 transitional plane. Circle mark on cutter japanning retouched a few chips and stains on wood tote ok. Hanghole at toe. Good 30-60 NHN |
6801-197 STANLEY No. 31 transitional plane. Type 1 stamp with eagle user name stamped below Bailey patent cutter with some rust spots. Wood has some dings stains chips on tip of tote and sole has water damage on back half and tight crack at toe but no chipping. Throat good. Good- 35-70 BEN |
*6801-198 Lot of two European horn planes. An ULMIA hollow and a round with SHUTZ Famos decal behind horn. Both cut 2 inches with some light wear and staining. Good 20-40 CLA192 193 |
6801-199 STANLEY No. G30 wood bottom plane. Marked only No. G30 at toe cutter marked Stanley and Gage Self Setting Plane tip of tote cracked off below metal plate knob good light chipping at toe as typical but otherwise sole is good. Has Stanley plaque nailed to body behind frog. Good- 30-60 TWR312 |
*6801-200 Lot of two user made veneer scrapers. Both have triangular bodies roughly 20 inches long with 1-one-half inch wide cutters screwed at front. One has handle other has additional one-eighth inch cutter at toe presumably for grooving. Good 20-40 CLA471 |
*6801-201 J.R TOLMAN coffin plane. B mark 2 stars. 7-one-eighth inch sole with 1-five-eighths inch PROVIDENCE TOOL CO. cutter. Wear age checks and cracks staining. Good- 20-40 REW927 |
6801-202 H.G. STILLEY coffin plane. B mark 4 stars. Made of rosewood 9 inch sole 1-three-fourths inch cutter rusty at top so mark illegible. A couple deep chips in sole scrapes on cheeks and some paint overall wear. Stilley was a carpenter joiner ship builder originally from Cincinnati who made planes in San Francsico from mid-to-end of the 19th century. Good- 40-80 GFR148 |
*6801-203 Coffin plane. Oval body with rounded toe and heel unmarked 1-three-fourths inch cutter also unmarked. Some staining and wear. Good 15-30 HOO32 |
*6801-204 Thin bodied rabbet plane. Unmarked one-eighth inch cutter and one-fourth inch wide body cracks in wood skate wedge has finial broken off. Some staining. Good- 20-40 HOO48 |
6801-205 Lot of three molding planes. A double boxed quirk ovolo by TJ M'Master light wear and a few chips in boxing. And two by BARRY and WAY including a sash plane with mild wear and a few checks at toe including one in the corner of body and a 1-one-half inch skew rabbet plane some wear and spots of rust. Good 30-60 GAN5611 |
6801-206 Pair of side rabbet planes. Made by ARTHINGTON Manchester wedges lightly chewed and a few dings otherwise a nice matched pair. Good 40-80 JBN166 |
6801-207 SANDUSKY case molding plane. Toe marked both 54-three-fourths and 43-one-eighth user name light wear and has been waxed. A few age checks at heel. Good 30-60 GFR363 |
6801-208 GARDNER and BRAZER double side bead. 3 star maker double cutters but one is significantly shorter than other at end double boxed wedges lightly chewed boxing has a few cracks user stamps gouge in one cheek Good 40-80 CLA |
6801-209 MARSHALL triple blade molding plane. Cuts a fillet in the middle with astragals on either side two escapements on right cheek and one on left cheek. Well made and in decent shape. Good 50-100 DTN221 |
6801-210 Lot of 8 beading planes. All but two are fully boxed remainder are single boxed center beads and side beads. One by OHIO TOOL and the rest European including MOIR DEELEY J. MILLER. Light to moderate wear some boxing has cracks. Good- and better 50-100 CLA |
6801-211 SIEGLEY plow plane. Similar to the one in PTAMPIA I Figure 110a but missing its fence depth stops and cutter locking thumbscrew. Handle is replaced. Traces of japanning and chip in skate ahead of throat. Fair 30-60 HNL942 |
*6801-212 STANLEY No. 192 rabbet plane. Earlier type with ivy handle and semi-circle mark on cutter cap screw looks later. Surface discoloration on sole japanning 80 percent. Good 25-50 CVR301 |
6801-213 STANLEY No. 289 filletster and rabbet plane. Script mark on body sweetheart cutter missing fence japanning repainted. Depth stop screw is knurled-edge flathead replacement. Good- 40-80 HNL708 |
6801-214 STANLEY No. 141 bull nose plow plane. Later model with Stanley cast into fence. Missing bullnose attachment otherwise complete with 70 percent nickel plating. Some traces of rust especially on rods no cutters except the filletster bed one. Small dings to wood. Good 100-200 HNL491 |
6801-215 STANLEY No. 15-one-half tailed block plane. Early type Bailey cutter with unmarked lateral japanning retouched. Has washer holding forks of what appears to be a replacement ball and fork and replacement throat adjuster under brass knob. Chip in right cheek and in throat surface discoloration and pitting on sole. Good- 40-80 KDL125 |
6801-216 STANLEY No. 90 bullnose rabbet plane. Sweetheart mark on cutter and hand-ee grip on sides. Cutter and throat good nickel plating is 70 percent. Good 50-100 KDL72 |
*6801-217 STANLEY No. 101 block plane. Japanning 75 percent two-line mark on cutter nick in edge. Good- 10-20 ASY66 |
*6801-218 STANLEY No. 75 bullnose rabbet. Early type with delicate screwcap and semicircle mark on cutter japanning 70 percent. Throat ok. Good 25-50 CVR388 |
6801-219 STANLEY No. 130 reversible block plane. Cutter can be reversed for bullnose work. S casting marks on bed and lever cap patent dates also cast into bed. Japanning 70 percent arched mark on cutter that has some nicks plain lever cap. Good 40-80 CVR375 |
6801-220 Patternmaker's plane. Cast iron body with no markings brass cast Chaplin style lever cap and frog with triangle shaped brass cap screw 2 inch CHARLES BUCK cutter. Sole has cutout sections and a dovetail at sole that fits into notch in wood bottom. Wood bottom attached with screw behind throat and at toe and is marked with number 48 at heel. Rosewood tote has repaired crack at tip and chipping knob has dinging chip at heel of wood bottom. Different but well made. Good 40-80 UNK |
