6604-001 |
6604-001 BUCK infill shoulder plane. Steel body with 7- three - fourths inch sole and 1- one-fourth inch cutter fill and wedge look like rosewood. Toe and cutter both have partial Tottenham Court Rd stamps likely made by Norris for Buck. Small chip in edge of throat dinging and pitting on cheeks and sole and some spots of rust. |
Good |
GAN170 |
100 |
200 |
6604-002 |
6604-002 Unsigned infill bullnose plane. Steel body with rosewood wedge 1 inch cutter marked with what looks like a whale but I could be wrong. Nice tight mouth with a few miniscule chips mild dinging and a couple spots of surface rust and some wear to wedge. |
Good |
ASG75 |
70 |
140 |
6604-003 |
6604-003 Infill shoulder plane. Polished brass body with ebony fill and wedge unmarked and could be user made. 1- one-fourth inch cutter sole is 7- three - fourths inches long slight wear at throat and some dings in heel. Staining on one cheek near throat and at heel a few spots of rust on cutter. |
Good |
ASG60 |
75 |
150 |
6604-004 |
6604-004 SPIERS steel cased rebate plane. three - fourths inch rebate with 9 inch sole rosewood infill and wedge Spiers Ayr and user mark stamped into toe. A few spots of dinging on cheeks metal polished light surface rust in a couple places wedge looks replaced cutter short. Has crack in fill at toe and heel throat looks slightly widened. |
Good- |
GAN171 |
80 |
160 |
6604-005 |
6604-005 STANLEY No. 13 flexible sole plane. Type 4 with first type lateral adjustment 1892 patent cutter japanning 50 percent. |
Good |
LHD92 |
90 |
150 |
6604-006 |
6604-006 STANLEY No. 47 adjustable dado plane. Early japanned type japanning 75 percent. Chips from upper horn of tote. No cutters. |
Good |
LHD82 |
100 |
200 |
6604-007 |
6604-007 STANLEY No. 50 light plow. Type 2. 60 percent japanning no cutters. |
Good |
PTL28 |
90 |
180 |
6604-008 |
6604-008 STANLEY No. 45 combination plane. Type 6. No cutters slitter or rear depth stop. Nickel about 70 percent crack in rosewood fence but wood otherwise good. |
Good |
PTL31 |
100 |
180 |
6604-009 |
*6604-009 WINCHESTER double end block plane. Made for Winchester by Sargent and is based on the No 227. 7- three - fourths inches long with 1- five - eights inch iron marked ñWinchester Trade Mark No. 3094.î Has about 60 percent japanning knob ok a couple chips in the throats. |
Good |
REW1169 |
20 |
40 |
6604-010 |
6604-010 STANLEY No. 2 plane. Circa Type 14 with notched rectangle on cutter. Significant pitting on rear left cheek and japanning bubbled there looks like it sat in water. |
Good- |
PTL6 |
75 |
150 |
6604-011 |
6604-011 STANLEY No. 48 swinging fence match plane. Type 1. Cutters unmarked may be from a different plane. Japanning 85 percent. Locking pin and other moving parts are stiff but nothing a little 3-in-1 oil wouldnt fix. |
Good plus |
PTL24 |
80 |
160 |
6604-012 |
6604-012 STANLEY No. 10- one-half bench rabbet plane. Early type with adjustable mouth. 1892 patent cutter - mark very faint - . theres an old repair to the left cheek where a mending plate has been pinned neatly across the break. The screw holding the lever cap has chunk missing hidden by the lever cap and the tote has roughness and a chip user name stamped in cheek. |
Good |
LHD79 |
75 |
150 |
6604-013 |
6604-013 EVANS patent flexible sole plane. Often mistaken for the later and more common Stanley No. 13 this plane was patented by George Evans of Maine in 1862 and manufactured by R.H. Mitchell. Brass plaque on the cheek is missing and theres a tight crack japanning mostly worn off Humphreysville cutter. |
Good |
LHD90 |
60 |
120 |
6604-014 |
6604-014 STANLEY No. 6 prelateral fore plane. Type 2 J mark on lightly pitted cutter tight crack in knob and end of tote rounded over japanning mostly gone but nickel good user name stamped lightly on cheek. |
Good |
LHD95 |
80 |
160 |
6604-015 |
6604-015 SIEGLEY No. 9C jointer. 19- one-half inch corrugated sole No. 9 cast into lever cap lateral adjustment original Siegley marked cutter tote has gunstock checkered pattern and some chips from end. Overall surface rust but no damage japanning 80 percent. |
Good |
PLH683 |
60 |
120 |
6604-016 |
6604-016 STANLEY No. 105 Liberty Bell jack plane. Type 3 1892 patent cutter japanning worn on lever cap otherwise 75 percent tote has some wear but no damage. |
Good |
LHD83 |
75 |
150 |
6604-017 |
6604-017 STANLEY No. 113 flexible sole plane. Primarily a Type 1 but front knob doesnt have patent date and cutter adjustment has only one aperture. Japanning 50 percent. |
Good |
LHD89 |
75 |
150 |
6604-018 |
6604-018 KEEN KUTTER No. K5- one-halfC jack plane. Made by Stanley with B casting mark original cutter with faint mark crack in right cheek small chip from end of tote japanning nearly intact. |
Good |
LHD80 |
60 |
120 |
6604-019 |
6604-019 CHAPLINS No. 1205 patented bench plane. Manufactured by Tower and Lyon corrugated sole non-adjustable throat proper original cutter hard rubber tote. See PTAMPIA I figure 199. Paint on knob worn nickel plating largely rubbed off four patent dates on left cheek partially worn. |
Good |
LHD85 |
75 |
150 |
6604-020 |
6604-020 STEERS No. 306 fore plane. Featuring Steers patented composite sole with dovetailed rosewood strips to reduce friction worn at the toe and with some chips gone but above average shape. Tote has been reglued and has a large chip from the end more problematic is a chip from the top of the left cheek right by the cutter. |
Good- |
LHD94 |
60 |
120 |
6604-021 |
6604-021 STANLEY No. 4- one-half smoothing plane. Early Type 12 with vee mark on cutter japanning nearly intact wood good. |
Good plus |
LHD84 |
100 |
200 |
6604-022 |
*6604-022 EMIR screw arm plow. Very uncommon plow marked EMIR the trademark of Emmerich - Berlon - Ltd. the English toolmaker. Unusual design with inner nuts flush with the body and high square shoulders on the fence. Probably dates to the 1950s wood is worn but no major damage. |
Good |
NPL12 |
20 |
40 |
6604-023 |
6604-023 Modified SANDUSKY rabbeting plane. Unusual plane that I assume has been modified by the user. It cuts a three - fourths inch rabbet and has had a steel plate mounted on the sole and a sliding brass fence mounted on the left cheek. In addition the throat has been opened up to resemble a rabbet but only half way through. Has the special C1 mark. |
Good |
PTL30 |
50 |
100 |
6604-024 |
6604-024 Coachmakers wedge arm plow. Only 6- one-fourth inches long with a short slightly compassed skate. Nice clean condition noting one crack in the tote. Two holes in the fence look original and designed to allow an attachment. Arm wedges look original. |
Good |
PLH166 |
60 |
120 |
6604-025 |
6604-025 Bridle arm plow plane. Unsigned good wooden locking bridle mechanism with brass screw no tote but a turned handle on the right wedge is worn body could use cleaning but no damage. HH stamped on toe. |
Good |
PLH186 |
60 |
120 |
6604-026 |
*6604-026 Large screwbox. Unmarked but well made good 3 inch cutter. 5 inch long wood handles attached to 5 inch long iron screws one is missing brass ferrule. Some inactive worm and surface rust otherwise in decent shape. |
Good |
HAN319 |
30 |
60 |
6604-027 |
6604-027 HENRY G. WHITE wedge arm groove plane. Henry was the orphaned nephew of Israel White was raised by Israel and took over his business on his death. This is his C mark - 2 stars - some wear and checks from age a crack in one arm and the sole and fence have three rosewood inlays each screwed into them - a couple of screws missing - could be intentional or a repair not sure. Some widening of area behind cutter at top of body. |
Good |
HAN311 |
40 |
80 |
6604-028 |
*6604-028 BARTON coopers howell. Used to cut a bevel around the inside of the barrel to fit the head. Made of what looks like cherry with 3 inch properly marked cutter and partial Barton stamp on wood with hanghole through it one iron bolt looks replaced wedge a little chewed some wear on base and repaired crack at throat. |
Good |
EMN15 |
20 |
40 |
6604-029 |
6604-029 Lot of three compassed planes. 4 inch and 6 inch long coffin planes and 7- one-half inch rabbet all compassed lengthwise in varying gradients. 6 inch is by D. MALLOCH and SON with double headed eagle mark and other two are unmarked. Light wear on all rabbet has scratch in heel. |
Good |
CLA685 687 694 |
40 |
80 |
6604-030 |
6604-030 Lot of four small coachmakers rabbet planes. Three cut hollows of varying widths including one with integral side fence and groove carved at top of plane and one has tail. And a regular rabbet with 3- one-fourth inch sole. Most marked with user names typical wear. |
Good |
CLA45 446 447 458 |
35 |
70 |
6604-031 |
*6604-031 Old womans tooth router. Unmarked rectangular grooved body 5- one-half inches across one-half inch cutter is repurposed plow blade marked with number 7. User stamps. |
Good |
ESY94 |
20 |
40 |
6604-032 |
6604-032 Coachmakers beader. Thats what it looks like to me it has center iron fence and two one-half inch wide bead cutters on either side which can be individually adjusted to differing depths. Single beech wedge rosewood body with straight handles brass plate on top and iron plate on bottom. Some tarnish to metal and a few chips and scrapes to wood. User stamps. Well made and attractive. |
Good plus |
HAN562 |
40 |
80 |
6604-033 |
*6604-033 D router. Appears handmade out of what looks like oak 9- one-half inches wide with three - fourths inch cutter. Wood split at mouth some scratching to sole user stamp. |
Good |
EMN19 |
20 |
40 |
6604-034 |
6604-034 Lot of two STANLEY transitional jointer planes. Both a Type 6. A No. 32 with slightly loose tote and chip in front corner. W.T. Propert 1884 painted on rear cheek japanning 75 percent. And a No. 34 with chips off end of tote japanning 80 percent some staining on sole. |
Good |
REW647 650 |
40 |
80 |
6604-035 |
6604-035 STANLEY No. 35 prelateral transitional plane. Type 4 A mark on cutter toe stamp very faint wood good with original lacquer some roughness to edge of tote. |
Good |
LHD99 |
60 |
120 |
6604-036 |
6604-036 STANLEY No. 122 Liberty Bell plane. Type 1 with proper marked cutter stamp on toe is faint wood undamaged with much original lacquer japanning 75 percent. |
Good plus |
LHD97 |
60 |
120 |
6604-037 |
*6604-037 Small rabbet plane. 7- one-half inch sole with three - fourths inch cutter body is only 1- one-half inch tall. Unmarked with a few stains. |
Good |
REW1374 |
20 |
40 |
6604-038 |
6604-038 H. SWEET and CO. wooden jointer. 26 inch sole 2- one-half inch Moulson Bros. cutter cap iron highly polished. End of tote chipped on both sides otherwise very clean. Sweet worked in Stephentown NY circa 1850 four stars in AWP. |
Good |
JSW17 |
50 |
100 |
6604-039 |
6604-039 Coachmakers skewed rabbet. Unsigned but very nicely made 3- one-fourth inch flat sole 1-1 - 6 inch skewed cutter. |
Fine |
DTN97 |
50 |
100 |
6604-040 |
6604-040 Complex molding plane. Two cutters bevel with lying ogee quirk and scotia 2 inch total profile. Marked with the script signature of Thomas Melville of Aberdeen also has a user name in what looks like the same script. |
Good plus |
PLH252X |
60 |
120 |
6604-041 |
6604-041 E and J EVANS molding plane. Lying ogee with bevel 1- one-half inch boxed looks like it may originally have had a second bevel but cutter altered. B mark faint. |
Good plus |
PTL35 |
60 |
120 |
6604-042 |
6604-042 OHIO TOOL CO. tongue and groove plane. Combination plane that cuts three-eighths inch tongue and groove. Marked with crudely scratched user initials and a triangular pattern of punches on the toe stamped 75 on the heel. Wood and metal near fine. An unusual OTC plane. |
Good plus |
LBD240 |
60 |
120 |
6604-043 |
6604-043 E.F. SEYBOLD complex molder. Bevel ogee and quirk 2- one-half inches wide lignum boxing on quirk. Seybolds C mark with user name on toe wood overall good with some mild staining and a tight check. |
Good |
LBD238 |
60 |
100 |
6604-044 |
6604-044 ARNOLD and CROUCH moving filletster. 1- one-fourth inch skewed Humphreysville cutter boxed original nicker brass depth stop. A couple of dents and scratches wedge a little rough. |
Good plus |
PTL36 |
60 |
120 |
6604-045 |
6604-045 Complex molding plane. Marked H. Boyd which seems to be user name cuts 1- one-half inch astragal and scotia spring marked single boxed with one crack. A few spots of staining and a couple scratches otherwise in nice shape. |
Good |
REW762 |
30 |
60 |
6604-046 |
6604-046 SANDUSKY TOOL CO. skew dado plane. Cuts a three - fourths inch dado original skew cutter and double-spur nicker. C mark and 62 stamped on toe along with a user mark and a small hole. Very light beech super clean. |
Good plus |
PLH108X |
50 |
100 |
6604-047 |
6604-047 Lot of three STANLEY No. 3 levels. One unusual early 29 inch version with Type 3 mark no hand-ee grip not marked wood is worn and missing two screws the other two are 28 inch and marked one with intact adjustment screw covers. |
Good and better |
LHD106 |
50 |
100 |
6604-048 |
6604-048 Lot of two CHAPIN-STEPHENS levels. Both 30 inch and brass-tipped one is laminated rosewood - lamination starting to separate - with sideviews the other cherry with above-average wood no sideviews. |
Good |
LHD104 |
40 |
80 |
6604-049 |
6604-049 Lot of two wooden levels. An L.L. Davis No. 25 30 inch cherry level brass very good but wood is worn on edges and ends and a 28 inch by William Johnson of Newark brass tipped hang hole looks like wood has been sanded some chips. |
Good |
LHD103 |
40 |
80 |
6604-050 |
*6604-050 STANLEY No.8 masons level. At 42 inches long one of Stanleys longest levels and a hard one to find. Good sweetheart mark nearly complete label on top rail brass has scratching and discoloration and edges have wear but no serious damage good vials. |
Good plus |
LHD77 |
30 |
60 |
6604-051 |
*6604-051 Double calipers. Probably smith made one outer leg moves but other seems locked some pitting but only traces of surface rust. 23 inches long. |
Good |
DTN445 |
20 |
40 |
6604-052 |
6604-052 Lot of two STANLEY tools. Set of No. 2 trammel points Type 1 crisp and clean points not marked. And a No. 92 butt and rabbet gauge brass stem with no thumbscrew at end but instead has brass flathead screw some tarnish rosewood head has some dings and wear Pat Peng beneath block Stanley mark. |
Good- and better |
DOR202 |
50 |
100 |
6604-053 |
6604-053 Brass double calipers. 16 inches long and massive 1 inch wide iron screw in middle initials RPOB carved on both sides. Some dinging and mild pitting but still nice. |
Good |
SPM529 |
40 |
80 |
6604-054 |
*6604-054 TOPPS bevel and framing tool. Early type spots of light surface corrosion but tables and trademarks readable handle has some scratching and wear to lacquer but overall in ok shape brass wingnut has about 75 percent nickel plating. |
Good |
PRK182 |
25 |
50 |
6604-055 |
6604-055 Lot of three squares. One looks like a STANLEY No. 2 plated try square Type 2 with heavily pitted and rusty 6 inch blade wood is very worn and stained brass side plate not flush with wood anymore crack at base of handle. An unmarked 10 inch mitre square that looks like it could be made by MARPLES based on the four round rivets has rusty blade and an X carved into one brass side plate handle worn with a few user stamps. And a STANLEY No. 20 try square with 12 inch blade some staining and a few chips on handle including large one in upper corner blade pitted with hanghole at end |
Poor and better |
ESY114 |
40 |
80 |
6604-056 |
*6604-056 UNIQUE UNIVERSAL slide rule IOB. Wood frame 11 inch by 1- one-half inch with laminate scales on front and conversion charts on back tacked on with small pins. Missing the plastic frame cursor and one pin on backside some yellowing. Sliding case has been painted brown and some has gotten on instructions on inside of case. |
Good |
ACS42 |
20 |
40 |
6604-057 |
*6604-057 Lot of three measuring tools. What looks like a GOODELL PRATT No. 371 combination square on a 6 inch straight edge marked No. 4 vial wet and japanning 80 percent some rust on rule. A CRAFTSMAN depth gauge protractor in what looks like original box some rust spots otherwise good. And a LUFKIN tempered steel rule 9 inches No. 2604 with some spots of rust otherwise ok. |
Good |
MHT25 |
20 |
40 |
6604-058 |
*6604-058 Washer cutter. Looks fairly modern nicely carved rosewood with brass top plate and rod with elaborate brass thumbscrew. Clean and looks never used. |
Good plus |
CLA798 |
30 |
60 |
6604-059 |
*6604-059 PRESTON brass mitre templet. Used to mark mitre cuts 5- five - eights inches wide and marked Preston England. Clean. |
Good plus |
MDY316 |
25 |
50 |
6604-060 |
*6604-060 Drafting square. That is my best guess. Made of boxwood and brass pins 9 inch center straight edge can be adjusted up and down with locking knurled brass thumbscrew. Brass collar loose at thumbscrew a few user stamps. Light wear. |
Good |
GAN185G |
25 |
50 |
6604-061 |
6604-061 Iron frame try square. Unmarked but looks like a Stanley No. 10 one of the least common Stanley squares. 3 inch rosewood inlaid handle 4 inch blade with some light pitting. |
Good |
40 |
80 |
6604-062 |
6604-062 Lot of measuring tools. Four calipers including a 4 inch by BROWN and SHARPE an unmarked 5- one-half inch a 5 inch marked PEC 8005 all fairly clean and work fine and a 7 inch one with brass locking thumbscrew on the one moving jaw and some pitting on metal marked only H. SMITH 1896 for which I cant find any patent. And a STANLEY No. 122 combination square japanning 85 percent and a few light spots of rust on straight edge missing scratch awl. Plus an Improved CURRANS Wheel Gauge stamped as such and with 2 - 16 - 1904 patent date which corresponds to patent US752526. Used particularly for railroad tires as the 5 inch scale is divided into 32nds which was required by the railroads. Nickel plating 95 percent with a few spots of pitting clean and good example of a fairly uncommon gauge. |
Good and better |
VTD255 |
40 |
80 |
6604-063 |
6604-063 TOPPS framing square. Type 2 blade has light tarnish but all markings legible handle good with user initials. |
Good plus |
PRK144 |
50 |
100 |
6604-064 |
6604-064 SIMON and SKIDMORE locking bevel. Uncommon combination square-bevel with push button locking mechanism patented in 1919 and manufactured in Laguna Beach CA. Aluminum body steel blade. |
Good plus |
PRK208 |
80 |
160 |
6604-065 |
6604-065 HALSTED and ACKERMAN try square and bevel. The earliest patented combination square and bevel patented in 1855 with a fold-out bevel blade in the brass handle marked with the patent which is unusual modest tarnish but no rust user name stamped in handle. |
Good plus |
PRK178 |
100 |
180 |
6604-066 |
6604-066 SMITH sliding rule. Rarest of the extensible sliding rules based on Waterburys 1876 patent and manufactured by E. Smith and Co. of Rockford. Extends to 38 inches with board tables and one of the two usually missing trammel points and pencil holder. Outside has a few stains but inside is clean. |
Good |
PLH187 |
60 |
120 |
6604-067 |
6604-067 STANLEY No. 15 carpenters sliding rule. Boxwood some light staining straight and tight with pins brass slide is stuck but could be fixed with a little coercion. |
Good |
PLH263X |
60 |
120 |
6604-068 |
6604-068 Lot of two measuring tools. A No. 50 stainless steel combination rule by E.P Johnson Co. of Chicago and an unmarked brass 2- one-half inch turnip shaped plumb bob. |
Good and better |
PRK187 240 |
50 |
100 |
6604-069 |
6604-069 STANLEY FOUR SQUARE No. 7366 tape measure. 6 foot tape near mint condition. |
Fine |
PLH262X |
60 |
120 |
6604-070 |
6604-070 STANLEY No. 1 Odd-Jobs. Stanleys iconic combination layout tool advertised as 10 tools in one. This is the Type 1 in immaculate condition and in addition to having Halls original 1888 patent cast in the front has Hall and Trauts 1888 patent stamped on the rear which is very unusual. Everyone needs a Odd-Jobs and this is a very nice one. |
Fine |
PTL25 |
60 |
120 |
6604-071 |
6604-071 Lot of three rules. All two-fold two-foot boxwood. STANLEY Nos. 15 and 18 and a BELCHER BROS. carpenters rule with brass slide. All have wear and staining the No. 16 has some paint splotches and both Stanleys are missing one pin. |
Good- |
PLH89X |
60 |
100 |
6604-072 |
6604-072 Lot of four saws. Combination saw and try square like the ones marketed by DISSTON very faint etch that looks like The Sterling 25 inch 8 ppi crosscut domed steelnuts no medallion good handle BROWNE No. 3 20 inch panel saw faint etch 12 ppi crosscut split nuts that look like they have been replaced 26 inch with unreadable etch nib 10 ppi crosscut and an old Disston with what looks like a Disston and Son etch and also a second etch for Schweitzer Mfg. 26 inch rip handle very rough with large crack flat head split nuts one missing entirely and two missing their nuts. |
Good- and better |
LHD110 |
50 |
100 |
6604-073 |
*6604-073 Lot of two saws. KEEN KUTTER 26 inch 10 ppi crosscut good nib and medallion faint etch one chip from top horn. And a DISSTON 26 inch ripsaw 10 ppi with the WWI style Disston Phila 1 inch medallion edge barely perceptible bottom horn sheared off handle. Could be a No. 12. |
Good |
LHD108 |
30 |
60 |
6604-074 |
6604-074 Lot of two HARVEY PEACE saws. A P68 Perfection with clear etch 26 inch 10 ppi crosscut handle has Buells patented contoured handle - marked - top horn chipped dirty. The other is 26 inch 8 ppi crosscut etch very faint handle has crack and bottom horn missing. Both have the patented handle reinforcement characteristic of Peace. |
Good- and better |
LHD109 |
40 |
80 |
6604-075 |
6604-075 Lot of two specialty saws. Floor saw with DISSTON etch and Phoenix medallion 19- one-half inch blade 8 ppi teeth continue around top handle worn and scratched but intact with one crack and what looks like a BISHOP metal cutting keyhole saw with lever locking blade but etch is too faint to read blade is 18 inch and mildly pitted handle intact. |
Good plus |
LHD111 |
80 |
120 |
6604-076 |
*6604-076 COOK patent saw set. Spring hammer type patented by Roswell F. Cook in Dec. 23 1873 and typically manufactured by E.E. or A.E. Cunningham of Worcester Mass. Roswell constantly tinkered with his design so many variations exist this is the earliest and simplest version of the patent unmarked but mechanism looks like the patent drawing. Has about 80 percent japanning works well. Fairly uncommon. |
Good |
REW1307 |
30 |
60 |
6604-077 |
6604-077 MATHEWS patent hinge mortiser. Patented in 1888 by James Mathews of Minneapolis second one we have seen but dont know who made them. It has a heavy brass head with elaborate blade adjustments you set the size of the hinge and then hit it with a mallet. A number of chips in the blades otherwise very clean. |
Good |
PLH255X |
60 |
100 |
6604-078 |
6604-078 Double caliper. Flat stock with turned wooden handle with iron ferule 13 inches long hang hole near end looks original. |
Good |
PLH64X |
50 |
100 |
6604-079 |
6604-079 Combination tool. A weird one even by combination tool standards. A pair of pliers the handles lock together to form an alligator wrench at the other end plus a hammer head and screwdriver blade. its marked patented March 31 1908 which was the date of a patent issued to one Norman McAslan of Yorkshire IA but it is actually based on McAslans simplified patent of 1910. 7 inch long like new and never seen another. |
Fine |
PLH253X |
80 |
160 |
6604-080 |
*6604-080 PEXTO Bell System tool. Not sure what it does possibly for cable pulling 9 inches long with hook on one end and rod on the other perfect handle worn and a little loose. |
Good |
PLH258X |
30 |
60 |
6604-081 |
6604-081 E.P. PRESTON No. 1396S patented stringing router. Japanning about 50 percent no cutters. |
Good |
PLH260X |
80 |
160 |
6604-082 |
6604-082 Lot of two rosewood spokeshaves. One unsigned 11 inches with flat brass sole and locking nuts the other is 5 inches with a compassed brass sole and good I. SORBY decal. |
Good plus |
PLH265X |
60 |
120 |
6604-083 |
*6604-083 Lot of two STILLMAN patent saw sets. Both unmarked 6 adjustment style but with different handles in fairly good clean condition. |
Good |
REW1308 |
30 |
60 |
6604-084 |
6604-084 Lot of two MILLERS FALLS shaves. A No. 1 cigar shave 10 inch model with 2 inch cutter marked with patent date nickel plating 70 percent some traces of red paint in throat. And a fairly uncommon No. 2 11 inches long based on Lanfairs 1893 patent featuring a removable shoe that could be repositioned to change the profile of the sole and removable handles some mild pitting. Both have rosewood handles with some wear No. 2 has spot of thick lacquer and small chip in wood and No. 1 has hairline crack in one handle. |
Good |
REW1278 1279 |
40 |
80 |
6604-085 |
6604-085 Lot of two STANLEY No. 71 routers. A Type 8 with one-half inch cutter and a Type 10 with one-fourth inch and v-shaped cutter. Plating nearly complete on the Type 8 about 70 percent on the Type 10. Wood has some wear. |
Good plus |
OVR101 |
40 |
80 |
6604-086 |
6604-086 Lot of three spokeshaves. A PRESTON ovolo sash shave five - eights inch marked on cutters and Lamb tongue cast in handle. Japanning 80 percent cutters good. A CINCINNATI TOOL CO convex spokeshave name cast into body and stamped in cutter traces of japanning light rust handles have wear and stains cutter has a few nicks. And an F.A. HUMPHREY patented cavity shave similar to the MF cigar shave but much rarer patented in 1882 by Frank Humphrey of Worcester Mass and sold in various types and lengths. This is 9- one-fourth inch with removable solid rosewood handles 65 percent nickel plating and some wear small spot of black paint on sole. |
Good |
DOR210 |
60 |
120 |
6604-087 |
6604-087 STANLEY No. 71- one-half router. Type 5 with adjustment wheel and 2 cutters with notched top and one has patent date stamp. Clean knobs have light wear. |
Good |
RSR132 |
40 |
80 |
6604-088 |
6604-088 Lot of five shaves. An unmarked double shave with convex and flat soles that looks similar to ones made by SMITH and SON no japanning and mouth a little widened in corner of flat sole. A SNELL and ATHERTON shoe shave clearly marked no japanning brass fence and sole. And three STANLEY shaves - a No. 60 with 70 percent japanning and good cutters a No. 64 with sweetheart mark on cutter and repainted and a No. 51 with thumbscrew missing and also repainted. |
Good |
ESY105 |
50 |
100 |
6604-089 |
*6604-089 Lot of two shaves. An ANANT A151 spokeshave in barely used condition. And a wooden shave with nicely aged patina and clean freshly sharpened blade. |
Good plus |
JPR45 47 |
15 |
30 |
6604-090 |
6604-090 STANLEY No. 67 universal spoke shave. One bottom no fence. Wood fine nickel 70 percent. |
Good |
DJS174 |
40 |
80 |
6604-091 |
*6604-091 MILLERS FALLS No. 67 router. Equivalent to the Stanley No. 71. Black body and knobs has all three cutters some rust light wear but overall clean. |
Good plus |
RML36 |
30 |
60 |
6604-092 |
6604-092 Lot of two STANLEY tools. A No. 67 universal spoke shave with one bottom no fence. Wood ok nickel 75 percent. And a No. 83 cabinet scraper later model with beech handles smaller style roller looks original. Nickel plating 80 percent light wear to handles. |
Good |
DOR209 |
50 |
100 |
6604-093 |
6604-093 Windsor beader. Type 2 early version with wood not ebonized and not stamped with patent dates one cutter wheel light wear brass cleaned and may be lightly polished. |
Good |
DOR208 |
75 |
150 |
6604-094 |
6604-094 Lot of two STANLEY spokeshaves. No. 55 concave with sweetheart cutter and No. 63 with notched rectangle. Japanning very good slight rust to cutters. |
Fine |
RSR38 58 |
60 |
120 |
6604-095 |
6604-095 Dowelling jig. What looks like a perfect model of a Stanley No. 59 except that its cast of solid brass. Why? Your guess is as good as ours. With five guides and both holders in sliding lid box. |
Good plus |
PLH706 |
50 |
100 |
6604-096 |
6604-096 GOODELL-PRATT No. 34 scraper IOB. Wooden handle with two double-ended scraper blades for four edges total near fine with some corrosion on blades box intact with good label. |
Good plus |
PLH254X |
30 |
60 |
6604-097 |
6604-097 Lot of three sets of RECORD No. 130 cramp heads. Each set can be attached to a 1 inch board of any length to make a bar cramp - or clamp if you prefer - . In like new condition boxes worn but intact. New sets will run you around 45 dollars each. |
Fine |
PLH267X |
100 |
150 |
6604-098 |
6604-098 LORD patent saw file. Patented in 1898 and manufactured by Lord Witter and Park of Worcester MA. A 16 inch steel bar with triangular files mounted at the proper angle to grind several saw teeth at once. Tool is very good with some surface rust box has split seams and missing ends but fully intact label. Never seen another. |
Good plus |
PLH259X |
60 |
120 |
6604-099 |
6604-099 STANLEY No. 135A Yankee drill IOB. Includes a set of three regular bits in original envelope plus two phillips bits two countersink bits and a No. 66-530 Hex-a-matic nut driver attachment. Some crackling in the finish on the handle but metal is like new box intact with good label. |
Good plus |
PTL29 |
60 |
120 |
6604-100 |
6604-100 STANLEY No. 100- one-half squirrel tail block plane IOB. Late model with red lever cap and notched rectangle. Near mint with a few traces of easily cleaned surface rust box fully intact with corner staples and Type 11 label. |
Fine |
PRK180 |
60 |
120 |
6604-101 |
*6604-101 Lot of two STANLEY block planes. A No. 61 low angle block plane with sweetheart mark on cutter and a No. 101 miniature with brazed repair. |
Good- and better |
PLH264X |
30 |
50 |
6604-102 |
*6604-102 Lot of two STANLEY planes. A Type 6 No. 6 japanning 80 percent light chipping at end of tote dinging to knob discoloration to metal but no visible pitting. And a Type 6A No. 8 with patent date on chipbreaker Q cutter tip of tote missing japanning 50 percent red paint at throat. |
Good |
ESY95 |
30 |
60 |
6604-103 |
6604-103 Lot of three STANLEY metal planes. A No. 5 with T mark on cutter and two patent dates behind frog lever cap chipped and knob has large chips at base heavily pitted and tote cracked. A No. 6 with notched rectangle mark on cutter but one patent date behind frog tip of tote missing tall knob japanning 60 percent Sargent lever cap. And A No. 7 that looks like Type 6A japanning retouched some glue on bed at toe two holes in one cheek likely for attachment and user initials punched into side. |
Good- |
JPR353 354 356 |
30 |
60 |
6604-104 |
6604-104 Lot of miscellaneous planes. Six total including a SARGENT VBM No. 227 double end block plane with 50 percent japanning some scratches on sole could use cleaning. Rest are STANLEY including No. 22 with rusty cutter a Type 6A No. 3 with moderate wear a No. 4C with sweetheart cutter repaired crack in tote large rust spot on sole tall knob japanning repainted. And two block planes a No. 110 rusty with some white paint and a No. 120 with 50 percent japanning and replaced knob. |
Good- |
JPR12 14 34 55 58 61 |
30 |
60 |
6604-105 |
6604-105 STANLEY No. 148 tongue and groove plane. seven-eighths inch. Nickel plating 80 percent vee mark on one cutter screw cutters unmarked light rust in a few spots. |
Good |
PTL17 |
35 |
70 |
6604-106 |
6604-106 Lot of two STANLEY No. 39 dado planes. A three - fourths inch with sweetheart mark on screwcap japanning 40 percent a few spots of rust. And a seven-eighths inch with larger knurled screws. japanning 80 percent small hole in cheek near handle a few scratches on sole. |
Good |
DOR219 |
50 |
100 |
6604-107 |
*6604-107 Lot of three planes. A SHELTON No. 4 sized based on MacAllers 1932 patent for the cutter adjustment. Rusty and paint on cheeks japanning 80 percent nickel plating on cap nearly complete tote and knob have wear. Could clean up ok. And Two block planes one a MILLERS FALLS No. 46 with some light surface rust nickel plating 65 percent some white paint on japanning throat has been filed and a STANLEY No. 110 surface rust on cutter missing knob japanning ok. |
Good- and better |
VTD250 |
20 |
40 |
6604-108 |
6604-108 Lot of three STANLEY transitional planes. A Type 5 No. 27 patent date on chipbreaker japanning 80 percent good throat and some overall dinging to wood. A Type 6 No. 28 hairline crack and number 70 stamp on knob repaired crack in tote 70 percent japanning. And a Type 6 No. 29 with patent date on chipbreaker wear to wood and some old chips japanning 70 percent. All have totes a little loose and wear to tote ends. |
Good |
REW637 638 639 |
40 |
80 |
6604-109 |
6604-109 Lot of four transitional planes. Three STANLEYs - a No. 22 Type 10 and No. 35 Type 12 both with 1892 patent cutters and a No. 135 Liberty Bell Type 12 with T mark. And a LAKESIDE 15 inch jack plane. The Lakeside is in nice condition the three Stanleys are mixed with dinging and paint splotches but no major damage. |
Good and better |
PTL39 |
60 |
120 |
6604-110 |
*6604-110 WILLIAM ROSS coffin smoother. 7- three - fourths inch sole 1- seven-eighths inch Humphreysville cutter with mild pitting some checks in toe and sole roughness to end of tote chip from throat. A mark. |
Good |
PTL33 |
20 |
40 |
6604-111 |
*6604-111 SANDUSKY TOOL CO. coffin shaped smoother. 7- three - fourths inch sole clean with nice patina some dings around strike button on heel. Sandusky mark on cutter overstamped. Has proper mark on toe and number 3. |
Good plus |
REW922 |
25 |
50 |
6604-112 |
6604-112 P. M. PECKHAM adjustable sash plane. B mark - 2 stars - double dovetail boxing large boxwood thumbscrews. Several user stamps on toe and heel marked five - eights as well on heel. Boxing has a few cracks and crack in both inner throat areas some wear to sole near toe. |
Good- |
REW520 |
30 |
60 |
6604-113 |
*6604-113 ARROWMAMMETT WORKS adjustable sash plane. Screw arms with boxwood knobs elliptical ovolo pattern A mark. |
Fine |
PTL32 |
30 |
60 |
6604-114 |
6604-114 MULTIFORM PLANE tongue and groove cutter. Not marked stamped 76 on toe and one-half on heel missing one wedge and cutter no handle. |
Good |
PRK237 |
50 |
100 |
6604-115 |
6604-115 Lot of two STANLEY mortise gauges. A No. 74 double-arm with full plated brass head marked with patent date and a No. 92 top of the line butt and mortise gauge with rosewood head and brass stem includes the usually missing steel scribe marked Stanley. |
Good and better |
LHD73 |
50 |
100 |
6604-116 |
6604-116 Lot of two STANLEY mortise gauges. A No. 71 double-arm with brass strips in the head unmarked and a No. 92 top of the line butt and mortise gauge with rosewood head and brass stem includes the usually missing steel scribe marked Stanley. |
Good and better |
LHD74 |
50 |
100 |
6604-117 |