6801-221 FULTON No. 414C jack plane. Made by Sargent and equivalent to their No. 414 this one is in nice shape with 90 percent japanning good wood light wear. Good 35-70 JCI140 |
6801-222 WINCHESTER No. 3030 corrugated fore plane. Equivalent to the Stanley No. 6 looks to be made by Sargent. Has had the last few inches of heel cut off tip of tote missing and wood has moderate dinging and wear. Properly marked cutter line carved in one cheek traces of japanning. Good- 50-100 CVR194 |
6801-223 BAILEY TOOL CO. No. 4 bench plane. Looks like the plane on pg. 65 of PTAMPIA I but with Bailey Tool Co. lever cap shown on pg. 66 of the same volume. Solid adjusting knob marked with William's patent. Has replacement Stanley sweetheart cutter but chip breaker is marked Defiance tip of tote missing dings and gouges in wood and paint spots. Rust and discoloration to metal throat has small chip. Good- 100-200 PNG106 |
6801-224 STANLEY No. 130 reversible block plane. Cutter can be reversed for bullnose work. Japanning 85 percent with a paint spot on lever cap sweetheart cutter some wear but throats ok. Good 35-70 CVR374 |
6801-225 STANLEY No. 15 block plane. Looks like a Type 14 with B casting marks J mark on cutter japanning 90 percent but only traces of nickel on lever cap. Throat has nicks. Good 35-70 JCI145 |
6801-226 CHAPLIN No. 1205 smoothing plane. Has properly marked blade. lever cap lateral adjuster and tote but body is unmarked knob replaced with brass disc at the base corrugated sole and body look like they have a layer of veneer on them some rust to metal. Good- 30-60 CVR152 |
6801-227 Lot of two wide throw iron braces. Both unsigned and smith made one with an unusual angular design and 19 sweep good rotating wooden head the other has a 17 sweep and good pear-shaped wooden head both have thumbscrew locking chucks. Good plus 50-100 REW94 103 |
6801-228 Lot of four ratcheting braces. A SHAPLEIGH hardware with light wood grip and head 10 sweep super clean a MILLERS FALLS No. 34 with unusual 7 sweep and red stained wood a STANLEY No. 923 10 sweep and a Bell System No. 2101 marked Yankee but made by STANLEY 10 sweep. Good and better 40-80 BWH132 |
6801-229 Lot of two patented braces. A PECK STOWE and WILCOX NO. 1002 ratcheting bit brace. Has the ratcheting mechanism with flip-out pawls characteristic of 1880 era PSandW braces and usually attributed to Ellrich's patent good rosewood grip the head is brass with rosewood infill which we've never seen before 8 sweep. And a good clean example of the L.L. DAVIS brace with Bolen's patented ratchet early type with brass collar gutta perch grip 10 sweep. Good plus 80-150 REW46 53 |
6801-230 Lot of three iron braces. Two have the spring-activated chuck lever originally developed by Jeremy Taylor and the subject of the earliest American brace patent both look manufactured but unsigned 9 and 10 sweeps and a smith made brace with thumbscrew locking chuck. Good and better 40-80 REW90 91 |
6801-231 Lot of two patented braces. A clearly marked and uncommon example of HILDRETH'S 1870 patent manufactured by Hildreth in South Adams 10 sweep and we're throwing in an example of STREETER's 1855 patent missing the cam that should be inserted from the side. Rating is for the Hildreth. Good plus 60-100 REW35 38 |
6801-232 Lot of two unhandled screw-arm plow planes. One by HALL CASE and CO. with significant chipping to threads cracks in nuts and shoulders replaced wedge TILLOTSON cutter. And a SANDUSKY 116 with wear especially on fence and shoulders age checks moderate chipping on arms proper cutter. Both have rust on skates. Good- 45-90 HAN606 607 |
6801-233 H. CHAPIN UNION FACTORY No. 237 handled plow plane. Beech body with boxwood nuts light chipping on threads tote ok OHIO TOOL cutter. A few dings to body wedge replaced nuts good with light wear overall in clean condition. Good 50-100 BSR456 |
6801-234 Lot of two planes. An H. CHAPIN UNION FACTORY plow with locking thumbscrews crack at heel and in fence rusty skate wedge chewed. And an unmarked adjustable European sash plane large turned outer nuts and gear shaped inner nuts at center of body some chips on threads one finial on arm burned brass diamond shaped locking nuts on side fence. Some staining and wear. Good- 30-60 COL218 222 |
6801-235 SARGENT and CO handled screw-arm plow plane. Stamped 738 at toe but has rosewood arms nuts and shoulders with beech body and fence. SANDUSKY cutter bottom tip of tote broken off and smoothed over chip in boxing on fence a few stains skate clean moderate chipping on threads stains on wedge and user name. Good 60-120 DOR260 |
6801-236 CROW wedge-arm sash filletster. Canterbury mark on toe decorative molding on right cheek brass caps on arms with one having cross inlay boxwood wedges and beech body partially boxed sole. William and Edward Crow made planes from 1847 until the late 1880s Good 30-60 GAN5133 |
*6801-237 Locking arm plow. Unmarked with wooden thumbscrews brass diamond inlays on shoulders plain cutter white painted number on one cheek. Light wear and some chips. Good 25-50 NPL3 |
6801-238 GABRIEL wedge-arm plow plane. Marked Gabriel as well as initials IL and I. LOUTTIT. Some staining to wood wedges look like replacements brass caps on arms crack at toe. Good- 40-80 CLA802 |
6801-239 European style small plow. Roughly 6 inches long oak body with brass skate and iron threaded arms. Locking outer wingnuts with decorative wood scroll between them and inner knurled screws in middle of body. Some staining and cracks PEUGEOT FRERES cutter. Good 30-60 HAN605 |
6801-240 KEEN KUTTER tin sign. 27-three-fourths inch by 9-three-fourths inch enamel 90 percent some staining and yellowing corners have a few bends. Good 40-80 GST398 |