6604-117 Lot of three STANLEY gauges. A No. 161 beech marking gauge with the curved face plate marked with patent dates only and two No. 77 rosewood mortise gauges one nice and clean with patent date the other is more worn missing brass shoe and points worn down. |
Good and better |
LHD76 |
60 |
110 |
6604-118 |
6604-118 Lot of two STANLEY gauges. A No.66 rosewood marking gauge with mustache plate marked with patent date only and a No. 92 top of the line butt and mortise gauge with rosewood head and brass stem includes the usually missing steel scribe early patent pending type user name. |
Good plus |
LHD75 |
60 |
110 |
6604-119 |
6604-119 KEEN KUTTER mortise gauge. Rosewood 6- one-half inch square head with brass plate and locking screw internal screw mechanism points still sharp mark a little worn but still clear. |
Fine |
PRK195 |
100 |
180 |
6604-120 |
6604-120 STAR TOOL cam-locking mortise gauge. Patented by Wessel Brodhead in 1868 but more commonly identified with Star Tool the exclusive manufacturer. This is the rosewood mortise gauge version with adjustable internal screw mark is faint but legible points a little worn down but still there. |
Good plus |
PRK193 |
100 |
200 |
6604-121 |
6604-121 THOMPSON patented mortise gauge. These uncommon and attractive gauges are either unmarked entirely or simply marked patent applied for but the consensus is that they are examples of Thompsons 1900 patent. See Bachellar p. 112. This one is rosewood and brass and more closely resembles the patent in that it has knurled brass locking screws rather than the thumbscrews more often found. 8 inches long points still sharp user name stamped three times. |
Fine |
PRK190 |
100 |
200 |
6604-122 |
6604-122 SHOLL PATENT mortise gauge. The three-bar version of Christian Sholls 1864 patent. This was the high-end model rosewood with brass trim and six brass discs in the head boxwood locking screw. Complete and in very clean condition good clear stamp still has all its points although worn down. |
Good plus |
PRK199 |
100 |
200 |
6604-123 |
6604-123 Lot of three STANLEY jointer planes. Two No. 8Cs a Type 10 with 80 percent japanning and some rust tote ok but has initials carved in. And one with third sweetheart on blade 80 percent of original decal on tote which has a few minor chips on end. Surface rust on metal tall knob notched rectangle on lever cap with no orange. And a later type No. 7C also with notched rectangle mark on lever cap with good orange paint wood has light wear japanning good notched rectangle mark cutter. |
Good |
OVR134 135 144 |
40 |
80 |
6604-124 |
6604-124 OHIO TOOL CO. No. 327 fore plane. 18 long with Thistle brand cutter and marked Pat Applied For beneath it. Tote tip well repaired on end a little lose at base knob has light wear. Throat and cutter good japanning 90 percent some light surface rust spots. Uncommon. |
Good |
VTO45 |
50 |
100 |
6604-125 |
*6604-125 SARGENT No. 714 jack plane. Includes the autoset feature. Light surface corrosion and some spots of rust but nothing serious wear to lacquer on wood japanning 70 percent. |
Good |
DOR228 |
30 |
60 |
6604-126 |
6604-126 Lot of two STANLEY bench planes. A No. 4 Type 10 japanning touched up in a couple spots tote has a few small chips off end user initials punched in cheeks and a few spots of rust otherwise good. And a No. 5- one-half with vee mark on cutter three patent dates behind frog wood has light wear and old ding in side of tote surface rust japanning 70 percent. |
Good |
BHR346 |
30 |
60 |
6604-127 |
6604-127 Lot of two STANLEY block planes. A No. 18 Type 2 with no nickel on lever cap japanning touched up user name on one cheek a few spots of pitting on sole. And a No. 140 with sweetheart mark on cutter japanning may be repainted nickel plating 80 percent. |
Good |
SPM432 |
40 |
80 |
6604-128 |
*6604-128 Lot of four block planes. Three 7 inch low angle block planes one by GREAT NECK TOOLS of New York one by WODEN TOOLS of Sheffield both in near-mint condition. A CRAFTSMAN No. 619.3732 low angle knuckle-joint adjustable that could use a cleaning and a STANLEY No. 103 with semi-circular mark on cutter about half its japanning and some spots of rust. |
Good and better |
KGM33 35 36 194 |
20 |
40 |
6604-129 |
6604-129 BIRMINGHAM B-plane No. 120. That is my guess it has the B-plane mark on the cutter but bed of plane unmarked and resembles a No. 120. Wood knob ok lever cap screw a little chewed japanning 70 percent some chips in bed at heel a couple cracks in lever cap a few spots of pitting. |
Good- |
DOR218 |
30 |
60 |
6604-130 |
*6604-130 Lot of two STANLEY scrapers. A No. 12 veneer scraper early type with plain screwcap japanning retouched and chips to wood someone has screwed in about one-half inch of wood on bottom rust spots has SANDVIK replacement blade. And a No. 80 cabinet scraper sweetheart mark on tensing bar japanning 70 percent unmarked cutter good some discoloration on sole but ok. |
Good- and better |
JPR77 78 |
30 |
60 |
6604-131 |
*6604-131 Lot of two STANLEY cabinet scrapers. A No. 80 with vee mark on tension bar and blade traces of japanning and one arm has welded repair but seems solid. And a No. 81 vee mark on cutter nickel plating 70 percent rosewood sole ok with only a few small chips on edges. |
Good- and better |
MRA28 121 |
30 |
60 |
6604-132 |
6604-132 Lot of two scrapers. A SARGENT No. 53 scraper plane one of Sargents less common planes good beech sole with traces of green paint japanning repainted. Has properly marked cutter. And a STANLEY No. 12 veneer scraper early type with unmarked screwcap handles have light wear japanning retouched block letter Stanley mark on cutter. Sole has some discoloration but ok. |
Good |
DOR226 |
40 |
80 |
6604-133 |
6604-133 STANLEY No. 11 belt makers plane. Later type vee mark on cutter japanning 80 percent some wear to wood and rust spots. |
Good |
DOR227 |
40 |
80 |
6604-134 |
6604-134 STANLEY No. 12- one-fourth veneer scraper. Japanning nearly complete cutter has sweetheart mark and looks barely used Made in USA cast in body behind frog wood has light wear and a few small dings overall clean. |
Good plus |
DOR225 |
125 |
250 |
6604-135 |
*6604-135 STANLEY No. 281 butt gauge and mortiser. For making mortises for hinges notched rectangle logos has most of its japanning a few rust spots. |
Good |
20 |
40 |
6604-136 |
*6604-136 STANLEY No. 80 cabinet scraper. Notched rectangle on cutter sweetheart mark on tension bar japanning nearly complete throat looks widened. |
Good |
GRN38 |
20 |
40 |
6604-137 |
*6604-137 STANLEY No. 12 veneer scraper. Later type with mark on screwcap wood has some wear and staining semicircle mark on cutter japanning retouched discoloration to metal but no visible damage. |
Good |
OVR96 |
20 |
40 |
6604-138 |
6604-138 Lot of rules. Several straight edges including one with various calculations a No. 1138 by RABONE and a No. 4277 by SMALLWOOD all with wear and a repaired crack and staining on the calculating one. Plus two drafting rules both by ASTON and MANDER one 36 inches long and the other 23 inches long with curved edges both marked with same user name. |
Good- and better |
ACS131 |
40 |
80 |
6604-139 |
6604-139 Lot of three measuring tools. A nickel-plated double stem marking gauge with octagonal head that looks very similar to BARRETTS patent. Unmarked except for Pat Applied For on base of head so must be early stems unruled some spots of rust and plating 80 percent. Plus two STANLEY No. 30 one missing blade and screw at bottom but other complete both clean with nickel plating near complete. |
Good plus |
DOR198 |
50 |
100 |
6604-140 |
6604-140 Lot of three framing squares. A SARGENT No. 600R take down square some rust and wear on screws 3-146 in silver pen near screws. And two framing squares by SARGENT and SOUTHINGTON CUT CO. Southington has had about 2 inches cut off one end some rust spots Sargent has some light rust. |
Good |
DOR201 |
50 |
100 |
6604-141 |
*6604-141 Lot of two CONWAY CLEVELAND log rules. One looks near mint other has some wear on handle end and loss of lacquer in one spot but overall clean with good numbering. |
Good plus |
EMN1 |
25 |
50 |
6604-142 |
6604-142 Lot of three take down squares. One by JENNINGS marked with 6 - 21 - 10 patent date and mostly clean with some light pitting spots. One manufactured by NICHOLLS marked with 4 - 23 - 01 patent date and based on Barkers 1909 patent has user made wooden sleeve that holds both arms when apart and instructions typed onto the sleeve metal discolored but numbers are white. And another NICHOLLS framing take down square in original canvas sleeve also marked with 4 - 23 - 01 patent date and mitre cuts for various angles from polygon to dodecagon. |
Good |
HAN538 |
60 |
120 |
6604-143 |
6604-143 PHILO FOX patented combination square and miter. Marked with Foxs 1 one-half 4 - 85 patent clean example with light pitting and a few light scratches. |
Good |
PRK236 |
40 |
80 |
6604-144 |
6604-144 TAINTOR patent framing tool. Patented in 1910 by Charles Taintor of Elizabeth NJ this is one of those ridiculously elaborate layout tools that proliferated around 1900 with numerous arms that unfold to enable the user to lay out various angles. Some mild pitting otherwise ok. Works smoothly. |
Good |
PRK207 |
50 |
100 |
6604-145 |
6604-145 Lot of three chisels. Two are 2 inch bevel edge by JAMES SWAN and OHIO TOOL CO. The Swan has leather wrapped handle with large chunk out of it edge is good a few dings in metal. Ohio has good handle and edge moderate dinging. And a 1- one-fourth inch by HIBBARD SPENCER BARTLETT and CO. with partial OVB mark good edge handle has some wear and staining light rust spots. |
Good |
DST424 426 526 |
40 |
80 |
6604-146 |
*6604-146 Lot of leatherworking tools. Two punches labeled 8 and 10 two edging tools marked three - fourths and five - eights one-fourth inch and three-eighths inch square gouges. And two rivet setters marked 2 and 3 both with spalled ends. Plus were throwing in a hoop driver 2- one-half inches wide solid iron partial stamp looks like J.M. Lowel and an X carved near it on handle. |
Good |
HMS32 |
30 |
60 |
6604-147 |
6604-147 HORTON and ARNOLD gouge. Very faint partial mark but I think this is by the New York City makers of Samuel B. Horton and William Arnold who made tools from around 1853-1865. Gouge is 1 inch wide and 7- one-half inches long with 8- one-half inch handle that looks like it could be original but relacquered. Edge good. |
Good |
AED39 |
40 |
80 |
6604-148 |
*6604-148 Double blade hacksaw. Small and nicely made black painted bulbous handle with nice iron frame and brass center bar with brass tightening wingnut. Marked with owner J.E. Collins on both sides 6 inch blades have seen a little use but seem ok. 10- one-half inches overall. |
Good plus |
DST593 |
30 |
60 |
6604-149 |
*6604-149 Stair saw. Well made unmarked body and blade wood looks like cherry and is very clean 6 inch wide blade looks older with some discoloration. Brass nuts have some wear. |
Good plus |
EMN14 |
20 |
40 |
6604-150 |
6604-150 Carving chisels. 15 total 5 of which are by ADDIS and one by IBBOTSON rest unmarked. All with brass ferrules and most with similar handles. Widest is one-half inch down to one-eighths inch wide and various sizes and styles in between. some staining and wear on handles tools ok. Most are gouges a few have slightly bent necks. |
Good |
WOL694 |
50 |
100 |
6604-151 |
6604-151 MILLERS FALLS No. 106 carving tool set IOB. 6 total virtually unused with clean blades and handles. Box has some light wear but label on inside of lid good. |
Fine |
PTL21 |
40 |
80 |
6604-152 |
6604-152 Lot of five Swedish bevel edge chisels. One five-sixteenths inch marked SVEA with original green label on handle and a few chips from wood. Rest are E.A. BERG Eskilstuna in five - eights inch one-half inch 1 inch and 1- one-half inch good ferrules and light wear to handles. All edges sharp. |
Good plus |
HAN570 |
50 |
100 |
6604-153 |
6604-153 Lot of chisels and gouges. 12 total including two BUCK BROS crank neck gouges 1 inch and one-half inch. Two 2 inch one-half inch three - fourths inch and five - eights inch chisels plus one 1 inch gouge all by BUTCHER. Two mortise chisels one-eighths inch by WITHERBY and three-eighths inch by BEATTY. A one-half inch chisel by JAMES SWAN and unmarked 1 inch chisel. Some are tang others socket ends. Rust on some a few edges have nicks. A couple have mild pitting. Various handles with some staining. |
Various |
CGD408 |
60 |
120 |
6604-154 |
6604-154 Lot of carving tools. 3 brad awls by MARPLES mostly clean with some wear to brass ferrules and a few spots of rust. Plus four MILLERS FALLS carving tools from a No. 107 carving set some wear and dirt on handles and rust spots on metal. Plus a STANLEY hurwood brad awl some rust but overall ok and an extra rosewood tang handle with brass ferrule. All inside MARPLES brad awl box that originally held 12. |
Good |
RBN105 |
40 |
80 |
6604-155 |
6604-155 Set of eight numbered plow plane cutters. Unmarked but in good clean condition two are shorter from sharpening. |
Good plus |
MKJ276 |
80 |
120 |
6604-156 |
6604-156 KELLETT patented triple plane iron. Patented and sold by Frank Kellett of Chicago apparently he didnt actually make any planes but tried to market this design for use in other planes. See PTAMPIA II p. 176. 2- one-eighths inch light surface corrosion but clearly marked. |
Good |
PRK204 |
40 |
80 |
6604-157 |
6604-157 STANLEY Ready Edge blade IOB. 2 inch size with sweetheart mark and Ready Edge below it on iron original box missing one flap on base and other flap has corners torn sleeve ok other than staining. Some rust spots on cutter. |
Good |
WFN20 |
30 |
60 |
6604-158 |
6604-158 STANLEY everlasting butt edge chisels. Six No. 50s in 2 inch 1- one-fourth inch 1 inch three - fourths inch three-eighths inch one-fourth inch sizes. All with notched rectangle mark and patent dates stamped handles have light wear and 2 inch has red painted handle with about half worn off. Most edges look recently sharpened a couple need miniscule chips honed out all have spots of surface rust. Dinging on handle ends. |
Good |
PRK184A |
100 |
200 |
6604-159 |
6604-159 Lot of three mortise chisels. Two 6 inch long one by VOM BERG and other by SORBY with pig stamp. Sorby handle clean but other has staining and iPiS carved in side. Edges good and clean. And a 4- one-half inch long one by GOBEL and CO. with handle chipped at end edge needs slight honing. |
Good |
HAN316 |
50 |
100 |
6604-160 |
*6604-160 Lot of two ELITE tool chests for boys. Manufactured by the AMERICAN MANUFACTURING CONCERN fingerjointed wood chests No. 425 and No. 50 both with 90-95 percent of original labels inside lid. No. 425 is the smaller of the two and depicts building a chicken coop No. 50 depicts a rabbet house and workshop. Both have miscellaneous miniature tools inside most likely not original including hammers mallets level screwdriver pliers t-handle tap etc. Both have dinging and wear to wood No. 425 has chip in outer lid corner. |
Good |
RBN287 288 |
30 |
60 |
6604-161 |
*6604-161 Carved woodworker figure. Gentleman in grey overalls and blue shirt holding a hammer and saw with nails in his mouth handcarved with sticker from Aldon Accessories LTD. 12 inches tall. |
Good plus |
SPM600 |
30 |
60 |
6604-162 |
*6604-162 Woodworking clock. 15 inches by 11 inches. Carved wood clock with hammer chisel saw and plane inlaid into sawblade using various types of wood with brass numbers and clock hands. Looks like it still works but battery is dead. Nicely made by Roger Knapp of Cissna Park IL. |
Good |
DJS245 |
30 |
60 |
6604-163 |
*6604-163 Lot of four OHIO ART CO. Busy-Boy tool chests. Metal boxes. Two empty one has what looks like the original vinyl tools inside. One has three very small plastic tools including hammer and screwdriver regular metal pliers and an aluminum square. Some rust spots on all. |
Good |
RBN291-294 |
30 |
60 |
6604-164 |
6604-164 Lot of five brass instrument makers shaves. Combination of flat compassed and concave soles. Three are from the same set all 3- one-half inch wide fourth is the same size but from a different maker and the fifth is 6 inch wide with a flat sole and Flasche engraved in one arm. |
Good plus |
MKJ271 |
60 |
120 |
6604-165 |
6604-165 LOUIS MARX and CO miniature toy tools. A collection of 13 from the premier toymaker including a bench plane hand and backsaws framing and ball peen hammers hatchet brace drill pipe wrench two wrenches calipers and try square. All in good clean condition some mild flaking on a couple. |
Good and better |
MLR6 |
100 |
200 |
6604-166 |
*6604-166 M-WTCA 1982 meet favor. Large yellow ceramic ashtray in shape of Illinois with 1720 hand adze and Mid-West Tool Collectors Association 1982 in relief in the center. 11 inches x 12 inches. Made by Royal Haeger Pottery of Dundee IL who closed their doors in May 2016. There is a chip and repaired crack in upper right corner. |
Good- |
DJS360 |
20 |
40 |
6604-167 |
6604-167 STANLEY No. 1 Odd-Jobs. Type 1 super clean but missing its pencil holder and scribe. |
Good |
RSR150 |
30 |
60 |
6604-168 |
6604-168 Lot of antique photographs. A daguerreotype of a woman with Charlotte Elizabeth Keyes Davis labeled on back of leather case that has red silk lining on lid which has come detached. A tintype of a gentleman in leather case with lid that does not appear to match as lid is labeled Grace Georgine Davis a loose tintype for a young girl and a papermounted photo with Prescott and Gage Photographers of Hartford CT on back and labeled Marian Louise Bartlett. |
Good |
GFR83A |
40 |
80 |
6604-169 |
6604-169 E.A. STEARNS No. 53 bone caliper rule. German silver edging and caliper significant fading on outside but less on inside. Missing one pin some green tarnish on one arm some stain spots. Stearns was acquired by Stanley who manufactured rules under the Stearns name until 1892. |
Good- |
SGN866 |
50 |
100 |
6604-170 |
6604-170 bone caliper rule. Unmarked except for faint etching that looks like Compliments of West King Lumber Company which is possibly the Louisiana company that was sold in 1909. German silver yellowing on outside slightly sprung inside fairly clean. |
Good |
SGN893 |
60 |
120 |
6604-171 |
6604-171 STANLEY No. 3 caliper rule. 1 foot 2 fold brass bound boxwood rule. One of Stanleys rarer rules manufactured from 1900-1917. Slightly sprung with a few stains. |
Good |
SGN860 |
30 |
60 |
6604-172 |
6604-172 BRIDGE CITY AS-14 adjustable try square. 12 inch blade with 7- one-half inch brassbound rosewood handle and retractable brass bench rest. Has some wear and tarnish but overall in decent shape. Jock Moody initialed handle in brass at bottom of one side number 725 in the series is stamped on other side. These ran 160 dollars new but are no longer made. |
Good |
MDY288 |
60 |
120 |
6604-173 |
6604-173 Lot of three BRIDGE CITY squares. 6- one-half inch and 9- one-half inch mitre squares and a try square with 6 inch blade. All are of brass and rosewood construction some tarnish in a few spots to brass and light wear on rosewood. |
Good |
MDY289 291 |
75 |
150 |
6604-174 |
6604-174 Lot of three small BRIDGE CITY squares. HDS-1 and HDS-2 dovetail squares and a TS-3 double square. All with 5 inch brass blades and rosewood handles. Some spots of tarnish to brass especially on HDS-1 light wear. |
Good |
MDY287 |
60 |
120 |
6604-175 |
6604-175 Lot of two BRIDGE CITY bevels. A TB-3 sliding t-bevel with rosewood and brass handle and 12- one-half inch blade clean with light wear. And a TB-1 t-bevel with brass blade and rosewood handle light wear. These ran roughly 120 dollars and 80 dollars each but are discontinued. |
Good |
MDY286 304 |
50 |
100 |
6604-176 |
6604-176 Lot of two marking gauges. A BRIDGE CITY MG-2 which uses steel discs rather than pins clean with light wear. Discontinued but ran 155 dollars new. And an unmarked japanese style one with rosewood head and double stem brass plate and knurled thumbscrew. Blade on either end of each stem in nice shape. |
Good |
MDY297 298 |
75 |
150 |
6604-177 |
6604-177 WILLIAM GREENLIEF log caliper. Has the distinctive bullet-shaped cutout in the brass jaws. Some of Greenliefs calipers have his named spelled Greenleaf and the Greenlief versions seem to be earlier. 42 inch beam darkened and stained but still legible. Brass has tarnish rusty points. Jaws still work fine. |
Good |
LEE42 |
150 |
300 |
6604-178 |
*6604-178 STANLEY No. 240 extensible rule. Extends from 2 feet to 4 feet one of Stanleys less common rules Stanley mark faint. |
Good |
SGN300 |
30 |
60 |
6604-179 |
6604-179 Lot of five English boxwood rules. Four by JOHN RABONE and SONS a Vulcan two-fold two-foot with reverse arched joints a No. 1165 four-fold two-foot blindman a No. 1380 four-fold two-foot and a unbound narrow two-fold two-foot. Plus a E.P. PRESTON unbound two-fold two-foot. Some staining no major damage. |
Good |
SGN853 |
80 |
150 |
6604-180 |
6604-180 STANLEY No. 5 carpenters rule. Type 2 two fold two-foot marked Damaged but looks pretty good to us. |
Good plus |
SGN852 |
80 |
150 |
6604-181 |
6604-181 STANLEY No. 31 folding shrinkage rule. Mark a little faded but undamaged. |
Good |
SGN850 |
50 |
100 |
6604-182 |
6604-182 STANLEY No. 4 extra thin carpenters rule. Two-fold two-foot surface mounted hinge. Slight fading. |
Good |
SGN851 |
80 |
160 |
6604-183 |
6604-183 E.T. BURROWES extensible rule. A four section rule that slides out to 48 inches Patented 3 - 24 - 91 by Edward Burrowes. A rare Burrowes tool. Good overall one worn chip in edge. |
Good |
SGN855 |
60 |
120 |
6604-184 |
6604-184 E.A. STEARNS engineers slide rule. According to Phil Stanley these are the most elaborate rules ever made crammed full of different specialized tables. This Stearns example is a two-foot two fold brass bound. Brass edges rounded some staining but legible has its pins. |
Good |
SGN858 |
70 |
140 |
6604-185 |
6604-185 J. WATTS caliper rule. Two-fold two foot rule by this uncommon early Boston maker. |
Good |
SGN854 |
50 |
100 |
6604-186 |
6604-186 Lot of four STANLEY boxwood rules. A No. 1 two-fold two-foot No. 12 two-fold two-foot caliper No. 94 carriagemakers Stanleys only four-fold four-foot with sweetheart and No. 66- three - fourths four-fold three foot with sweetheart. Some staining but no major damage. |
Good and better |
SGN856 |
80 |
150 |
6604-187 |
6604-187 Lot of four STANLEY boxwood rules. Two No. 26 two-fold two-foot caliper rules one with chip along slide No. 66- three - fourths four-fold three foot with block STANLEY mark super clean and a No. 78- one-half double arched fully bound four-fold two foot with block STANLEY mark. |
Good and better |
SGN857 |
80 |
160 |
6604-188 |
6604-188 PHOENIX CO. locking arm plow plane. Overall clean with two wood thumbscrews to lock arms brass thumbscrew depth stop HATTERSLEY iron. Stamped No. 146 on heel. Some mild pitting on skate. |
Good |
RSH54 |
30 |
60 |
6604-189 |
6604-189 MATHIESON sash filletster. Beech double boxed all wedges look original waxed a few scratches and one brass arm tip a little loose. |
Good |
PHE8 |
80 |
140 |
6604-190 |
6604-190 VARVILL and SONS sash filletster. Single boxed beech body may be recently stained dark with applewood nuts and shoulders one outer nut may be replacement. |
Good |
GAN5125 |
30 |
60 |
6604-191 |
6604-191 JOHN DENISON unhandled screw arm plow plane. B1 mark - 1 star - . Boxwood body and fence nuts look like applewood. Checks in body including large one on toe and staining. A few chips on threads nothing major. BALDWIN TOOL CO cutter. A few cracks in outer nuts one looks repaired. |
Good- |
RSH95 |
30 |
60 |
6604-192 |
6604-192 MACKAY BURLEY and HEYS sliding arm filletster. Boxed brass tipped arms wedges all look original with moderate wear boxing a little loose. Uncommon Glasgow maker. |
Good |
PHE6 |
50 |
100 |
6604-193 |
6604-193 Lot of two small plow planes. Both unmarked. One with 5- one-half inch long body with sliding arms and fence like a plow but a nicker like a dado brass skate and tips. Staining a crack in one arm and some chips on nicker wedge. And a wedge-arm plow with what looks like a fence from a larger plow as its a bit to long for the 6 inch body the sole and skate are compassed overall clean. |
Good |
GFR52 54 |
40 |
80 |
6604-194 |
6604-194 CASEY KITCHEL and CO handled plow plane. Plane made of what looks like a dark rosewood bone tips on all four ends inner nuts have steel edges brass depth stop thumbscrew. Tote has crack but tip ok bone has a few cracks as well. Chip on front end of skate and a few scuffs elsewhere. Skate has pitting. Unfortunately it is missing cutter and wedge but still a nice looking plow. |
Good |
JRI78 |
200 |
400 |
6604-195 |
6604-195 Lot of two wood planes. Both appear to be modified from larger planes. One is a modified rabbet plane cut in half at the blade to make a bullnose with 1 inch cutter and other is a three-eighths inch ogee cut with beech body cut down to 6- one-fourth inches long with fence screwed on. One spot of inactive worm and a few small stains rabbet has moderate staining. |
Good |
JBN5 |
30 |
60 |
6604-196 |
*6604-196 Old womans tooth wooden router. Unmarked rectangular grooved body 6 inches across one-half inch SORBY cutter. A Barwick has stamped his name on it in several areas. Wedge has a chip some wear. |
Good |
JBN3 |
15 |
30 |
6604-197 |
6604-197 Lot of four planes. 2 coffin planes one with 5- three - fourths inch long compassed sole unmarked with five - eights inch MARPLES cutter and other with 7- one-half inch long sole slightly compassed lengthwise by TJ TOLMAN - 2 stars - and 1- one-half inch MOULSON cutter. Plus a chamfer plane by BOOTH BROTHERS Dublin 1- one-half inch unmarked cutter. And a 6 inch long unmarked toothing plane with 2 inch HILDICK toothed cutter grooved sides. All in generally clean with smaller coffin plane having most wear. |
Good |
JBN7 |
40 |
80 |
6604-198 |
6604-198 Lot of five coachmakers planes. One tailed round plane rest unhandled including two hollows with compassed soles one hollow with flat sole and one rabbet. All 3 to 4 inches in length with tailed one 5 inches all unmarked. Some staining on a few. |
Good |
NHF350 322 |
30 |
60 |
6604-199 |
6604-199 Lot of four small coffin planes. Two with coffin soles one width wise and other length wise two with flat soles. All unmarked other than user marks. All have staining and a few chips. One has hole in top of cutter one has GREAVES cutter. |
Good |
JBN4 |
30 |
60 |
6604-200 |
*6604-200 Lot of two small planes. A 4 inch long rabbet plane with brass sole and one-half inch cutter. And a 3- one-half inch long hollow wood has been stained or painted a brown color small crack in sole at throat one-half inch cutter. |
Good |
JBN2 |
20 |
40 |
6604-201 |
*6604-201 Lot of three tailed coachmakers planes. 5 inch long one has one side of blade and body concave and other convex different. Crack in body below tail. 5 inch round and 7 inch rabbet with slightly convex body lengthwise possibly carved from burl. All unmarked with user stamps. |
Good |
JBN6 |
25 |
50 |
6604-202 |
*6604-202 YOUNG and M MASTER ogee plane. A mark - 1 star - . Single boxed has pull hole at toe cuts five - eights inch spring marked. Has chip in sole at toe and a few spots of staining but mostly clean. |
Good |
TKY140 |
25 |
50 |
6604-203 |
6604-203 J. KELLOGG hollow and round planes. Four sets numbers 6 16 18 and 24. Rest are singles for 8 hollow 12 round 14 hollow and 20 hollow. All have holes near toe which could be pull holes but are quite small so may be hang holes. A few have staining and light wear. B mark 12 total. |
Good |
GAN226 |
50 |
100 |
6604-204 |
6604-204 Lot of three S.E. FARRAND planes. A hollow and round pair marked with number 16 1- one-half inch cutters a few stains otherwise in good shape. And a single boxed 1 inch ogee with moderate wear and age checks. Farrand was a planemaker and dealer in Newark NJ - 1 star - . |
Good |
TKY142 |
35 |
70 |
6604-205 |
6604-205 Lot of three user made braces. All have pod bits and pinned rotating heads one chairmakers nicely made with spoon bit in a pod held by a hand-carved thumbscrew 9 inch sweep one with 6 inch sweep friction fit pod with auger bit the third is the most primitive 6 inch sweep with long narrow head friction fit pod with broken off square bit. |
Good and better |
CDE964 1696 1699 |
75 |
150 |
6604-206 |
6604-206 WILLIAM MARPLES Ultimatum brace. The classic Marples ebony Ultimatum. Brass has overall dinging a couple of cracks in the infill big chunk out of the rim of the head. |
Good- |
PLH571 |
80 |
160 |
6604-207 |
6604-207 Lot of four Sheffield style braces. W. MARPLES plated beech body with good ebony head and brass insert D.FLATHER plated beech body with what looks like mahogany head with brass insert two unplated beech one by JOHN WILSON with large pushbutton and cracked rosewood head and the other unsigned with bone or bone button in ebony head with chip. |
Good and better |
CDE1715 1748 1763 |
80 |
150 |
6604-208 |
6604-208 Lot of three Sheffield braces. All beech with rosewood heads. Two plated one ROBERT MARPLES with very worn mark and tight crack in rosewood head one SLATER very clean with rosewood head. And an unplated MOULSON wood worn and head cracked. |
Good and better |
CDE1690 1691 |
50 |
100 |
6604-209 |
6604-209 Lot of two Sheffield braces. One is a MARPLES Ultimatum with what looks like beech infill which is rare but its not in good shape brass badly dinged a couple of big cracks in the infill and a replaced improper head but grip is good. The other is a plated brace of ebony unusual for a non-ultimatum unsigned with pushbutton chuck plating is missing a screw head has crack. |
Good- |
JRI182 402 |
120 |
200 |
6604-210 |
6604-210 C and T PILKINGTON joiners brace. Good clean example of Pilkingtons improved joiners brace beech with good ebony head fancy lever-style chuck. |
Good plus |
NHF37 |
300 |
600 |
6604-211 |
6604-211 Lot of three metal braces. All unmarked two with screw-locking chucks and wooden heads one Taylor-type on which the chuck lever is stuck. |
Good |
BKF72 73 74 |
40 |
80 |
6604-212 |
6604-212 Lot of two patented metal braces. NOBLES 1865 patent with split sleeve chuck held by slip ring rosewood head with edge chips on brass stem 9 inch sweep and a MILLERS FALLS No. 1 with the LYNAM patented ratchet 10 inch sweep with lignum head. The Lynam design was a failure because it did not allow for the chuck to be locked and was produced only between 1871 and 1873. Both patents are rated B in Pearson. |
Good plus |
REW37 52 |
90 |
150 |
6604-213 |
6604-213 Lot of three metal braces. Good clean example of Abel Streeters 1867 patent in unusual 12 inch sweep size with rosewood head and brass stem metal slightly pitted. An armory type with solid metal head and10 inch sweep marked 1952 C 265 and Wall and Co. Ltd. which is a civil engineering firm in Dublin. And one with a Taylor-type spring locking chuck with an unusual brass fillet that operates the chuck. |
Good and better |
CDE394 436 911 |
100 |
150 |
6604-214 |
6604-214 Lot of two metal braces. A MATHIESON hexagonal steel brace with spring operated chuck and rosewood head 9 inch sweep and an unmarked one probably smith made scandinavian style with thumbscrew locking chuck. |
Good and better |
CDE416 424 |
80 |
140 |
6604-215 |
6604-215 ROBINSON patented wrench brace. Patented by Sylvanus Edward Robinson 12 - 25 - 77 and sometimes manufactured by LOWENTRAUT this one is marked Robinson Crank Wrench and Brace Newark NJ on top jaw and there is an R on lower jaw. Brace has dark stained or painted head and grip brass ring at head is cracked and brace loose at grip metal on brace and wrench has pitting jaws slightly sprung some surface rust. Uncommon. |
Good |
CDE1969 |
50 |
100 |
6604-216 |
6604-216 Lot of three metal braces. A ratcheting brace by RIDGE TOOL CO. of St. Louis 10 inch sweep a STANLEY No. 966-10 with sweetheart mark and unmarked 8 inch Bartholomew patent with thumbscrew chuck. |
Good and better |
CDE638 711 745 |
60 |
100 |
6604-217 |
6604-217 THOMSON Scottish brace. Hexagonal iron body lever-action chuck marked by Thomson of Glasgow. Wooden head has tight crack. Unusual to find one of these marked. |
Good |
DCR63 |
50 |
100 |
6604-218 |
6604-218 Armorers brace. Solid brass to avoid sparks unmarked 6 inch sweep. |
Good plus |
NHF44 |
50 |
100 |
6604-219 |
6604-219 J.D. RANDALL leather skiving plane. Heavy duty plane 17- three - fourths inch long solid cast iron with depth stop and wooden handle and knob two blades meeting at 90 degree angle. Randall of Cincinnati was a major manufacturer of tools for the harnessmaking industry. |
Good |
CLA128 |
100 |
180 |
6604-220 |
6604-220 NORRIS infill bench plane. 7- one-half inch sole with tapered sides 2 inch original cutter adjustable infill looks like mahogany. Surface rust on sole otherwise near fine. |
Good plus |
CLA62 |
100 |
200 |
6604-221 |
6604-221 Infill bench plane. Unsigned cast steel shell with infill screwed from sides 8 inch sole with tapered sides 2 inch Ward and Payne cutter with Marples cap iron very nice light mahogany infill small amount of surface rust. |
Good plus |
CLA64 |
100 |
200 |
6604-222 |
6604-222 Infill bench plane. Unsigned but looks like Norris cast iron shell stained hardwood infill with reglued tote 8 inch sole with tapered sides 2 inch Ward and Payne cutter with Robt. Sorby cap iron some surface rust on sole wood has some wear. |
Good |
80 |
160 |
6604-223 |
6604-223 Shooting board plane. Unmarked but looks manufactured. 16 inch sole 2- one-half inch cutter with a lever cap secured by a wingnut offset steel handle. Well made and different. |
Good plus |
90 |
180 |
6604-224 |
6604-224 FALES patent plane body. The basic plane body that forms the heart of the famously complicated combination plane. Think of it as a Fales starter kit. |
Good |
RSH2 |
50 |
100 |
6604-225 |
6604-225 Bullnose infill plane. Gunmetal body with ebony wedge 3- five - eights inch x 1 inch sole. Wedge has a couple of chips and is marked KE 159 user name stamped on body and wedge cutter made from a file. |
Good |
CLA488 |
80 |
160 |
6604-226 |
6604-226 STANLEY No. 212 scraper plane. Script logo T mark on lever cap screw cutter unmarked. Some scratching and rust spots on body and small speck of gold paint on cheek edge sole has some rust and spots of pitting two are small but deep near toe. Japanning 90 percent. |
Good |
RML221 |
300 |
600 |
6604-227 |
6604-227 Lot of two STANLEY No. 18 knuckle joint block planes. A Type 4 with J mark on cutter and a Type 12 with vee mark both in decent shape with nickel wear on lever cap - worse in the Type 4 - . |
Good |
PHE3 |
60 |
100 |
6604-228 |