*6801-241 Lot of two bow saws. 14 inch x 17 inch frame with 7 inch toggle user stamps and a few scrapes and stains blade sharp. And a larger 21-one-half inch by 21 inch framed one with brass tightener rod at top wingnuts lock the blade some staining on one handle. Good 25-50 RRT783 |
6801-242 Framed print. Looks to be an original engraving of the GOSS and PHILLIPS MANUFACTURING CO. of Chicago which made doors sash blinds mouldings stairs etc. from 1850-1880s. Inside black and gold 13 inch by 10 inch frame yellowing of paper and backing. Paper on backside of frame stamped C.H. ReQua Mellody Rd Lake Forest Ill which dates the framing to 1950s. Good 30-60 MHT |
6801-243 Framed STUDLEY poster. Tool Chest Legacy poster inside nice gold painted 29-one-half inch x 23-one-half inch frame slight yellowing of paper. Good 30-60 JSW33 |
6801-244 Inlay woodworking sample boards. Some talented woodworker put together two boards showcasing the many different inlay patterns he was capable of making with holes at the top of the boards for hanging or carrying. 24 patterns in all in octagonal shapes. Good 40-80 DCR410 |
6801-245 STANLEY instructional posters. 7 educational charts Nos. 102 108 110 111 113 114 118. All mounted on cardboard with wax paper coating. Good 30-60 ECN226 |
*6801-246 WOODWORKERS COMPANION poster. 1994 reprint by John Walter some crinkling at one corner. Good- 15-30 BFS151 |
6801-247 Lot of STANLEY and Colonial Williamsburg promotional and commemorative items. Two Stanley Works limited edition posters 707 and 935 out of 950 have creases from rolling. Stanley Tools Full Line Catalog in plastic from 1989. 8 Stanley decking hammer placemats some of the rubber foam backing is flaking. Colonial Williamsburg Tools poster and canvass bag. Roger Smith Stanley Alphabet reprint. Stanley 150th anniversary postcard tool list and two pocket tapes. Two packs of Stanley racing cards. And a laminated cutout of a hand plane keychain. Good 50-100 PTL99 100 101 |
6801-248 Lot of three rules. Two by RABONE a No. 1380 highly worn with tarnish to brass and only one pin and other is a two foot two fold No. 1226 with stains and wear slightly sprung pin ok. And an unmarked two fold two foot with wear and stains smoothed over chip in edge. Good- 30-60 CLA372-374 |
6801-249 Lot of three English rules. All two foot two fold. A RABONE No. 1168 a BRADBURN and SONS scale rule and one only marked Made In England. All have a stain or two Bradburn has most wear and staining pins ok. Good 40-80 WOL852 |
6801-250 RABONE and SONS No. 1179 boxwood rule. Four fold two foot rule with beveled edge light wear pins ok and one end slightly sprung. Good 50-100 LBD45 |
6801-251 Lot of three drafting rules. A triangle scale rule marked J.W. SMITH COVENTRY and two straight edges marked STANLEY and B.J. HALL and CO both London. All have light wear but generally clean. Good 35-70 WOL850 |
6801-252 Lot of four small rules. A 3 fold 1 foot marked only Made in England wear and staining. A small 3 foot wooden zig zag rule unmarked light staining. RABONE brass caliper rule marked No. 1472. And a small brass zig zag rule 100 centimeters in length marked TF in a circle some bending but generally clean. Good 40-80 WOL841 |
6801-253 A. STANLEY and CO. boxwod rule. Not marked but it looks like it could be a No. 5. Highly worn with chips and stains but has its pins. Someone has deeply and largely carved the inch numbers and markings. Does have authentic A. Stanley mark. Some tarnish to brass. Fair 100-200 RUS392 |
6801-254 Shoe rule. Unmarked 12 inch boxwood rule with brass slide inside and one caliper that flips up to allow for measurement of shoe size. A few cracks chips and stains. Good- 40-80 WOL751 |
6801-255 Lot of two RABONE No. 1462 caliper rules. One with rounded end ruled on both sides and other flat with advertisement for CandA SIMMS Engineers on backside. Wear on both and a few stains. Good 40-80 WOL842 |
6801-256 STANLEY No. 87 rule. Four fold two foot. German silver trim has some wear and slight tarnish some yellowing and several cracks in body has only one pin. Hinges work smoothly. Good- 75-150 KDL1008 |
6801-257 STANLEY No. 3 caliper rule. 1 foot 2 fold brass bound boxwood rule. One of Stanley's rarer rules manufactured from 1900-1917. Missing one pin some light wear and a few stains but overall in decent shape. Good 80-160 JCI133 |
*6801-258 STANLEY aluminum plaque. Orange paint with notched rectangle mark on it two holes on either side for nails. Made in USA under Stanley logo. Clean. Good plus 25-50 DHS |
6801-259 Lot of three mortise gauges. One by DISSTON and MORSS and other two unmarked. All with wear and dinging points ok. Disston and Morss has groove in side of stem from locking thumbscrew and one larger chip on stem. One has wood thumbscrew others brass. Good- and better 30-60 CGD |
6801-260 Lot of two ULMIA gauges. A mortise gauge with rule on one side marked Made in Germany. And a four-stem marking gauge with rules in all the stems locking thumbscrews points face in all four directions on square head. Good 40-80 BWH131 |
6801-261 Lot of three rosewood mortise gauges. Two are STANLEY No. 77 one marked with number and other with patent date. One is unmarked with fixed pin broken off. All have some wear and scratching. Good- and better 30-60 JRI439-441 |
6801-262 Lot of two mortise gauges. One marked MARPLES other unmarked with concentric circles decoration. Both have some wear and dinging especially on Marples. Points worn on unmarked one. Good 30-60 JRI433 |
6801-263 Ebony mortise gauge. Ultimatum style with locking center screw brass inlaid circle on oval head points ok some chips and wear unmarked. Good 35-70 WOL819 |
6801-264 Lot of two measuring tools. A fully brass bevel with 7-one-half inch body and 6 inch blade unmarked. And brass and steel calipers one fixed point and one locking with tiny thumbscrew on 7-one-half inch long stem with some light surface rust. Good 35-70 ACS117 120 |