*6604-228 CRAFTSMAN No. 3732 knuckle joint block plane IOB. Similar to a Stanley No. 18 nickel plating complete with a few spots of rust japanning good a few spots of rust on toe and discoloration on cheeks and sole. Original box intact but has duct tape covering lid except for label. |
Good |
BSR605 |
25 |
50 |
6604-229 |
6604-229 STANLEY No. 278 rabbet and filletster plane. Has 95 percent japanning and 70 percent of original decal on handle sweetheart mark on cap screw. Clean. Fence is a Sargent replacement. |
Good plus |
RBN145 |
75 |
150 |
6604-230 |
6604-230 STANLEY No. 239 weatherstrip plane. Sweetheart mark japanning touched up no depth stop otherwise good. |
Good |
RBN144 |
75 |
150 |
6604-231 |
6604-231 STANLEY No. 95 edge trimming plane. Later type with notched rectangle mark on body and on cutter japanning 90 percent lever cap screw may be replacement. |
Good plus |
RBN147 |
60 |
120 |
6604-232 |
6604-232 STANLEY No. 79 side rabbet plane. Early unfenced version with sweetheart marks on both cutters very slight nickel loss along edge. |
Good plus |
PTL23 |
60 |
120 |
6604-233 |
6604-233 Lot of two tools. A miniature nonadjustable wrench with a fold-out screwdriver blade and a pin probably automotive marked MOD 1879 2- one-half inch long lightly pitted. And what looks like the cutter assembly from a croze cast of solid brass with a heavy brass wingnut. |
Good |
PRK205 |
50 |
100 |
6604-234 |
6604-234 Lot of four violin maker tools. Two adjustable clamps one fully metal and other has plastic spring knob both unmarked and gently used. And two turning peg shaves smaller and larger sizes both marked TR inside a diamond. very light surface rust but sharp and appear to work well. |
Good |
JBN8 |
100 |
200 |
6604-235 |
6604-235 Jewelry box. Nicely carved from what looks like tiger oak. Has top compartment with floral motif carved inset in lid mirror on inside lid two drawers and a hidden compartment beneath the drawers in the base. All are lined with red velvet. Very nicely made and in good shape. |
Good plus |
SAN206 |
60 |
120 |
6604-236 |
6604-236 Large machinists chest. Two locks marked GERSTNER but center may be replacement CORBIN lock has no markings and looks like a Gerstner but I cant guarantee it. 11 tin bottom drawers lined with green felt some have newer replaced felt. No mirror or key. AUDELLS machinist handy book in center drawer. Leather handle has wear repaired chip near top compartment a few chips in edges and a couple stains otherwise nice. |
Good |
100 |
200 |
6604-237 |
6604-237 Small wood machinists chest. 14- one-half inch x 9 inch x 7- one-half inch oak chest with brass corners and knobs behind front panel are 5 drawers containing a mix of tools including calipers pliers pocket files a few leatherworking tools and gravers piks thickness gauge etc. Red felt lining looks like recent replacement. Light wear to wood and some of leather on handle is fraying otherwise in nice condition. Chest is unmarked but copper plate on top stamped C.F. Boaz. Has original key that works with lock. |
Good plus |
DJS54 |
75 |
150 |
6604-238 |
6604-238 Lot of two boys tool chests. A BUDDY L tool chest 23 x 11 x 7 inches with red and black paint on outside no inside drawer partial decal of Buddy on inside lid. Various tools inside including 8 bits inside red wood canister panel gauge red wood mallet and two STANLEY tool guide books with various types of Stanley tools and their use on each of the 32 pages one is a little tattered and marked as copywrighted in 1935 by The Stanley Rule and Level Plant the other in better shape but not marked with date. Wear and paint spots on chest and circles drawn on inside lid. Plus a BOYS FAVORITE TOOL CHEST No. 2725S 17 x 9 x 7 inches fingerjointed has most of original decal with some pencil marks on it. Tools inside include hammer saws braces clamp square mallets etc. Some may be original. Box in decent shape except loose hinges. |
Good- and better |
RBN13 15 |
50 |
100 |
6604-239 |
*6604-239 Carpet tack box. 15 inch x 10 inch x 7 inch fingerjointed box with leather handle on lid and various stenciling on the sides. Red label inside lid is for The Plymouth Rock Steel Carpet Tacks by Loring and Parks of Plymouth MA with copyright of 1888. Inside are 6 compartments of varying sizes that have miscellaneous items including 7 inch x 3 inch wood print blocks for letters N P and S two sections of railroad rail for the Ocean Shore Railway and the San Francisco Zoo Train rail. Plus two locks one marked Adlake and what looks like some sort of model of what might be some sort of window sill or glass framing patent model as it is marked Kawneer Pat. and is a 2 inch x 2- one-half inch model of a tiered metal holding piece of glass in place. |
Good |
GFR83 |
30 |
60 |
6604-240 |
6604-240 UNIVERSAL No. 2 food chopper IOB. Large family size manufactured by Landers Frary and Clark of New Britain CT. All parts are very clean but box is very ragged. |
Good plus |
REW1972 |
40 |
80 |
6604-241 |
*6604-241 5 STAR HANDY TOOL IOB. Tool acts as a knife lawn mower sharpener scissor glass cutter and bottle opener. Wire handle has aluminum head and mounted blade. Clean with original instructions box tattered at one end and repaired with tape other end flap detached but present. |
Good |
RBN109 |
20 |
40 |
6604-242 |
6604-242 C.S. OSBORNE home upholstery repair kit IOB. Appears never used with intact original decals and likely from the 1960s green cardboard box has compartments for stretcher tack hammer tack remover to boxes of tacks and two needles plus instruction book and advertising poster. 2 corners torn on lid of box and a little dirty otherwise good. |
Good plus |
RBN298 |
35 |
70 |
6604-243 |
6604-243 Lot of two breast drills. A MILLERS FALLS No. 200 two-speed ratcheting drill with two-position crank handle includes the auxiliary breast plate clamped on for heavy work red paint on gear wheel is worn and a GOODELL-PRATT two-speed looks like a No. 6 red paint and decal on gear wheel unusually good. Both with three jaw chucks. |
Good plus |
REW370 404 |
60 |
120 |
6604-244 |
6604-244 GOODELL-PRATT No. 316 chain drill. Designed to be used with drills that didnt have integral chain drill you loop the chain around the wood being drilled and it helped force the drill through the work. The deluxe model with patented feed rate adjuster. These are usually found in dog meat condition but this is very nice with near perfect japanning and minimal rust. |
Good plus |
REW114 |
50 |
100 |
6604-245 |
6604-245 YANKEE No. 1555 ratcheting two speed breast drill. Manufactured by pre-Stanley North Bros. good japanning on gear wheel but worn on frame one handle some minor surface rust gears unchipped and works smoothly. Three jaw chuck. |
Good |
AND15 |
40 |
80 |
6604-246 |
6604-246 RUSBY patent extendible drill. One of the most gimmicky of the breast drills with its extendible neck to fit into tight locations second type breast pad is missing as it almost always is but otherwise in good condition including often-broken sliding handle catch. |
Good |
REW383 |
40 |
80 |
6604-247 |
6604-247 Lot of two tool handles. One by MILLERS FALLS 7 inch long rosewood handle five tools one jaw chipped but still holds. The other is by BRIDGEPORT HARDWARE 6 inch long beech five tools collar tarnished. |
Good |
SGN849 |
35 |
70 |
6604-248 |
6604-248 Lot of three tools. KEEN KUTTER tool handle super clean example with rosewood handle knurling has one spot where it looks like a pliers was used on it nine tools crowbar has one wing broken. A STANLEY YANKEE No. 251A ratcheting tap wrench like new. Plus were throwing in an unmarked eggbeater style hand drill japanning worn but still works. |
Good and better |
HOO38 39 40 |
80 |
150 |
6604-249 |
6604-249 Lot of two hand drills. Both unmarked single speed with jam-type chucks. One looks like a larger version of the Whitney jewelers drill sold by Tower and Lyon 13 inch long with remnants of silver paint. The other has a solid gear wheel 1 12 inch long with cast iron head with two chips from edge. |
Good |
RJS52 53 |
50 |
80 |
6604-250 |
*6604-250 BOSTON CLIPPER hedge trimmers. Consists of double sided blade on a track that slides along teeth to give a nice straight edge to hedges. Blade attached to brass base with locking thumbscrew springs at one end allow blade to gently stop. Two handles one painted red and other green light wear. |
Good |
PKL352 |
30 |
60 |
6604-251 |
*6604-251 YANKEE No. 131A ratcheting screwdriver. Brass body ok with some slight dinging and one small stain near handle which is worn. Stamped with North Brothers 12 - 1 one-half inch 3 patent date and Made in United States of America instead of USA which makes me believe this is an early version. |
Good |
REW1871 |
30 |
60 |
6604-252 |
6604-252 Yankee Tool Set No. 100 IOB. Wooden case 3 screw drivers and bits. Very clean and complete inside label complete with only a few spots of light dirt. Outside of box relacquered but good. |
Fine |
REW1803 |
60 |
120 |
6604-253 |
6604-253 Lot of three brass shaves. One with repurposed STANLEY blade one with brass thumbscrew locking lever cap all likely user made but very well done. Clean. |
Good |
NHF118 119 122 |
30 |
60 |
6604-254 |
6604-254 Lot of two STANLEY spokeshaves. A No. 52 with sweetheart cutter and lightweight No. 54 with notched rectangle cutter. Both very clean japanning on the 52 about 95 percent. |
Good plus |
RSR57 61 |
50 |
100 |
6604-255 |
6604-255 A.E. JOHNSON No. 7 heel shave. Super clean example of the earliest version of the shave by this uncommon Oxford MA maker. Lamond pp. 78-81. Brass wear plate. |
Fine |
RSR113 |
60 |
120 |
6604-256 |
6604-256 E.C.STEARNS flexible sole shave. Patented by Herbert Coe and manufactured by Stearns. See Lamond page 235. This is the 10 inch version. Super clean japanning has a few flakes. |
Good plus |
RSR69 |
80 |
160 |
6604-257 |
*6604-257 Brass sash shave. Likely user made open rectangular handles with two cutters set at an angle toward the middle number 4 stamped on backside of each five - eights inch cutter. Clean. |
Good |
NHF38 |
25 |
50 |
6604-258 |
6604-258 Lot of two tool handles. One by MILLERS FALLS 6 inch mahogany handle 20 tools very clean but decal worn off and an unmarked Buell Bros. type 5- one-half inch rosewood handle nickel worn seven tools. |
Good and better |
RSR88 |
60 |
110 |
6604-259 |
6604-259 Lot of two YANKEE No. 130A spiral screwdrivers IOB. One is near mint with original set of three bits and original paper the other has wear to the wood finish and four bits and still works smoothly green boxes intact with original Stanley labels. |
Good and better |
MKJ264 |
40 |
80 |
6604-260 |
*6604-260 Lot of two turnscrews. First is 28 inch blade made from a file with Joe Roth stamped near handle beech handle with steel ferrule second is 27 inch unsigned with thinner blade mahogany handle with brass ferrule. |
Good plus |
SPM336 |
30 |
60 |
6604-261 |
6604-261 Archimedean drill. Brass head and knob with elaborate knurling and design 13 inch long iron shaft one-fourth inch circular chuck. |
Good |
PLH200X |
40 |
80 |
6604-262 |
*6604-262 Lot of two archimedean drills. Both with wood knobs and heads one with smaller screw style chuck and four jewelers bits other has more traditional two jaw chuck. Both with 10 inch iron shafts. Wear to wood. |
Good |
ACS85 86 |
30 |
60 |
6604-263 |
6604-263 Lot of three YANKEE screwdrivers. A No. 133 H IOB near fine with very little wear box tattered but overall ok. A No. 135 with red lacquer nearly gone but rest clean with Phillips head bit. And a No. 30A with light wear and mild tarnish to brass. |
Good |
HAN583 |
40 |
80 |
6604-264 |
*6604-264 Lot of four screwdrivers. Two by GREENLEE including No. 457 ratcheting with light wear on handle but overall clean and No. 447 IOB clean with ligh wear. And two spiral style by GOODELL PRATT both with some wear and tarnish. |
Good |
MHT24 |
30 |
60 |
6604-265 |
6604-265 BRIDGEPORT HARDWARE CO. tool handle. Very uncommon design with a thumbscrew activated chuck clamping the tools in place. 7- one-half inch long handle looks like ash 11 tools included. |
Good plus |
DJS178 |
50 |
100 |
6604-266 |
6604-266 Lot of two tool handles. Short version of the MILLERS FALLS rosewood handle a couple of tight cracks but works smoothly includes six tools. And an unsigned egg-shaped rosewood one that Ive seen before 5 inch long includes 11 tools. |
Good and better |
60 |
120 |
6604-267 |
*6604-267 Lot of three blow torches. One by MONTGOMERY WARD and CO as marked M.W. and CO on burner this was one of the first torches marketed by Montgomery Ward and likely manufactured by Turner Brass Works who had a similar model. Some wear to body and handle rust spots on burner. And a similar one with partial logo for PRENTISS WABERS Preway torch with bakelite handle and knob some scratching to base and light rust. Plus a smaller gold painted alcohol torch by OTTO BERNZ with horizontal burner. |
Good |
30 |
60 |
6604-268 |
6604-268 Lot of five small blow torches. Two brass ones by LENK 5- one-half inch and 6- one-half inch tall both with nearly complete labels and fairly clean. One with a wider base by DUNLAP with complete label and a silver japanned one by FULTON. Plus burner style one by PRECISION SCIENTIFIC CO. Chicago and also marked HUMBOLDT MFG CO. Base painted gold with some staining. |
Good |
MHT27 |
40 |
80 |
6604-269 |
*6604-269 Lot of two alcohol blow torches. One by DUNLAP in original box and protective sleeve with 70 percent of original label. Box has some wear and staining but no major damage. Includes cleaning wire. A few rust spots. And a similar smaller one unmarked nickel plated clean. |
Good |
MHT28 |
20 |
40 |
6604-270 |
*6604-270 Lot of three alcohol burners. A brass Acme Alcohol Torch by JAS. GAFFNEY CO NY. with single tank uncommon. And a nickel plated LENK Automatic Blowtorch No. 66 clean in original tattered cardboard box with directions and cleaning wire. and an unmarked all brass two-tank unit could also be by Lenk. A few dings and mild wear. |
Good |
REW1820 |
30 |
60 |
6604-271 |
6604-271 Lot of three hand scrapers. A STARRETT No. 194 swivel head with a few scrapes to black paint on handles some rust spots looks barely used. An A.E. BENNETT fixed head one of Buffalo NY some mild wear to wood some rust has most of its nickel plating on blade holder. And a fully metal one with DREADNAUGHT cast into red painted body that is bent at nearly 90 degrees and looks designed to be used in a pulling fashion to scrape. About half the paint remaining. |
Good |
RML41 44 53 |
35 |
70 |
6604-272 |
6604-272 STANLEY No. 82 cabinet scraper. Type 1 with split fork handle and no spring adjustment. Some green paint on head and knob japanning nearly complete otherwise some rust on Sweetheart cutter handle has 90 percent of original decal and some dirt or paint specks. |
Good |
RML211 |
40 |
80 |
6604-273 |
*6604-273 STANLEY No. 70 box scraper. SR and L mark with patent date on cutter some rust and pitting on sole crack in handle near ferrule and some staining. Traces of japanning cutter sharp. |
Good |
AED49 |
20 |
40 |
6604-274 |
6604-274 STANLEY No. 85- one-half panel gauge. Made from a beautiful piece of rosewood. Unmarked as usual a few dings and scratches on body one-half inch long chip in opposite end from the scribe brass has a few spots of tarnish otherwise good. |
Good |
DJS253 |
40 |
80 |
6604-275 |
*6604-275 STANLEY No. 83 cabinet scraper. Wide roller looks proper moderate corrosion on cutter nickel 80 percent handles have wear and a few dings. |
Good |
SAN269 |
30 |
60 |
6604-276 |
6604-276 Lot of two brass shaves. One with solid handles marked LEOS with a lion hanghole and user name clean. And one that looks user made with open handles repurposed Stanley cutter the number 2 stamped on underside. |
Good |
NHF121 123 |
30 |
60 |
6604-277 |
6604-277 Brass router. 7- one-half inch brass body looks hand cast with small holes drilled through it presumably to reduce friction. Raised wings on front serve as grip with brass thumbscrew in middle to hold three-eighths inch wide cutter. Some moderate tarnish. |
Good |
NHF39 |
30 |
60 |
6604-278 |
*6604-278 Homemade scraper. Small handheld scraper that consists of 3 inch x 1- one-half inch wood block with repurposed E.C. Atkins cutter inserted. Different. |
Good |
AED42 |
20 |
40 |
6604-279 |
*6604-279 STANLEY No. 81 cabinet scraper. Nickel plating good except for wear on handles. Rosewood sole might be replacement. Some spots of rust. |
Good |
SAN297 |
30 |
60 |
6604-280 |
6604-280 Rams horn scraper. Very unusual and nicely made beech with what looks like a maple laminate base with semi-circular steel plate blade clamped by hand-forged wing-nuts. 1 12 inch across. |
Good plus |
DTN294 |
60 |
120 |
6604-281 |
6604-281 Lot of two wooden scrapers. Both user made and well done one is oak with steel sole and clamping plate the other has a concave steel sole open throat and wooden wedge AB initials both 11- one-fourth inch across. |
Good plus |
REW1413 1416 |
50 |
100 |
6604-282 |
6604-282 Lot of two cabinet scrapers. Both unsigned and user made. One has a single handle made of laminated mahogany and maple 8- one-fourth inch long blade clamped in a steel sole held by a brass wingnut the other is two handled oak with steel sole and clamp plates 1 1 inch across. |
Good plus |
REW1411 1414 |
80 |
160 |
6604-283 |
6604-283 User-made router. Rectangular body 6 inch x 2- one-half inch brass plate with well made cutter adjustment. Nicely made. |
Fine |
PLH96X |
50 |
100 |
6604-284 |
*6604-284 Lot of two STANLEY No. 25 bevels. Both with 8 inch blades with sweetheart marks one has partial decal on one handle other has 90 percent decal. Some tarnish to brass and a few spots of surface rust. |
Good |
OVR113 |
30 |
60 |
6604-285 |
6604-285 Leather burnisher. Shaped like a drawknife 16 inch across cast iron with head wrapped with level turned wooden handles. |
Good |
MKJ262 |
30 |
60 |
6604-286 |
6604-286 STANLEY No. 55 combination plane. Stamped with Pat Apd For and script logo on skate looks to be all there and has 4 cutter sets in original boxes with labels nearly complete except for Set 2 which is about 60 percent. plane has most of its nickel with only a few spots of flaking including side handle. Wood good other than minor wear. Has reproduction instruction booklet. Inside very well constructed fingerjointed box with hinged lid and latch and top handle. Some water stains on box otherwise ok. |
Good |
FNK3 |
200 |
400 |
6604-287 |
6604-287 STANLEY No. 45 plane. Looks to be a Type 4 with patent date on skate and on slitter. Looks to be all there including screwdriver and 17 cutters in wood box with old advertisement for the No. 45 glued to it as well as a couple nickers nailed to it. Plane is clean with majority of nickel plating stored inside nicely dovetailed user made box with light wear. |
Good plus |
AND13 |
100 |
200 |
6604-288 |
6604-288 FULTON No. 5329 combination plane IOB. Shows little use with 95 percent nickel plating a few spots of light pitting wood ok cutters in cloth roll looks to be complete. Box has about 60 percent of original label some clear tape holding it on wear significant wear on lid. |
Good |
BSR633 |
50 |
100 |
6604-289 |
6604-289 WARDS MASTER No. 45 combination plane. Made by Stanley for Montgomery Wards and identical to the Stanley No. 45. Later type looks to be all there except short rods nickel plating 80 percent some spots of rust. Has extra depth stop with it that looks from a dado plus two extra fences from dado plane. Three cutter sets in original wood box and another set in user made wood holder. All are inside user made box looks like pine. |
Good |
NHF187 |
60 |
120 |
6604-290 |
*6604-290 STANLEY Two-Tone smoothing plane IOB. Red and yellow japanning nearly complete some light flaking of wood lacquer small chip off end of tote small ding in one cheek. Box is in tattered pieces but most is there. |
Good - plane only - |
30 |
60 |
6604-291 |
6604-291 STANLEY No. 80 cabinet scraper IOB. Sweetheart mark on tension bar and cutter has 95 percent of original decal above thumbscrew japanning nearly complete very light rust on a few spots of sole. Box has some wear and tear to paper wrap on lid box is a bit bent and two split corners label 80 percent. |
Good plus |
RML237 |
35 |
70 |
6604-292 |
6604-292 STANLEY No. 5- one-fourth junior jack plane IOB. Later type looks never used a little roughness to lacquer a couple spots of light rust on cutter and lever cap. Box is side flap style with notched rectangle black and yellow label light wear. Comes with instruction book a few pages have tore away from staples. |
Good plus |
RML233 |
40 |
80 |
6604-293 |
6604-293 STANLEY Victor No. 1105 jack plane IOB. Plane in good condition japanning may be touched up in a few spots a couple small chips at end of tote. Box has a few split corners label mostly there with pencil writing on it. |
Good plus |
40 |
80 |
6604-294 |
6604-294 STARRETT No. 194 universal scraper IOB. Near mint with a few small surface rust spots looks unused. Box has a few splits and small gouge in lid but good label |
Fine |
RML241 |
40 |
80 |
6604-295 |
6604-295 CHASE-HOLBROOK fly-tyers vise IOB. Made by the R.S. Chase Co. of Boston like new in undamaged box with good label and original instructions. |
Fine |
MKJ252 |
50 |
100 |
6604-296 |
*6604-296 STANLEY No. 75 rabbet plane IOB Made in England. Japanning 95 percent box decent metal clean. |
Good plus |
RJR48 |
20 |
40 |
6604-297 |
6604-297 Lot of two STANLEY No. 100- one-half block planes IOB. Notched rectangle marks on both cutters red lever caps some light surface rust japanning nearly perfect boxes have original waxed paper and Type 8 labels one split seam. |
Good plus |
RSR112 |
80 |
160 |
6604-298 |
*6604-298 Lot of two BUCK cutters in box. A 1- one-fourth inch round cutter marked BUCK BROTHERS and a 1- one-half inch cutter marked CHARLES BUCK both inside Charles Buck box for 1- one-half inch irons with some wear to lid and about 70 percent label intact. |
Good |
RBN94 |
20 |
40 |
6604-299 |
6604-299 Lot of two bench planes. A STANLEY No. 6C Type 10 japanning retouched tote good and knob has light dinging some surface rust. And a UNION No. 8 with Stanley cutter lever cap chipped on bottom japanning repainted tote cracked and tip sheared off knob has W carved into it and some dings. A few rust spots. |
Good- and better |
JPR52 57 |
40 |
80 |
6604-300 |
6604-300 Lot of four STANLEY smoothing planes. A No. 3 later type with orange kidney hole lever cap japanning ok. And two No. 4s one has sweetheart cutter and one patent date behind frog corrugated sole and 80 percent japanning one is more modern with some nickel loss on lever cap but japanning 95 percent. Plus a Defiance line equivalent of the No. 3 in good overall condition. Some surface pitting and rust spots on most. Decent users. |
Good |
MRA147 155 156 157 |
50 |
100 |
6604-301 |
6604-301 STANLEY Bedrock No. 605- one-half plane. Type 3 with rounded sides B casting marks 1892 patent cutter. SR and L lever cap. Japanning may be retouched not sure. Wood good a few discoloration spots on metal tote has number 700 stamped into side. |
Good |
DOR230 |
100 |
200 |
6604-302 |
6604-302 STANLEY No. 148 match plane. seven-eighths inch in clean condition with 90 percent nickel plating notched rectangle mark on tongue cutter some light pitting in a few spots. |
Good plus |
DOR222 |
40 |
80 |
6604-303 |
6604-303 STANLEY No. 48 swinging fence match plane. Nickel plated version with only slight loss of nickel otherwise nice and clean. Cutters look proper. |
Good |
DOR231 |
40 |
80 |
6604-304 |
6604-304 Lot of two WINCHESTER bench planes. A No. 3010 and No. 3015 both with proper cutters and lever caps with partial red japanning rest of japanning looks retouched on both. Wood has some wear and dinging and crack at base of knob of 3015. Some light pitting and discoloration. |
Good |
DOR233 |
60 |
120 |
6604-305 |
6604-305 Lot of two possibly CRESSON saws. The unique facet of these saws is the iron plate protecting the handle and the domed nuts. Both have very faint etches that include the word Standard larger one also says London Spring Steel. Ive seen a similar design on saws by Walter Cresson a Philadelphia contemporary of Henry Disston. One is 26 inch 8- one-half ppi rip walnut handle with a couple of chips but no major damage straight-sided steel dome nuts. The other is 28 inch 4- one-half ppi rip beech handle with one large chip from top horn nuts are brass and rounded. |
Good |
LHD107 |
100 |
180 |
6604-306 |
6604-306 Lot of two SIMONDS saws. A 26 inch Simonds No. 51 with clear etch handle good with a few dings 10 tpi could use sharpening. And a 18 inch with faint BAY STATE SAW WORKS etch which were Simonds mid-grade saws after acquiring the company in the late 1870s. 7 tpi handle good but relacquered letter A stamped between medallion and middle nut. Spot of rust near nib. |
Good |
BFS312 313 |
30 |
60 |
6604-307 |
6604-307 Lot of two saws. A 22 inch crosscut saw by BOSTON SAW CO. with light etch 11 tpi handle has some scuffs with chips to horns a few spots of mild pitting. And a 10 inch backsaw by DISSTON and SONS brass backed with Philad a U.S.A. underneath the Disston stamp on backing. Has Disston and Sons medallion. Some tarnish and scratching to brass handle has repaired crack and a few dings. User stamp. Mild pitting on blade. |
Good |
BFS310 311 |
50 |
100 |
6604-308 |
6604-308 DISSTON backsaw. 14 inch 14 tpi old style handle with deep notch and chip from top horn very clean medallion. |
Good |
JRI1290 |
40 |
80 |
6604-309 |
6604-309 DISSTON and SONS dovetail saw. Open handle steel backed 8 inch blade has some mild pitting crack in top horn and some staining on handle. Disston and Sons medallion. |
Good |
RBN160 |
40 |
80 |
6604-310 |
*6604-310 Lot of two dovetail saws. One with straight handle 6- one-half inch blade unmarked but looks manufactured a few light rust spots but overall clean. And one that looks user made with laminated 8 inch handle and 6- one-half inch blade held in place with brass backing and hex screws. |
Good |
MDY358 |
20 |
40 |
6604-311 |
*6604-311 Lot of two fret saws. Both aluminum frames. A No. 130 by ABEL with 4- one-half inch blade 6 inch frame handle has small scuff screws rusty. Other by GARRETT WADE with 4 inch blade and 12 inch frame handle good. |
Good |
MDY356 |
25 |
50 |
6604-312 |
6604-312 Lot of two DISSTON No. 4 backsaws. An older 1 12 inch model top horn chipped etch legible and a later 14 inch model handle has some wear but intact good etch. |
Good |
JAR554 555 |
50 |
100 |
6604-313 |
6604-313 Lot of six saws. A PENNSYLVANIA SAW CORPORATION 14 inch backsaw with some light surface rust and dirt but good handle. Two 26 inch DISSTON crosscut D-23 and a D-8 with thumbhole both with discolored blades etches light chips and wear on handles. A 26 inch ATKINS No. 54 with faint etch handle has moderate wear but no major damage. An unmarked 20 inch with rusty discolored blade and wear on handle. Plus one that looks similar to a DISSTON No. 29 combination saw but has no etch other than the rule on both sides 25 inch blade scratch awl missing handle has staining and blade has light rust. |
Good - and better |
HOO12 21 |
60 |
120 |
6604-314 |
6604-314 Lot of three saws. A HENRY DISSTON and SON No. 7 26 inch with 7 tpi visible etch but staining on blade a few spots of rust handle ok with light wear and user initials punched in one side. One with illegible etch plate on handle horns broken off and smoothed down 26 inch with 8 tpi. And a 24 inch BAY STATE SAW WORKS blade has some discoloration but fairly clean no visible etch wheatsheaf handle ok with a small chip in top horn. Plus a leather saw case by BUCKINGHAM model 6221 28 inches long some staining and water damage. |
Good |
TKY139 |
35 |
70 |
6604-315 |
6604-315 Bow saw. Walnut frame 29 x 15 inches nice twine tensioner and rod 17 inch blade. Handles have a few stains and crack in one. Scratch or two but otherwise very nice. |
Good |
JSW31 |
30 |
60 |
6604-316 |
6604-316 UNION adjustable hack saw. Clean with majority of nickel plating with a little wear on adjustment bar handle has light wear but good KRON 12 inch blade. |
Good plus |
AND16 |
30 |
60 |
6604-317 |
6604-317 Ice saw. 26 inch iron blade with 1 tpi characteristic tooth pattern for ice saw. Metal handle has cast name that looks like Bodenstein. Traces of red paint. |
Good |
AND21 |
30 |
60 |
6604-318 |
6604-318 Lot of two lettering sets. A KEUFFEL and ESSER Doric No. 61 looks barely used and complete a few spots of rust on pencil holder. Label has a couple stains wood box ok inside original pasteboard box. And a STAEDTLER MARS No. 975-12LM set never used in case and includes several pens lettering guides ink compass adapter etc. In original pasteboard box that has some wear on edges but intact has purchase price tag of 358 dollars. Plus were throwing in a DIETZGEN Excello No. 4632 straight edge in original box 19 inches long near mint. |
Good plus and better |
WFN21 22 23 |
125 |
250 |
6604-319 |
6604-319 BROWN and SHARPE machinist kit IOB. 7 pieces including calipers dividers center finder steel rule and hardbound book in nice 15 inch x 8 inch fingerjointed box with latches looks never used. Beyond some scuffs and a chip to outside of case the kit is near mint. |
Fine |
FNK6 |
40 |
80 |
6604-320 |
6604-320 Hand-forged adjustable dividers. 15 long with a sliding locking arm very well made. |
Good plus |
REW971 |
50 |
100 |
6604-321 |
*6604-321 Dancing leg calipers. 3- one-half inches long a couple spots of surface discoloration brass rivet in center nicely made. |
Good |
DCR199 |
25 |
50 |
6604-322 |
6604-322 Large brass trammel points . 3 inch long square brass bodies with 3 inch steel points both with pencil holders through the body in front. Clean with just a few spots of rust on points. |
Good |
PTL5 |
35 |
70 |
6604-323 |
6604-323 UNION TOOL CO. Shaver patent bevel and protractor. Uncommon tool marked with Shavers 6 - 11 - 18 patent clean with majority of japanning and only one spot of rust on protractor. Scrape on backside arm. |
Good |
DJS54B |
75 |
150 |
6604-324 |
6604-324 Lot of two travelers. Both user made one with a solid disk and pointer of sheet metal and turned wooden handle the other is wrought iron with looped iron handle. |
Good |
BDE15 |
50 |
100 |
6604-325 |
6604-325 STRATTON BROS. No. 1 brassbound rosewood level. 28 inch rosewood version with two patent dates brass has a few spots of tarnish a few dings and one small chip in wood. Plumb vial cracked but level vial wet. |
Good |
LHD63 |
40 |
80 |
6604-326 |
6604-326 Lot of two travelers. Both fully metal one by WILEY and RUSSELL marked Green River Tire Wheel a few spots of rust and flaking. And unmarked one with twisted handle unruled possibly user made. |
Good |
DGO4 |
35 |
70 |
6604-327 |
6604-327 Brass square. Brass blade and brass edged handle of what looks like mahogany or light colored rosewood unmarked and possibly user made. User name etched in one edge of handle. Some tarnish to brass and small chip in wood around one brass peg. Level in handle looks like newer replacement. |
Good |
PNG49 |
40 |
80 |
6604-328 |
6604-328 Brass trammel points. Bell shaped cutout style 5 inches long by 2 inches wide with knurled locking thumbscrews. One has pencil holder on side. Piece of yardstick as a keeper. Unmarked. |
Good |
LEE138 |
30 |
60 |
6604-329 |
*6604-329 Caliper trammel points. Look like STARRETT No. 59 with the caliper legs inserted no divider points both have surface rust. |
Good |
DOR192 |
25 |
50 |
6604-330 |
6604-330 Brass wheel traveler. Unmarked except for Patent with numbering on one side one brass pointer with handwrought iron handle and second pointer. Nicely made a few spots of rust and dinging but overall clean. |
Good plus |
DJS139 |
40 |
80 |
6604-331 |
6604-331 Modified DAVIS No. 8 level. Someone cut out the midsection of a No. 8 level by Robinson japanning 70 percent one corner has soldered repair. Vial wet. |
Good- |
LHD70 |
30 |
60 |
6604-332 |
6604-332 Lot of two brass trammel point sets. Unmarked set with square bodies and steel knurled thumbscrews some light dinging but overall nice. And a STANLEY No. 2 pair in good condition with both shoes. |
Good plus |
RSR146 |
35 |
70 |
6604-333 |
6604-333 Drafting kit. Unmarked set with 12 brass and steel pieces plus brass protractor and an extra plastic protractor. Inside wooden box with lift-out tray and compartment underneath. Has lock but no key. |
Good |
DJS339 |
40 |
80 |
6604-334 |
*6604-334 J RABONE and SONS pocket level. 3 inches with slot and screw to attach to rule or square steel body with brass top plate yellow vial slight tarnish. |
Good |
30 |
60 |
6604-335 |
*6604-335 Brass protractor. 3- three - fourths inches wide ruled but unmarked a few spots of tarnish. |
Good |
VTO63 |
10 |
20 |
6604-336 |
6604-336 SAWYER TOOL MFG CO steel rule set. 3 inch 4 inch 6 inch 9 inch and 12 inch rules in slotted rosewood holder that hold 3 more rules not present. All etched in cursive with company name and Fitchburg Mass USA. Rules have some spots of surface discoloration rosewood has a few stains but overall nice. |
Good |
DST595 |
30 |
60 |
6604-337 |
*6604-337 Laminated square. Looks like alternating boxwood and rosewood layers on both stem and blade hanghole at end unmarked and nicely made with some wear. |
Good |
DJS210 |
20 |
40 |
6604-338 |
6604-338 Artillery level. Unmarked except for A-182590 4- one-half inch long level with rotating brass vial cover and inside metal case with 10 inch base. Vial wet. |
Good |
HOO15 |
40 |
80 |
6604-339 |
6604-339 Lot of two STRATTON BROS. levels. A brass-bound No. 1 26 inch in mahogany 26 inch and an unbound No. 2 24 inch mahogany. Strattons mahogany levels are rarer than the rosewood models. |
Good and better |
SGN840 |
60 |
100 |
6604-340 |
6604-340 Lot of two STANLEY No. 208 boxes of 3 inch level vials. Both boxes originally held a dozen one now has five and the other four plus a 2 inch. Boxes complete with one Type 7 and one Type 10 labels original sawdust. |
Good |
RBN101 103 |
50 |
80 |
6604-341 |
6604-341 Two boxes of STANLEY proved level vials. Both in wooden finger-jointed box with Type 6 labels - faded but complete - only one has sliding lid. One is for 2- one-half inch vials but it actually contains 20 vials of varying lengths up to 3- one-half inch no sawdust. The other is for 1- one-half inch vials and actually contains 14 shorter vials of different lengths in original sawdust. |
Good |
BFB95 |
60 |
120 |
6604-342 |
6604-342 Lot of two levels. Near mint example of L.S. STARRETT No. 133B engineers and plumbers level the 15 inch version of Starretts classic inclinometer with only minor damage to japanning. Starrett is still making these and you can buy a brand new one for around 400 dollars. Plus were throwing in a nice example of a STANLEY No. 3 carpenters level with sweetheart mark. |