*6801-265 Lot of two small tools. 4-one-half inch long rabbet plane nicely carved but unmarked cuts three-eighths inch. And a 6 inch long marking gauge wood looks like mahogany with bone locking screw and white glass button on bottom point ok. Good 25-50 CAN26 28 |
6801-266 Brass stem mortise gauge. User name overstamped makers mark so all I can read is Sheffield. Ultimatum style with center locking screw round ebony head with inlaid brass circle on top light wear and points good. Good 40-80 WOL815 |
6801-267 ATKIN and SON mortise gauge. Rosewood body and square head locking screw on head and adjustment screw at end light wear and a few user stamps. Good 30-60 WOL817 |
6801-268 Boxwood mortise gauge. Unmarked with brass locking thumbscrew wood has some scratching and dinging otherwise nice. Good 30-60 PNG60 |
6801-269 Lot of two spokeshaves. A SIMONS style shave like the one in 6-3 bottom left on pg. 165 in Lamond. Has 60 percent plating and a Stanley cutter. And a STANLEY No. 65 chamfer shave with notched rectangle mark both fences and most of its japanning. Good 50-100 PNG83 86 |
6801-270 Lot of two STANLEY No. 66 hand beaders. Both nickel plated version with one having only traces and rust and other has 85 percent nickel. Both with straight fences only includes 12 cutters and 2 blanks with some surface rust. Good- and better 35-70 LEE56 |
*6801-271 Lot of two wood shaves. One with concave steel plated sole and 4 inch arms 2-one-eighth inch cutter. And one with flat steel plated sole and 2 inch cutter 4 inch arms. Both have some wear and chips. Good 20-40 CLA432 433 |
6801-272 Lot of two double bladed spokeshaves. A STANLEY No. 60 with semicircle marks on cutters japanning 50 percent and surface rust. And a CINCINNATI TOOL No. 2 -see Lamond pg. 241- with most of its japanning and sharp cutters. Good 35-70 UNK |
6801-273 STANLEY No. 62 reversible spokeshave. One of Stanley's less common shaves Type 1 all original japanning worn hang hole. Good 60-120 HNL1078 |
6801-274 STANLEY No. 80 and No. 80M cabinet scraper. 80M has sweetheart mark on tension bar other is plain both have about 75 percent japanning and a few scrapes. Good 30-60 SAN265 266 |
6801-275 Hand beader. Similar in design to a Windsor beader but larger and unmarked 12 inch across walnut with brass face plate and three rotating sets of cutters. Good plus 60-120 HNL608 |
6801-276 Lot of three brass spokeshaves. 1-three-eighths inch brass soles two convex and one flat. Unmarked with a few spots of tarnish. Good 30-60 RBN307 |
6801-277 STANLEY No. 73 razor edge spokeshave. Japanning 70 percent good sharp edge patent date on underside. Good plus 100-200 BSR548 |
6801-278 L. BAILEY No. 1 spokeshave. Has the original screw-eye and proper cutter. Japanning 60 percent. Good plus 125-225 BSR551 |
*6801-279 Lot of two wood planes. An unmarked 16 inch jack plane with sharp 2 inch ASH and CO cutter a few chips but tote good. And a OGONTZ TOOL coffin plane with 2-one-fourth inch SANDUSKY iron wear and staining and a few age checks. Good- and better 20-40 BEN24 |
6801-280 Panel raiser. Unmarked but looks European razee body with closed tote 2-one-fourth inch skewed GOLDENBERG cutter. Inactive worm. Good 35-70 JBN168 |
6801-281 JOHN BELL panel raiser. Bell worked in Philadelphia 1829-51 and this is his C mark. 2-three-fourths inch skewed BUTCHER cutter. Tote tip missing a few chips at top of toe and on fences age checks and staining. Good- 50-100 REW721 |
*6801-282 Lot of five wood planes. All unmarked includes nosing plane with missing wedge but has replacement piece stuck in there three-eighths inch and five-eighths inch round planes a smoother and a toothing plane with 3 large toothed cutter. Most look handmade. Some staining. Good- and better 25-50 ESY72 152 |
6801-283 Small filletster plane. Unmarked 5-one-half inch body with brass skate and brass edge on fence one-eighth inch cutter. Some staining and light wear otherwise in nice shape. Good 35-70 JBN174 |
6801-284 Side rabbet. 6 inch long body made of what looks like boxwood unmarked except for user initials 1 inch skew cutter with adjustable fences on either side with one bedded at angle. Steel lined sole and fence edges. Good 35-70 ACS92 |
*6801-285 D.R. BARTON tongue and groove plane. Double cutter plane but the groove cutter is missing marked four-eighths on heel some staining and a few rust spots. Good- 15-30 NHF313 |
6801-286 J.R. TOLMAN round planes. Both 9-one-half inches long and cut 1-one-fourth inch rounds one with MOULSON cutter and fairly clean body and cutter and other is WM. ASH and CO. cutter with wear and dings to body. Good- and better 35-70 GFR222 |
6801-287 Lot of eight MOSELEY and SON side beads. Not all one set as has a mix of user stamps all single boxed widths from one-fourth inch to 1 inch. Light wear some chewing on wedges a few have chips or cracks in boxing. Good 75-150 WOL809 |
6801-288 G. BERRY casemaker's molding plane. Looks similar to the illustration E in Whelan pg. 368. Fully boxed double cutters side adjustable depth stop has arched cutout between the two screws. A few scratches and dings but otherwise nice. Good 50-100 DTN |
6801-289 Lot of two GRIFFITHS OF NORWICH planes. A snipe bill plane left half side boxed clean. And the left half of a side round pair -see Whelan pg. 191- also clean. Good 35-70 THF340 |
6801-290 Lot of two double-bladed molding planes. A MATHIESON bevel-astragal-bead spring boxed some scratching on cheeks. And a G. HAY ogee-quirk-bead-bevel spring marked and double boxed a few cracks in boxing and light wear. Good 50-100 HAN640 |
6801-291 Lot of three side molding planes. A side rabbet by FAIRCLOUGH and CO. with some roughness to sole but nice patina. And what looks like a side snipe plane -see Whelan pg. 192- and a side bead both unmarked with light wear. Good 30-60 CLA |
6801-292 GERSTNER machinist chest. Small size at 16 inch x 12-one-half inch x 8-one-half inch and made of oak. 7 drawers front panel and top compartment all with gren lining. Locks marked Gerstner and a plaque on bottom drawer says Built by Gerstner and Sons Dayton O. USA. Also stamped on frame under bottom drawer. Diamond mirror in lid. Has 4 total Phillips head screws about 2 inches below corner protectors 2 on each side that are likely user additions. Some nickel plating on hinges and corner protectors rubbed off wood generally in above average condition. Has key. Good plus 175-300 ASY137 |
6801-293 STANLEY No. 888 tool chest. Has sweetheart plaque on outside and partial sweetheart decal on inside of one lid does not have sliding compartment but does have assortment of tools some might be original but can't guarantee it. Includes 2 claw hammers - one sweetheart and other unmarked 15 inch WHEELER MADDEN and CLEMSON saw No. 110 block plane No. 62 marking gauge chisel turnscrew screwdriver and square. Lids are slightly sprung so clasps don't catch some scratching and dings to wood looks restained. Good 200-300 TWR124 |
6801-294 Machinist chest. Gerstner style but unknown maker. 20 inch x 8 inch oak with 7 drawers green felt lined front panel slides underneath drawers no mirror. One drawer missing knobs lock detached but is inside box and needs key. Some wear to wood but clasps and hinges ok good handle. Good 75-150 KDL522 |
6801-295 Lot of catalogs and pamphlets. Varying conditions but most with light wear. STANLEY Catalog No. 34 1950 edition Rafter and Framing Squares pamphlet and photocopy of STANLEY Tool Box of the World educational woodworking plans. DISSTON Saw Tool and File pamphlet that looks to be from the1950s. A 1941 STARRETT Data Book for Machinists and a pocket notebook advertisining their band saws. SARGENT Nos. 1080 and 1085 manual. LUFKIN No. 8 catalog and 1955 price guide. A couple of circular saw manuals from 1937 1952 Handy Tips for Handy Men 1950 Power Tool Operating 1945 Millwork parts I II and III. 1920 edition of Railroad Curves and Earthwork by Allen and more. All inside a WARREN PAINT CO. box. Good- and better 100-200 RBN22 |
6801-296 Lot of three small boys' tool chests. ELITE TOOL CHEST No. 400 BOYS' TOOL CHEST O.K. No. 50 and BOYS UNION TOOL CHEST No. 45B. All have a variety of tools inside Elite has the most tools. Wood has wear but all have good labels. Good 75-150 RBN4 243 246 |
6801-297 GRAMERCY IMPORT CO. draftsman's kit. Complete and in unused condition with nine sets of compasses dividers etc. one with ebony handle spare pencil leads and additional points. In its original wooden box with 2400 plate. Made in Germany and probably dates to 1950s or 60s. User's name written on bottom in magic marker. Fine 50-100 MDY89 |
*6801-298 Lot of two SPEEDBALL linoleum cutters IOB. One with 3 handles and 3 cutters in green box other with 7 handles and several cutters plus 5 extra cutters in a box. Some wear to boxes. If you have some linoleum you've been waiting to cut here's your chance. Good 25-50 MDY337 |
6801-299 Watch repair tools. Inside cigar box are various watch parts and tools some with bone or ebony handles and a few very thin necklace chains. Good 50-100 MDY254 |
6801-300 STANLEY No. 55 combination plane. Plating 85 percent wood has light wear and a few chips in fence missing depth stops nickers and slitters. Has 2 cutter sets in boxes with 70 percent labels but no lids. Good- 100-200 ECN8 |
6801-301 STANLEY No. 41 Miller's Patent plow plane. Looks like Type 5 wraparound fence only japanning ok and some spots of rust. No cutters. Tote has light wear. Good- 75-150 JRI45 |
6801-302 STANLEY No. 45 combination plane. Type 2 with 70 percent japanning no slitter or depth stop fence and skate have replacement nickel plated thumbscrews. Wood has a few chips and wear one cutter spots of rust. Good- 35-70 DOR267 |
6801-303 STANLEY No. 50 light plow plane. Japanned version with scroll handle fence has patent date one cutter japanning 85 percent with some rust. One spot of white paint. Good 40-80 ECN6 |
6801-304 MARPLES No. M44 plow plane. Plating 85 percent red paint ok one cutter. Marples started making these in the 1930s. Good 50-100 LEE |
6801-305 STANLEY No. 378 weatherstrip and rabbet plane. Japanning 80 percent has all 3 depth stops and two brass collars one cutter. Some small rust areas. Good 50-100 GAN122 |
6801-306 STANLEY No. 148 match plane. Plating 70 percent unmarked seven-eighths inch cutters a few spots of rust. Good 50-100 ECN317 |
6801-307 STANLEY No. 46 dado plane. Has the auxiliary sliding section long rods and one cutter. Japanning 70 percent wood has light wear. Good 60-120 DOR286 |
6801-308 STANLEY No. 606C Bedrock fore plane. Flat top sides japanning 90 percent two patent dates behind frog sweetheart mark on cutter. Tall knob has a spot or two of paint light wear on tote light surface rust spots. Good 100-200 BWH35 |
6801-309 SARGENT VBM No. 422C jointer plane. Japanning 90 percent wood has light wear and a few small nicks properly marked cutter and VBM lever cap. Good 50-100 DOR291 |
6801-310 STANLEY No. A4 aluminum bench plane. Sweetheart on cutter patent date behind frog tall knob and tote have moderate wear surface rust on cutter and lever cap traces of plating on cap typical dinging to body and scratching on sole. Good 50-100 PLH271X |
6801-311 STANLEY No. 4-one-half wide bench plane. Japanning 90 percent vee mark on cutter plain lever cap wood has light wear spots of rust but throat and sole ok Good 60-120 GAN |
6801-312 STANLEY No. 604C Bedrock smoothing plane. Type 3 with Type 4 lever cap wood has light wear japanning 95 percent overall clean. Good 100-200 HEN31 |