Good plus |
AND18 19 |
100 |
150 |
6604-343 |
6604-343 British adjustable level. Unsigned but weve seen several of these. Mahogany 1 12 inch full brass top plate and ends fancy cutout for plumb vial adjustable foot to level uneven surfaces. theres a hole in one end plate that looks intentional. Level vial replaced. |
Good- |
30 |
60 |
6604-344 |
6604-344 MARSHALL Scottish level. 10 inch ebony with full brass top plate and feet rounded ends brass patinated but no damage marked Marshall Glasglow Warranted |
Good |
JRI221 |
60 |
100 |
6604-345 |
6604-345 Lot of two cast iron levels. One marked OSKO Level a maker Im not familiar with maybe European 23- one-half inch x 1- seven-eighths inch green japanning and an 18 inch MILLERS FALLS Type 2. Japanning has moderate wear and theres some surface rust mostly on the OSKO but no damage to the cast iron and all corners intact. |
Good and better |
SGN841 |
60 |
100 |
6604-346 |
6604-346 MERRIMAN adjustable level. Patented 10 - 31 - 1911 by Frederick Merrimen of Alameda CA and manufactured by the Plomb Tool Co. of Los Angeles. Designed to be attached to a separate stock the vial rotates and clicks into position at 30 45 60 and 90 degrees. Sheet metal with some surface corrosion. A very uncommon level. |
Good |
SGN842 |
60 |
120 |
6604-347 |
6604-347 Brass bench level. 5 inches brass flat bottomed body with green-lined vial marked only D. Lyon it its original turned boxwood container. |
Good plus |
PLH257X |
60 |
120 |
6604-348 |
6604-348 Lot of two STANLEY TOOLS IOB. 34V eclipse level near mint with instructions intact box with Type 6B label and a set of six No. 22 dowel pointers individual wrapped in original paper some nickel loss intact box with Type 10 label. |
Good plus |
RSR111 |
90 |
150 |
6604-349 |
6604-349 Lot of two STANLEY levels. A No. 30 cherry adjustable in very nice condition with vee trademark and a No. 90 mahogany with overall wear but no major damage. Both 28 inch. |
Good and better |
LHD105 |
40 |
80 |
6604-350 |
6604-350 Lot of two STANLEY levels. A No. 50 with adjustable side vials cherry 26 inch and a No. 2 30 inch mahogany missing one of its two adjustment covers. Wood on both has worn edges but no damage. |
Good |
SGN839 |
40 |
70 |
6604-351 |
6604-351 Lot of two wooden levels. A very clean DISSTON rosewood brass-bound 24 inch x 2 inch tall based on William Disstons 10 - 29 - 12 design patent and 24 inch STANDARD RULE single vial worn but undamaged. |
Good and better |
SGN838 |
60 |
100 |
6604-352 |
6604-352 STRATTON BROS. No. 1 brassbound rosewood level. One of the most attractive levels ever made this is the earliest version with just the 1872 patent 26 inch wood has some wear and a couple of scratches on one side but nothing major vials wet. |
Good plus |
LHD102 |
50 |
100 |
6604-353 |
6604-353 J.W. ANDREWS wooden level. Nice example of the Hudson Valley style by this early Albany maker 27 inch mahogany two side-mounted adjustable vials one with Andrews name and eagle mark plus top vial. Edges a little rounded but no damage. |
Good |
SGN637 |
50 |
100 |
6604-354 |
6604-354 Lot of four wooden levels. BAKER MCMILLEN 26 inch early type with single level vial and plumb no tips JOHN S. RABONE 24-one half -inch single level and plumb vials and two by H. CHAPIN and SONS both with single plumb and level vials one 28 inch and one nice 30 inch with brass tips. All wood is at least good all vials original and wet. |
Good and better |
SGN837 |
60 |
120 |
6604-355 |
*6604-355 Surface gauge. Unmarked but likely by STARRET missing one screw in base and some surface rust. |
Good |
MRA27 |
30 |
60 |
6604-356 |
*6604-356 Lot of two STANLEY levels. A 26 inch No. 3 sweetheart mark brass tarnished and heavily stained and dinged but still has 95 percent of label on top vials wet. And a 16 inch No. 104- one-half also with sweetheart mark and wet vials brass tarnished and some paint and staining on wood has 85 percent of label on top. |
Good- |
HOO19 |
30 |
60 |
6604-357 |
6604-357 STANLEY No. 24 bevel square. Early type possibly Type 2 as it has slotted blade and faint patent date on walnut handle 10 inch version mild pitting on blade. |
Good |
LHD66 |
35 |
70 |
6604-358 |
6604-358 Lot of six plumb bobs. Three brass carrot shaped between 5 inch and 4 inch in length including one that looks fairly new and shiny and another by DIETZGEN an unusual 2- one-half inch square shaped steel one and two other steel ones around 3 inches including one with knurling around top and middle. A few rust spots. |
Good |
NW853 838 1138 1141 1142 1190 |
35 |
70 |
6604-359 |
6604-359 Lot of plumb bobs. Six total. Two steel pencil shaped ones both 4 inches a nearly 7 inch conical brass one and smaller 4- one-half MILLERS FALLS and 5 inch STARRETT conical steel ones. And a 3 inch brass torpedo shaped one. Most have surface rust. |
Good |
NW845 1109 1116 1189 1227 1237 |
40 |
80 |
6604-360 |
6604-360 STANLEY No. 24 bevel square. Early type with slotted blade and faint patent date on rosewood handle 8 inch version mild pitting on blade. |
Good |
LHD64 |
40 |
80 |
6604-361 |
*6604-361 Draw gauge. Unmarked brass and rosewood style with 32 and 33 stamped on underside. Wear to wood and tarnish to brass no blade rust. |
Good- |
RML30 |
20 |
40 |
6604-362 |
6604-362 STANLEY No. 25 bevel. 8 inch version Type 1 with brass wingnut good rosewood handle blade has mild pitting. |
Good |
LHD65 |
40 |
80 |
6604-363 |
6604-363 Lot of two marking gauges. One is unmarked double stem and looks similar to the Stanley No. 71 and a rosewood mortise and marking gauge by MARPLES with some tarnish to brass and wear on wood. Points ok on both. |
Good |
NHN12 27 |
30 |
60 |
6604-364 |
6604-364 P. SARGENT quirk lying ogee with bevel. 3 inch profile 15 inch solid double boxed good tote. Sargents A mark - two stars - . Cutter has a mark that looks like Ullia Mash and Co. slightly spalled. Plane body in immaculate condition. |
Good plus |
80 |
160 |
6604-365 |
6604-365 ISRAEL WHITE quirk ovolo with bead. 2 inch profile double boxed with rosewood BUCK BROS. cutter 13- one-half inch sole good tote. Whites L mark with SL journeyman mark. Tight check in toe. |
Good |
GAN57 |
50 |
100 |
6604-366 |
6604-366 GABRIEL badger plane. 14 inch sole 2- one-eighths inch skewed WARD cutter unusual wooden depth stop two holes that may have attached a fence chip from tote. |
Good |
JSW23 |
50 |
100 |
6604-367 |
6604-367 R.W. HENDRICKSON panel raiser. 2- three-eighths inch skewed DWIGHTS FRENCH cutter light wear and a few old chips on edge of tote 15- one-half inches long. A couple of age checks. Hendrickson made planes and ran a shop in New York City 1859-1870 this is the 2 star mark. |
Good |
40 |
80 |
6604-368 |
6604-368 ATKIN and SONS witchet. Also known as a rounding plane or adjustable rounder. Very nice condition 1 12 inch long with a 3- one-fourth inch cutter two turned adjusting screws with minimal chipping to threads marked with Atkins name on both halves and the cutter. |
Good plus |
REW1455 |
80 |
160 |
6604-369 |
6604-369 Interchangeable sole plane. Unsigned 15- one-half inch sole has two soles one flat and one slightly concave and marked 6 strike button good tote. Plane is unsigned but the matching cutters are Ohio Tool Co. |
Good |
HOO47 |
50 |
100 |
6604-370 |
6604-370 S. F. WILLARD matched set of table hollow and round. Both with integral fence cut 1- three - fourths inch. Bodies are clean with some mild wear and scratching dings on heel. Willard made planes in Roxton Pond Quebec in the late 1800s. |
Good |
30 |
60 |
6604-371 |
6604-371 Lot of four molding planes. A three - fourths inch hollow by GREENFIELD TOOL and an unmarked single boxed snipe bill plane both with moderate wear and dinging. And a seven-sixteenths side bead looks like GREENSLADE but is overstamped single boxing cracked and stained plane worn with inactive wood. Plus a five - eights inch center bead by BENSEN and CRANNELL double boxed with chipping body has stains and wear. Small hole drilled in heel. |
Good- and better |
HOO44 |
40 |
80 |
6604-372 |
6604-372 Lot of four English molding planes. 1- three - fourths inch ogee by HEATHCOTT and LINLEY single boxed and spring marked. Two bevel ogees by KING and CO. and KING and PEACH 2 inch and 1- three - fourths inch both single boxed. And a 2- one-fourth inch bead fillet scotia triple boxed but center boxing half gone by WATKINS SALOP rope hole. All have some wear and user stamps a few are large. |
Good |
CLA804A |
50 |
100 |
6604-373 |
6604-373 Lot of five English molding planes. A quirk cove by MANNERS two scotia astregal by S. ROWELL and MIDDLETON and three-sixteenths inch and five-sixteenths inch boxed side beads by BEWLEY. Moderate wear on all user stamps with a few large. |
Good |
CLA804B |
40 |
80 |
6604-374 |
*6604-374 Lot of three molding planes. A HOWLAND hollow and round pair 1- one-sixteenths inch cutters heels marked with 14 and No. 180. A few spots of staining wedges and cutters ok. And an E. T. BURROWES CO. three-eighths inch hollow for fitting Burrowes patent sliding screens with instructions printed on thin board nailed to side of plane. |
Good |
RYP312 RYPG1 |
20 |
40 |
6604-375 |
6604-375 O.R. CHAPLIN patent jointer plane. An unmarked example of Chaplins patent in the uncommon 24 inch jointer length with corrugations cast into sole and bed unmarked cutter. Plastic tote a little loose nickel plating flaking on cap iron. Someone screwed in a spirit level into the front part of the bed behind the knob. Two holes drilled in sole behind tote. Could use a cleaning. |
Good |
COL225 |
40 |
80 |
6604-376 |
6604-376 SIEGLEY No. 7 jointer plane. Light surface rust japanning 80 percent. Could use a cleaning wood has some wear and dings. Corrugated sole has a few spots of pitting. An unusual jointer for the Siegley enthusiast who has everything. |
Good |
COL227 |
30 |
60 |
6604-377 |
6604-377 STANLEY Bedrock No. 605- one-halfC plane. Extra wide version of the Bed Rock jack plane. Type 4 with patent date cutter B casting mark on frog and lever cap. Cap also has 5- one-half cast on underside. Lateral has patent date. Japanning 80 percent some rust tote has been skillfully reglued knob ok lever cap has chip on bottom right corner cutter has nick. Could use a cleaning. |
Good |
DOR229 |
100 |
200 |
6604-378 |
6604-378 STANLEY No. 4- one-half plane. Later type with notched rectangle mark on lever cap and cutter kidney shaped hole lever cap plastic frog adjustment screw. Tall knob and tote ok with light wear. Japanning 95 percent surface rust. |
Good |
OVR143 |
60 |
120 |
6604-379 |
6604-379 Lot of two STANLEY No. 4 sized planes. A later type No. 4C with notched rectangle and kidney shaped hole lever cap tall knob cutter unmarked japanning 85 percent tote a little loose. Few small spots of red paint. And a Type 9 No. 4- one-halfC patent date on cutter tote has some chips on one side and reglued near base dings to knob and cheeks. Lever cap is plain with small chip at end. |
Good- and better |
ESY77 |
70 |
120 |
6604-380 |
*6604-380 Lot of two smoothing planes. A later type STANLEY No. 3 body with a Birmingham B Plane cutter and Bedrock lever cap. Wood ok metal has surface rust. And a CRAFTSMAN No. 4C size with chip in front cheek japanning ok but has paint splotches surface rust wood ok. |
Good- |
VTD251 |
20 |
40 |
6604-381 |
6604-381 EDWIN HAHN No. 14 jointer plane. Hahn worked in Wilkes-Barre and may have had a connection with Siegley. This one has a corrugated 23-and-a-half inch sole and Hahns distinctive lateral adjustment. Slight wear to edge of tote bed looks repainted. A rare plane. |
Good |
COL252 |
100 |
150 |
6604-382 |
6604-382 TOWER and LYON corrugated sole jointer plane. With corrugations cast into the 22 inch sole. Original cutter clearly marked with both O.R. Chaplins 1872 patent for the plane design and John Towers 1876 patent for the tote. Very clean example of an uncommon plane. |
Good plus |
COL253 |
100 |
150 |
6604-383 |
6604-383 Lot of three STANLEY secondary line planes. Two FOURSQUARE planes Nos. 1104 and 1105 the 1104 has a badly reglued tote and both cutters slightly spalled. And a DEFIANCE jack plane in very clean condition slight loss of grey japanning. |
Good and better |
BSR131 |
60 |
120 |
6604-384 |
6604-384 Lot of two STANLEY planes. No 148 match plane very clean nickel intact sweetheart on tongue cutter and vee on cap screw. And a No. 4 bench plane Type 14 with third sweetheart reglued tote with partial decal. |
Good and better |
PHE2 4 |
80 |
150 |
6604-385 |
6604-385 STANLEY No. 72 chamfer plane. Early type with japanned thumbscrew. Cutter might have patent date but too faint to read. Japanning 90 percent and not repainted wood fine. |
Good plus |
OVR99 |
200 |
400 |
6604-386 |
6604-386 STANLEY No. 113 flexible sole plane. Type 1 front knob very worn but undamaged japanning about 75 percent proper cutter with marking faint but just legible. |
Good |
LEE914 |
100 |
200 |
6604-387 |
6604-387 STANLEY No. 2C corrugated sole bench plane. Type 10 or thereabouts with T mark. No number cast into the bed which is the case with some No. 2s. Body clean but has chip at base of knob and repaired crack in tote. |
Good plus |
BSR531 |
200 |
400 |
6604-388 |
6604-388 STANLEY No. 2 bench plane. Late type with orange mark on lever cap and notched rectangle on cutter. Varnish worn but wood undamaged light surface rust. |
Good |
BSR526 |
100 |
200 |
6604-389 |
6604-389 Lot of two STANLEY bench planes. A BEDROCK No. 603 looks like Type 5 but with low knob - cracked - and sweetheart cutter light surface rust good tote. And were throwing in a DEFIANCE No 3 type varnish mostly worn off tote and knob but undamaged. |
Good |
HOO22 25 |
120 |
160 |
6604-390 |
*6604-390 STANLEY claw hammer. 28 oz hammer notched rectangle mark on cheek with 40-28-oz below. Some dinging but face pretty good handle lightly worn and marked Witte 33-LH a few specks of paint. |
Good |
NW745 |
20 |
40 |
6604-391 |
6604-391 H. CHENEY claw hammer. Smaller size about 4- one-half inches wide with 1 inch face stamped H. Cheney Hammer Co. Tool Steel on cheek near neck but the H. Cheney part is faint. Head is very slightly used handle looks original with some wear and small crack near top. Stains and letter N carved into it. Some dings to metal and chip at top of face. |
Good |
REW1346 |
30 |
60 |
6604-392 |
6604-392 Lot of two claw hammers. A CHENEY patented nail holder hammer like new except for some traces of surface rust and a small MAYDOLE shaped like a framing hammer but only 9 inch long with light head. Both have nice tight original handles some paint splatters on the Maydole. |
Good and better |
SGN845 |
40 |
80 |
6604-393 |
6604-393 Lot of two tack hammers. One by C.S.Osborne with hickory inlaid handle the other is from Harrison NJ but the name is obscured by surface rust good rosewood inlaid handle. Apart from cleanable surface rust but in very good undamaged condition. |
Good |
SGN846 |
40 |
80 |
6604-394 |
6604-394 Lot of four hammers. A HOBBS patent crate opener marked Wrigleys Nips - Candy Coated Gum - a cigar cutter hammer marked Greenville Cigar Mfg Co. top half of a ROBERTSON patent bill posting hammer perfect if you happen to have the bottom and a strapped tack hammer probably user made. |
Good |
SGN847 |
40 |
80 |
6604-395 |
6604-395 Lot of hammers. Two cobblers hammers one by HAMMOND of Philadelphia the other unmarked a STANLEY No. 91- one-half 16 oz framing hammer the head of a nail starter hammer an paving hammer a plain-faced claw hammer a tack hammer with remnants of a decal and as a bonus a bed wrench. |
Mixed |
MRA various |
60 |
100 |
6604-396 |
6604-396 Goosewing axe. Touchstamp is letters FGF around a goatÍs head 13- one-fourth inch edge has a few nicks some surface rust. 21 inch handle has some mild wear and a few chips. Left handed. |
Good |
REW1736 |
50 |
100 |
6604-397 |
6604-397 D. I. PACKER broad axe. Woodbury NJ maker of edge tools in the mid-1800s. 9 inch blade double sided still sharp with no nicks. 8 inch handle is original or old well-patinated replacement. |
Good plus |
ASG19 |
60 |
120 |
6604-398 |
6604-398 HACKDEVIL adze. 4 inch edge 10 inch long body marked with E5865 some rust and wear but edge sharp. Slightly curved 27 inch handle has some light wear and some staining. Comes with protective leather sheath. |
Good |
MRA25 |
30 |
60 |
6604-399 |
6604-399 UNDERHILL EDGE TOOL CO. slick. 3 inch wide sharp edge 28 inch long total including 13 inch nicely turned handle with a few small dings. User stamp spots of light surface rust. |
Good |
LEE52 |
60 |
120 |
6604-400 |
*6604-400 Lot of two axes. A mortising axe unmarked and probably smith made. Minimal rust 9 inch head 24 inch handle is old but not original needs a wedge. And a modern axe by SNOW and NEALLEY Bangor ME. Light use and some rust but still in good working condition. |
Good |
LEE44 935 |
25 |
50 |
6604-401 |
6604-401 Lot of three adjustable wrenches. A Wizard No. 9 patented in 1922 and manufactured by WAKEFIELD WRENCH CO. of Worcester MA a WHITMAN and BARNES Hercules 11- one-half inch long jaws slightly sprung and a 9 inch CRESCENT. |
Good plus |
DEN3 7 |
60 |
90 |
6604-402 |