6801-313 STANLEY No. 289 rabbet and filletster plane. Sweetheart cutter japanning 70 percent with rust script mark on cheek fence looks proper. Good 125-200 HNL1066 |
6801-314 STANLEY No. 378 weatherstrip and rabbet plane. Japanning 90 percent only two depth stops brass collars with one missing its thumbscrew notched rectangle cutter. Good 40-80 FNK162 |
6801-315 STANLEY No. 112 cabinet scraper plane. Low knob hardwood tote missing half its lacquer Stanley mark on cutter japanning 90 percent with some surface rust on cheeks. Discoloration on sole. Good 50-100 SAN81 |
6801-316 Lot of two wood clamps. A mitre jack 15 inches tall and 7 inches wide has vee shaped piece of wood attached to backside. Screws and body have a couple chips dings and scrapes to body as well. Plus a round wood screw clamp screw rod is 17 inches long with 3 inch wide bulbous shaped jaws that screw together. Good- 30-60 ACS67 71 |
6801-317 Combination croze and sun plane. That's my best guess. One side has vee shaped croze cutter to cut groove into which the barrel head fits other side has 2-one-half inch skewed cutter presumably to level the stave ends. Unmarked a couple of cracks in head and groove on both sides from wear. Handle worn and loose. Large thumbscrew locks the vee cutter other one held by square bolts. Good- 30-60 RUS389 |
6801-318 Lot of two cooper's tools. A howell with 2 inch cutter backside is highly eaten away from inactive worm but it has a replacement body with it all you have to do is move the howell head and cutter to new base to use again. Plus a post croze with some chipping on head scratches on body toothed cutter. Good- and better 30-60 CVR558 |
6801-319 Mitre jack. 13 inches tall with laminated jaws some wear to lacquer a few dings and scrapes nicely made. Good 30-60 MDY |
6801-320 Core box plane. User made. 3 inch x 3-five-eighths inch body with 5 inch and 2-one-fourth inch wings that make the plane 6 inch by 8-one-half inch total. Center part partially painted black and end is shorter than wings tote and knob look to be from a bench plane with chip off end of tote. Good- 30-60 CLA520 |
*6801-321 Cooper's croze and howell. Both unmarked and worn. 2 inch cutter on howell with metal plate nailed to body where there is typically wear. Croze has 2-one-fourth toothed cutter 14-one-half inch body some wear and looks relacquered. Good- 25-50 CVR |
*6801-322 Core box plane. 5-one-half inch x 6-one-half inch user made missing tote several screw holes in body. Wood may be mahogany. Good- 25-50 HEN143 |
6801-323 J. STEVENS complex molding plane. 3 star mark marked seven-eighths on heel but cuts 1-five-eighths astragal-cove-astragal-reverse ogee pattern. Spring marked and double boxed. Light wear and a few chips and cracks in boxing. NEWBOULD cutter. Good 50-100 DTN219 |
6801-324 Lot of two CALLENDER and CO staircase builder planes. A marks on both with screwed-on fences - one straight one angled - and 1-one-fourth inch ogee soles. Both marked 18 at heel with same user marks. Crack in one fence light wear. Good 100-200 DTN222 |
*6801-325 Lot of three European molding planes. One marked P.D. with crown one marked ADH and one marked with Greek letters. All have carvings similar to Dutch planes wood rough and worn. Two are rabbets one is a tongue plane. Good- 20-40 NHF279 283 284 |
6801-326 Lot of four molding planes. A single boxed ogee bevel by J.H. VAJEN 4 star hardware dealer in Indianapolis in the mid 1800s. A fenced tongue plane by A. INGLIS 2 star mark fence has some repairs and chips. A hollow plane by JACOB HEISS 2 star mark early 19th century planemaker in Lancaster PA. some wear and wedge chewed. And a rabbet by VAN BAUN a 4 star maker circa 1818 in Philadelphia some paint on cheeks. Wear and staining on all. Good- 100-200 WCS38 |
*6801-327 CASEY and CO sash plane. Double cutter sash ovolo spring marks age checks wedges a little chewed. Good 25-50 JBN177 |
*6801-328 Lot of five wooden planes. Three molding planes including a 1 inch hollow and 1 inch side bead and a double boxed one-fourth inch center bead. Makers are GREENFIELD HOWLAND and AUBURN. Wear and staining on all. And two coffin planes including J. SAWYER -2 star- razee style body with 9 sole and unmarked one with 8 sole and Moulson Bros. iron both in highly worn condition with chips and repairs. Fair and better 20-40 DWH12 16 22 31 32 |
6801-329 French nosing plane. 11 inch body made of what appears to be boxwood with Double cutters form 1-one-fourth inch cut body consists of two halfs glued together with escapements in each cheek razee body with closed tote. Mark on toe looks like Aux Forges de Vulcain A. Paris. Wear some chips and age checks. Good 30-60 JBN175 |
6801-330 T. TILESTON tongue plane. F mark adjustable fence on right side of sole 1-five-eighths inch cutter makes three-eighths inch tongue. Some wear and chips cutter pitted. Good- 30-60 GFR11 |
6801-331 SAMUEL H. BIBIGHAUS panel raiser. D mark on 15 inch long beech body with two adjustable fences and 3 inch MOULSON cutter. Other than what looks like a smoothed over chip off tip of tote it appears barely used. User stamps in a few places. Good plus 50-100 ECN13 |
6801-332 Crown molder. Only mark other than user stamps is Extra Quality on toe but has 3-three-fourths inch OHIO TOOL cutter so is possibly an early Ohio Tool plane. Marked 50 on toe and 3-one-half on heel. Repaired corner of tip of tote. Light wear some staining on sole and body but no major damage. Good 60-120 RRT |
6801-333 TYZACK coachmaker's door plane. Coffin shaped body 6-one-fourth inch long sole 1-five-eighths inch C. NURSE and CO. cutter has nick at corner wear to wood and dinging at heel. Good 30-60 JBN173 |
*6801-334 Homemade rabbet plane. 12-three-eighths sole of which 1-one-half inch extends out past the body 2 inch cutter body has inactive worm and chips. Good- 15-30 RUS199 |
6801-335 T.J. MMASTER and CO tongue and grove pair. Both handled matching pair that cuts 1 inch tongue and groove light wear and a few scratches on bodies a couple stains one wedge replaced. Good 30-60 JBN176 |
*6801-336 H. CHAPIN UNION FACTORY No. 112 coffin plane. 8 inch sole with 2-one-eighth inch REYNOLDS BARBER and CO Clover Leaf cutter. Wood has wear some paint on sole. Toe has user stamps and year 1867 stamped into it. Good 20-40 DTN350 |
*6801-337 Lot of two jointer planes. Both 26 inch long one by SMITH COHU and CO -2 stars- with some chipping at front corner of sole wear to strike button 2-one-half inch BUCK cutter. And other by J. KELLOGG with some staining on right cheek 2-one-half inch BUTCHER cutter has a little life left tip of tote replaced scrapes on sole at toe. Good- and better 25-50 GAN283G |
*6801-338 Lot of two jointers. Both European and 22 inch long. One by MATHIESON light wear and some chips good strike button 2-one-half inch WARD cutter. And one by J. MILLER with 2-one-half inch MARPLES cutter highly worn at toe and top of wedge scrapes on tote. Good- and better 25-50 CLA571 577 |
6801-339 T. TOLMAN jointer plane. Mark is T-TOLMAN and is presumably T.J. TOLMAN of Hanover MA son of J.R. Tolman. 25-three-fourths inch body with 2-one-half inch MAW and STALEY iron. Generally clean except for a few dings on top of body and one chip in sole at toe. Good 30-60 GAN5609 |
*6801-340 G. DAVIS moving filletster plane. Overstamped by a user name but you can still make out the maker mark Davis made planes in London from 1823-72. Some stains on body and wear at toe of fence wedge may be replacement boxing ok. Large brass locking thumbscrew. Good 25-50 ETN3 |
6801-341 Lot of two moving filletsters. One is a No. 22 by MATHIESON other unmarked except for user names. Unmarked one has green paint on fence bottom both have some wear and dinging. Good 35-70 CLA |
6801-342 Lot of five brass plumb bobs. 8 inch to 3-one-half inch long mostly carrot shaped but one turnip one by GENERAL HARDWARE one by DIETZGEN and one a MILLERS FALLS No. 54 rest unmarked. Plus a small steel cylindrical one with dull point. Good 40-80 ECN120 |
6801-343 Lot of nine steel plumb bobs. Variety of shapes 5 inch to 2-three-fourths inch in lengths some with knurling a few with nickel plating. One marked STARRETT rest unmarked. A few with some light rust. Good 50-100 ECN121 |
6801-344 Lot of six plumb bobs. Steel cast iron and brass. Most turnip shaped 7 inch to 2 inch in lengths all unmarked. Wear and a little rust on a few. Good 35-70 GST |
6801-345 Massive plumb bob. Steel and weighs about 10 pounds roughly 11 inches long with knurling on upper half surface rust. Unmarked nearly 2 inch long tip. Good 40-80 PLH3019 |
-346 STANLEY No. 2 plumb bob. Brass moderately dinged with some tarnish reel unmarked. Good 50-100 CAN33 |
6801-347 Decorative plumb bob. 3-one-fourth inch long nicely made spinning top shaped brass body with a spot or two of tarnsih. Has wooden turned reel with it. Good 30-60 NHF111 |
6801-348 E.R. ROBERTSON patent bill poster's hammer. Magnetic tack hammers with clips used to post notice and bills on walls and poles. These came with various numbers of segments that could be screwed together to reach different lengths this is the two-part 36" modell that has a small VAUGHAN and BUSHNELL marks on clips. Some wear on nickel and wood but in overall nice shape. Good 75-150 GST |
6801-349 Lot of four STANLEY claw hammers. One with sweetheart mark a more modern light duty made in Mexico and one with notched rectangle mark. Plus a CHRO-MOLY with partial decal on handle. Most have wear especially on handles but modern one is clean. Good 40-80 TWR325 |
*6801-350 Lot of three hammers. One ball peen with bulbous end a handle planishing hammer with tapered handle marked GIERTON. And a claw hammer with worn handle and rusty head marked TRYTON. Good 25-50 HBD3 |
*6801-351 Lot of two tools. A tack hammer with most of its nickel plating and nice handle and a turnscrew made out of a file with decorative base and brass ferrule handle worn. Good 25-50 RSH533 |
6801-352 W. WHITEHOUSE cross peen hammer. Minty clean with original decals red painted handle end. Mint 30-60 JCI104 |
6801-353 UNION PICK mill thrift. Marked with January 24 1865 patent date. Used to make grooves in millstones marked D.C. STONE and CO. Kingston NY on 5 inch wide brass head 12 inch long handle worn blade. Good 40-80 RRT |
6801-354 HEBBLETHWAITE patented stepped-claw hammer. A good example of Hebblethwaite's first patent issue in 1888. Light wear and pink paint at base of handle. Good 50-100 JCI132 |
6801-355 Lot of seven wooden levels. Six are STANLEY- 30 inch No. 30 with vial adjustment cover missing a 24 inch No. 00 with vee mark a 24 inch No. 3 with paint splotch and hang hole a 26 inch No. 0 with replaced vial a 26 inch No. 3 and a 12 inch No. 102 with sweetheart. Plus an 18 inch single plumb by B.W.T. Co. buttom plumb vial cover missing. All at least good. Good and better 30-50 FNK50 258 261 262 263 266 |
6801-356 Lot of four wooden levels. Three by STANLEY - A 24 inch No. 324 in near fine condition and two older- a 26 inch No. 0 with sweetheart mark and a 30 inch No. 3. Plus an uncommon No. 3 level by J. SAND of Detroit that has been cut down to 24 inches. Good and better 35-70 FNK643 |
*6801-357 DAVIS and COOK No. 04 level. 18 inch second type vial enclosures with minimal rust wood has wear but no damage. Small hang hole. Good 20-40 BEN23 |
6801-358 Lot of two STANLEY No. 36 machinist's levels. Both 24 inch early versions without eclipse vial protectors or shafting grooves. One is the very uncommon variation in which the vials are all mounted on pivoting bases -see Rosebrook Figure 10-58-. That one has a chip from one corner otherwise near fine. Good plus 60-120 NHN153 |