6604-402 STANLEY Defiance No. 1240 wedge vise IOB. Screws to the workbench or floor and uses wedging action to lock large pieces slid into it. Tool is near new box complete with split seams. |
Good plus |
SAN72 |
30 |
60 |
6604-403 |
6604-403 JORGENSEN No. 1623 hold-down clamp IOB. 3 inch jaw. Clamp is near new with a little surface rust mounting bolt has more rust includes original instruction sheet box complete with one split seam. |
Good plus |
RBN106 |
30 |
60 |
6604-404 |
*6604-404 Set of four FORD open end wrenches. Marked 9N17014 on one side and marked 9 10 21 and 22 on the other side. Each is ruled from 1 inch through 9 inch. Some dings no serious rust or damage. |
Good plus |
MRA137-140 |
30 |
60 |
6604-405 |
6604-405 Stock marking tool. Patented by Samuel J. Brighton of Fairfield IA and consists of heavy duty pliers with a blade at the end that cuts against a copper pad. Designed to mark stock ears noses or horns. Marked Brightons and Pat Apr 23 01. 10- one-half inch. |
Good plus |
PKL335 |
50 |
100 |
6604-406 |
6604-406 Lot of two socket wrench sets. An uncommon Billmont master wrench - Schulz No. 186 - manufactured by E.G. GUTHARD of Chicago includes two sockets missing the cross handle but any metal rod could be used and a FRANK MOSSBERG No. 355 set with handle and seven sockets. |
Good |
MLR20 28 |
60 |
100 |
6604-407 |
*6604-407 Lot of two automotive tools. A specialized wrench of some sort labeled NORTHLAKE MANUFACTURING of Peoria and what looks like a wagon wrench with a bead breaker for tire removal. |
Good |
DEN29 |
30 |
60 |
6604-408 |
6604-408 Lot of five MAYTAG cutout wrenches. Two No.2s a No.3 and two No.6s. Some minor surface pitting on a couple no significant damage. |
Good |
MRA70-74 |
50 |
90 |
6604-409 |
*6604-409 BILLINGS and SPENCER bicycle wrench. 4- one-fourth inch long with the Billings B trademark they started using in 1926. |
Good |
DPN6 |
15 |
30 |
6604-410 |
*6604-410 Set of 11 G. MUSGRAVE pinch dogs. 2- one-half inch across surface oxidation but no rust or damage. |
Good plus |
DGO12 |
30 |
60 |
6604-411 |
*6604-411 Lot of two boxed English tools. A WODEN No. X190 doweling jig near mint in sliding lid finger jointed box with instructions and outer pasteboard sleeve. And a MACO patent template 8- one-fourth inch wide with brass fingers a little loss of nickel and box is worn but complete. |
Good plus and better |
ACS18 21 |
20 |
40 |
6604-412 |
*6604-412 Lot of three BROWN and SHARPE machinist tools. Two micrometers and a No. 607 depth gauge all etched with what I presume are inventory numbers. In plain sliding fingerjointed box that has some dirt and chips. Plus were throwing in two empty fingerjointed boxes for a WINNER soldering iron No. 2 and CONNECTICUT VALLEY MFG CO auger bits. Both have ok labels and the Winner has directions inside. |
Good |
JPR28 30 |
15 |
30 |
6604-413 |
6604-413 Lot of three STANLEY No. 59 doweling jigs IOB. Two more modern both with instructions and one with missing bottom half of box and no guides other complete with all six guides and both look clean and unused. And one in box with Type 8 label clean with 5 guides box has some staining. |
Good and better |
RBN273 |
30 |
60 |
6604-414 |
6604-414 Lot of four STANLEY items IOB. A No. 44 bit and square level clean in good box. A No. 138 level sights fine with sweetheart marks box has writing but otherwise ok. A No. 95 butt gauge slight nickel loss includes instructions box good. And a No. 271 router plane sweetheart mark on label plane clean but cutter rusty box ok. |
Good and better |
RSR147 |
35 |
70 |
6604-415 |
*6604-415 STANLEY No. 180 extension bit IOB. 18 inch clean includes additional 18 inch long rusty drill bit. Box good. |
Good plus |
DOR213 |
10 |
20 |
6604-416 |
*6604-416 STANLEY No. 59 doweling jig IOB. Japanned body 6 guides in box with Type 6a label. Box has some stains on lid and a few small tears tool clean. |
Good plus |
DOR199 |
20 |
40 |
6604-417 |
*6604-417 Lot of two British tools IOB. A TECTOOL two cutter plough plane which consists of wood handle with japanned stem that has two cutters attached with bolts and can be adjusted to cut a groove from one-sixteenths inch and up. Inside box is two extra cutters what looks like a depth stop and spanner wrenches to tighten nuts on the bolts. Box dingy with writing but has label. Plus a JUNIOR block plane No. 12 some rust and green japanning 80 percent box tattered with partial label and a hole in lid. |
Good |
ACS45 105 |
20 |
40 |
6604-418 |
*6604-418 STANLEY Yankee No. 03-043 push drill IOB. Minty clean with 9 bits in handle original paper in unmarked original box with tear in middle of one flap. |
Fine |
RBN274 |
25 |
50 |
6604-419 |
*6604-419 STANLEY No. 42 pistol grip saw set IOB. Clean with 60 percent of original decal on japanned body marked No. 42W on underside of handle. Includes instructions box with Type 8 label a bit tattered. |
Good plus |
PNG45 |
20 |
40 |
6604-420 |
6604-420 STARRETT No. 645 universal heavy duty dial test indicator IOB. Complete in gently used condition has majority of label on inside lid and outside lid box has some scuffs and chip in one corner but otherwise ok. |
Good |
RBN300 |
35 |
70 |
6604-421 |
6604-421 RUSSELL JENNINGS auger bit set No. 32- one-half IOB. Nice crisp label on inside lid bits clean and look unused box has a few stains and scuffs on outside but good hinges and overall decent. |
Good plus |
NHF61 |
40 |
80 |
6604-422 |
6604-422 HUOT drill bit set. 55 bits in 6 fold up trays in bottom of box and 60 bits in tray that flips up. Bits marked HS. Also includes 20 very small bits in case marked 61-80. Set looks clean and unused. |
Good |
SAN59 |
60 |
120 |
6604-423 |
*6604-423 NATIONAL COURSE No. 321 tap and die set. Tungsten speed complete 12 pieces in original wood box with clear plastic sliding lid. |
Good |
AND1 |
20 |
40 |
6604-424 |
6604-424 Set of L.K. KNOTT APPARATUS CO. bar magnets. Pair of 6 inch long steel magnets marked N and S. In original sliding lid wooden box with instructions on lid. The Knott company of Boston made scientific instruments for the school market. The magnets have become demagnetized but could be recharged. |
Good |
SGN848 |
40 |
80 |
6604-425 |
*6604-425 GRAND RAPIDS SASH PULLEY CO. window mortising bit tool. It holds 3 bits that turn together to make the mortise for the window pulley. Missing one of the bits and side guide rod but has other two bits. Stamped 4421 on one end. Some rust on bits. 8- one-fourth inches x 4- three-eighths inches. |
Good |
GFR250 |
20 |
40 |
6604-426 |
6604-426 BRUNO TOOLS No. 201-B adjustable bit. Includes two auxiliary cutters and original allen wrench. Manufactured by Bruno Tools of Beverly Hills - really - and marked patent pending. In a fitted wooden case that could be original but has no label. Never seen another. |
Good |
SGN843 |
50 |
100 |
6604-427 |
6604-427 KEEN KUTTER No. K20 razor hone. 5- one-half inch x 2 inch with Keen Kutter name engraved into the surface in its original tin box markings faded but clearly legible. |
Good |
SGN844 |
50 |
100 |
6604-428 |
*6604-428 XACTO No. 83 knife chest set. Two all-metal blade holders and one with bakelite handle plus 8 blades in bladeholder on inside lid and a complete label behind them. 8 or so extra blades including a few inside two original blade pasteboard boxes. A few light rust spots box ok with light wear and nearly complete label on outside. |
Good plus |
RBN289 |
25 |
50 |
6604-429 |
6604-429 Lot of tools. A WM P WALTERS SONS 16 inch panel saw that looks made by Disston for this mid-19th century Philadelphia dealer 9 ppi with split nuts and faint etch. A KNEW CONCEPT 5 inch fret saw looks barely used with light rust on blade a STANLEY No. 25 T-bevel less common 12 inch length good rosewood handle a STANLEY No. 62 brass bound four fold two foot rule worn but legible and a BUCK BROS three - fourths inch skew chisel handle has brass ferrule and black stripe painted beneath it. |
Good- and better |
KGM1 8 97 157 159 |
40 |
80 |
6604-430 |
6604-430 Lot of three WINCHESTER tools. A hammer hatchet with good handle freshly sharpened edge a few dings in hammer face. A 12 inch No. W104 level vials wet some stains and two nails at one end. And a No. W4 smoothing plane clean with most of japanning a ding or two in knob tote ok. |
Good |
DOR204 |
50 |
100 |
6604-431 |
*6604-431 Letter stamps. three-eighths inch letters from A to Z plus a period and ampersand in wood box. Unmarked. |
Good |
PTL7 |
20 |
40 |
6604-432 |
*6604-432 Lot of two MILLERS FALLS No. 1550 number stamps IOB. one-eighths inch and three-sixteenths inch sizes both 0 to 8 gently used. Both have good box labels three-sixteenths inch has part of lid missing on one side. |
Good |
PTL 8 |
20 |
40 |
6604-433 |
6604-433 Lot of bench plane cutters. Two unmarked in 2 inch and 3- one-half inch sizes three STANLEY sweetheart blades each in original paper inside bottom part of original box one has 80 percent of paper and other two complete. Plus three STANLEY block plane irons inside original box blades look used but box has most of original label. Plus were throwing in a GENERAL No. 4047 drill gauge in original sleeve. |
Good and better |
HAN550 |
40 |
80 |
6604-434 |
*6604-434 Lot of plane parts. Various parts including two block plane lever caps three bench plane tote screws depth stop and a dozen or so screws and nuts. |
Good |
OVR155 |
10 |
20 |
6604-435 |
6604-435 Lot of two tools. A 5 inch version of BILLINGS and SPENCER patented screwdriver handle marked with 3 - 15 - 92 and 2 - 4 - 96 patent dates where the four different sized retractable flat head bits inside the body of the handle with rosewood grip at end. In good condition with most of its nickel plating. And a BROWN and SHARPE thread gauge that measures from 1-20 with only a few small spots of rust. |
Good |
VTO84 |
40 |
80 |
6604-436 |
*6604-436 T handle corkscrew. 3- one-half inch rounded wood handle with wire corkscrew unmarked. |
Good |
VTO71 |
10 |
20 |
6604-437 |
*6604-437 Small hatchet. one-half inch hammer poll with 2- one-fourth inch hatchet edge handle is a little over 7 inches long. Some rust on metal wood good. |
Good |
PNG48 |
20 |
40 |
6604-438 |
*6604-438 Lot of bits. 6 auger bits mostly IRWIN 23 spade bits including some by BROWN and FLATHER and WELLS 6 paddle bits and a couple others thrown in. Most have rust but nothing severe. As is no returns. |
Good |
AED64 |
30 |
60 |
6604-439 |
*6604-439 Lot of three toasters. All electric by STAR RITE 75000 LANDERS No. 75312A and UNIVERSAL No. E947. Universal is most tarnished but other two pretty shiny still with light wear. No cords on any of them. |
Good |
EMN21 |
30 |
60 |
6604-440 |
6604-440 Lot of 10 ice cream scoops. 8 are the mechanized scraper type including 4 by GILCHRIST 1 by BENEDICT 1 PEERLESS 1 HAMILTON BEACH 1 unmarked. And two conical ones with thumbscrew that controls scraper including patented one by Henry Keiner and Edward Williams with KW thumbscrew and other marked Clads Dish. Some have wear and rust overall ok. |
Good |
EMN26 |
35 |
70 |
6604-441 |
*6604-441 Lot of three kitchen items. Two ENTERPRISE MFG CO. cherry stoners including No. 1403 black japanning 80 percent a few rust spots and No. 1463 with about half its nickel plating. And a READING HARDWARE apple parer medallion has patent dates some surface rust especially on gears. |
Good |
EMN20 24 |
20 |
40 |
6604-442 |
*6604-442 W. BEATTY and SONS meat cleaver. 9 inch edge body curved at top with nice walnut handle some checks and a few spots of rust but overall in good condition and still sharp has hanghole. User initials stamped in backside of body. |
Good |
EMN48 |
30 |
60 |
6604-443 |
*6604-443 Lot of two sadirons. A PEERLESS by the American Specialty Co. with a bottom compartment to house hot coals and detachable handle. Has back flap in base to also allow for addition of hot slug. Front part of base has piece broken off otherwise in decent shape. And an unmarked one similar to the Coleman gas irons with some wear to wood on handle nice decorative base and top. |
Good |
EMN22 |
25 |
50 |
6604-444 |
*6604-444 Ice tongs. One side of handle marked Sharon Coal and Ice Co. Sharon PA. Other side has Bell Phone 242. Tongs have surface rust but work smoothly. |
Good |
COL247 |
10 |
20 |
6604-445 |
*6604-445 Lot of eight CREAM TOP spoons. Designed to skim the cream off the top of milk bottles with S shape that allows it to be hung from rim of bottle. Marked Cream Top and with patent dates. Most have tarnish. |
Good |
EMN28 |
25 |
50 |
6604-446 |
*6604-446 Lot of two sadirons and trivets. Solid cast iron sadirons one marked only 8 other a No. 5 by Thomas Loring Blackwood NJ. The No. 8 has some pitting and surface rust. One trivet is a Iwantu type by Strause Gas Iron Co. of Philadelphia other is American Beauty Iron by American Electrical Heat Co. Both with a few spots of rust. |
Good |
EMN23 |
20 |
40 |
6604-447 |
6604-447 Lot of STANLEY instructional posters and tool guide. 8 double sided pasteboard posters depicting various Stanley tools and how to use them. Plus a Stanley tool guide book The Tool Box of the World similarly with various types of Stanley tools and their use on each of the 32 pages marked as having copywright in 1935 by The Stanley Rule and Level Plant. All inside black carrying case with handles. |
Good |
SAN60 |
35 |
70 |
6604-448 |
*6604-448 Lot of two hardware company catalogs. A hardbound copy of catalog No. 16 from the THOMSON-DIGGS COMPANY wholesale hardware dealers out of Sacramento no visible date but based on offerings likely from 1915-1920. And a NICHOLS DEAN and GREGG catalog No. 60 of blacksmith supplies and heavy hardware from St. Paul MN. Looks to be from 1925 or so. Some tears on cover and water damage and dirt but majority of pages seem ok. |
Good |
30 |
60 |
6604-449 |
6604-449 STANLEY TOOLS by John Walter. Paperback second edition shows moderate use and wear with some creases in cover and spine spine loose at bottom some staining to outer edge a few pages have creased corners. If youre looking for a good workshop copy this is it. |
Good- |
RBN128 |
40 |
80 |
6604-450 |
6604-450 Lot of four pocket books. A 1908 hardcover edition of The Steel Square and Its Uses wear to cloth on cover and spine a bit loose. A CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY Pocket Companion from 1923 containing useful information and tables regarding steel. Some pencil marks on a few pages light wear to soft cover. A 1941 Steel Square Pocket Book in fairly good condition. And a GREENFIELD TAP AND DIE CORPORATION Small Tools Catalog No. 29 from 1929 with light wear but overall in nice shape. |
Good- and better |
RBN126 |
35 |
70 |
6604-451 |
*6604-451 Lot of STARRETT catalogs. Three No. 26 a No. 26A and a No. 27. Generally in good shape with a couple having light wear or dirt on covers. Plus a GREENFIELD TOOLS catalog No. 39 from 1940 clean. |
Good |
RBN127 |
30 |
60 |
6604-452 |
6604-452 PATENTED TRANSITIONAL and METALLIC PLANES IN AMERICA Vol. II. Hardcover with dustjacket new. |
Mint |
30 |
60 |
6604-453 |
*6604-453 JOHN DEERE Farmers Pocket Companion. From 1905 includes monthly calendar on outside flap a few pages for notes a few pages on John Deere plows and a journal from August 1904 of a man depicting his travels from West Virginia to Philadelphia. Some wear to cover. |
Good |
SGN867 |
30 |
60 |
6604-454 |
6604-454 Lot of catalog reproductions. 15 or so reproduction prints mostly provided by M-WTCA for companies like MATHIESON and SONS NATIONAL SAW COMPANY LUFKIN STANLEY 1867 1870 1879 and 1892 price lists DISSTON LANG and JACOBS HOOLE WORKS HIRTH and KRAUSE I.B. FARRINGTON FOLDING SAWING MACHINE WHEELER MADDEN and BAKEWELL PHELPS MFG. CO. Plus a How to Make Wooden Planes book by Perch and Lee. Most clean with owner name on covers. |
Good |
RJR17 |
40 |
80 |
6604-455 |
6604-455 Dealers lot of wrenches. 19 total. Several adjustable pipe wrenches including a GORDON automatic HELIX RICHARD MCCABE CO. STIX-ON HACOMER SPEEDNUT etc. One with spring jaws from UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO. A RICHARDS MFG CO. Shark wrench 8 inches and another similarly shaped one with spring activated jaw adjustment but unmarked. All have varying degrees of rust and wear. Plus a combination tool manufactured by EDWIN LOUDERBACK and CO. and patented by Erdman and Phillips which is a combination of combination of pliers screwdriver hammer punch hand vise pipe wrench wire cutters and about anything else you could probably think of. Some light pitting but clean. As is no returns. |
Good |
ALVvarious |
75 |
150 |
6604-456 |
6604-456 Dealers lot of block planes. Two STANLEY No. 220s and four similar ones by other makers like SARGENT and CRAFTSMAN. Two STANLEY No. 110 both missing knob. Two adjustable throat one by COLUMBIA with chip at throat and other by STANLEY. All have most of their japanning some rust spots on a few knobs worn or cracked on a couple. |
Good- and better |
MRA79 81 88 89 92-95 98 222 |
40 |
80 |
6604-457 |
6604-457 Dealers lot of rules. Six are four-fold one-foot makers including E.A. STEARNS H. CHAPIN or unmarked and one marked SANFORD WHIP CO. bound and unbound and a two-fold one foot No. 10. All decent. Plus five two-fold two-foot by STEPHENS and CO E.A. STEARNS J.G. GRAVES STANDARD RULE and H. CHAPIN. Most have staining but nothing too extreme. As is no returns. |
Good and better |
SGN859 862 |
60 |
120 |