6801-359 LOT OF TWO ENGLISH LEVELS. A 4 inch combined boxwood rule and level by E. Preston and Sons uncommon size in immaculate condition and an unmarked 9 inch rosewood and brass torpedo level with a few scratches. Good and better 40-80 PLH14X |
6801-360 Display board of wrenches. Approximately 35 wrenches tied to green pegboard inside frame. Makers include BILLINGS and SPENCER KING DICK MOSSBERG COCHRAN STILLSON COES and more. Most are bicycle and nut wrenches but a few are open ended and double ended plus a few tractor wrenches. Also has one combination hammer tap tool and a screwdriver with everlasting handle. Good 100-200 HNL368 |
6801-361 Lot of three self-adjusting wrenches. All based on the swivel-head principal. A 10 LARC-O-MATIC -Schulz No. 320- patented by John Larson and manufactured by Hedland Industries of Chicago very clean. And two that use the same adjustment mechanism 10 and 12 one marked Made in Germany the other unmarked. Good plus 50-100 MAG137 148 |
6801-362 Lot of three wrenches. All self-adjusting type. Two examples of BOULIEU'S 1910 patent -Schulz No. 362- as manufactured by the LAKE SUPERIOR WRENCH CO. of Sault Ste. Marie a 10 cast version marked patent applied for and a 5-one-half flat stock version marked with the patent date. Plus a WAKEFIELD Wizard double-ended No. 120 based on Oliver's 1one-halfone-half2 patent. All in decent condition noting that the Wakefield's jaws are a little spalled and the very tip of the longer Superior has been broken off. Good and better 50-100 MAG152 158 |
6801-363 BAY STATE ratchet and socket wrench No. 4 IOB. Wrench with all four square interchangeable bushings inside box with 90 percent label. Box has some wear but has been relacquered. Good 40-80 MSV110 |
6801-364 STANLEY TOOLS by John Walter. Revised edition paperback. Heavily used with wear to covers spine detached and partially missing but pages generally clean and all appear to be there. Fair 40-80 HZA |
6801-365 THE CARPENTER magazine. Published monthly by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. 18 issues from 1929 to 1931 most have some wear and dirt staples rusty at spines pages yellowed but generally ok. Good- and better 60-120 CLA3B |
6801-366 Lot of two STANLEY tool catalogs. A 1939 Catalog No. 139 super clean condition. And a February 20 1932 Price List for the No. 129 catalog with some wear to the back cover and writing on pages. Good and better 50-100 JCI101 |
6801-367 WITH HAMMER IN HAND by Hummel. First printing hardcover with no dustjacket clean and looks new. Good plus 100-200 CLA1B |
*6801-368 AUDELLS Carpenter and Builder's Guide. Theo. Audel was a New York publisher that issued a series of how-to books on the building trades sort of the Dummy's books of its time. This four-volume set was originally published in 1923 the 1947 reprint has flexible hardcovers and is in nice condition with all bindings tight pages slightly yellowed Good plus 30-50 BFS |
6801-369 Lot of three catalogs. A STARRETT No. 26 from 1938 light wear. A STANLEY No. 34 from 1936 in decent shape. And a HUNT'S No. 15A catalog for woodworkers from the 1940s very light wear. Good plus 60-120 CAN145 147 150 |
6801-370 Lot of four catalogs and pamphlets. A 1909 KEUFFEL and ESSER CO. catalog light wear especially on cover. AMERICAN STEEL and WIRE CO. no date but looks to be early with light wear. A WARREN KNIGHT CO. Wye Level instruction book clean. And a STANLEY steel square instruction pamphlet light wear. Good and better 50-100 CAN144 |
6801-371 Lot of two books. EXPLANATION OR KEY TO THE VARIOUS MANUFACTORIES OF SHEFFIELD 1975 EAIA publication hardcover with dustjacket pages clean but yellowing of dustjacket. And Salaman's DICTIONARY OF TOOLS 1975 first edition hardcover with no dustjacket. Some wear. Good 35-70 CLA2B |
6801-372 Dealer's lot of rules. Three brass ones including a STANLEY No. 17 LUFKIN No. 462 and a 6 inch caliper one marked No. 1466. And 11 boxwood ones including two-fold two-foot STANLEY No. 18 with hanghole Nos. 22 and 12 with scratching and staining No. 5 with a crack on one side and an UPSON No. 26 with wear. An unmarked 12 inch straight edge with various scales and calculaations looks early. A highly worn one-fold two-foot a STANLEY No. 42 ship rule a two No. 66-three-fourths one clean and one has light wear and a worn No. 66-one-half. As is no returns. Good- and better 150-300 HAN |
6801-373 Dealer's lot of chisels. 40 marked STANLEY most bevel edge including some marked No. 40 No. 750 Handyman many marked with patent 1493176 and everlasting handles. Plus a few marked OVB. Most have clean and sharp edges a few have nicks or chips some wear to handles overall in good user working condition. As is no returns. Good 200-400 TWR144 |
6801-374 Dealer's lot of cutters and wedges. Marks include a few OHIO TOOL a few STANLEY a BUTCHER an AUBURN TOOL and a few unmarked or illegible. 12 total and 2 inch to 2-one-half inch in widths. Plus 4 wedges two are 2 inches wide and 2 are 2-one-fourth inch. Rusty worn some chips and spalling. As is no returns. Good- 50-100 ASY |
6801-375 Dealer's lot of zig zag rules. 19 total. Makers include LUFKIN STANLEY GLOBE MASTER ECLIPSE and INTERLOX. Two metal rest hardwood. A few clean rest have mild to moderate wear or staining. As is no returns. Good- and better 50-100 FNK various |
6801-376 Dealer's lot of files handles and saw blades. 18 wood handles some with ferrules. 16 rasps and files of all sizes most unhandled. And 17 hacksaw blades most are rusty one marked STARRETT. As is no returns. Good 40-100 NCY15 25 |
6801-377 Dealer's lot of hammers. Mostly ball peen a few cobblers one KEEN KUTTER claw one by BROOKS COAL ICE CO. Other makers include VAUGHAN and BERYL CO. rest unmarked. As is no returns. Good 40-80 NW479 528 512 536 997 506 629 622 643 624 607 993 |