2018-001 STANLEY No. 238 weatherstripping plane with cutters. Proper fence has flathead screws instead of thumbscrews body repainted over what looks like moderate pitting has 6 cutters with surface rust. Good- (HNL518 536) 50-100 |
2018-002 STANLEY No. 57 core box plane. Body and one set of extensions with turnbuckle nickel plating 80 percent vee mark cutter. One extension screw is replacement wood has light wear and crack in tote. Good (FNK176) 125-250 |
2018-003 German bench plane. 8-one-half inch long metal frame body including infill block of wood at heel which is stamped D.R.G.M. for Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster or German Register so it is possibly patented in Germany and has what looks like a worn patent number cast into toe. Wood and cutter look to be from ARNS horn plane horseshoe shaped lever cap is screwed into the cheeks and marked with number 8 that corresponds to another 8 mark ahead of throat. A few chips in sole at throat. Different. Good (HNL168) 35-70 |
2018-004 STANLEY No. 15 adjustable block plane. Looks like a Type 3 rusty with chips in throat and lever cap japanning 65 percent. Fair (PNG87) 30-60 |
2018-005 STANLEY No. 95 edge trimming plane. Sweetheart mark on cutter japanning 80 percent. Good (KDL159) 50-100 |
2018-006 STANLEY No. 130 double end block plane. Throats are ok japanning 60 percent knob looks like replacement as it doesn't sit quite right some scratching on sole. Good- (ECN47) 30-60 |
2018-007 Lot of 2 HAHN patent bench planes. Both appear to be made by SIEGLEY a No. 9 and a No. 6. Both have tips of totes missing and the No. 9 has metal cap on top of broken part. Both corrogated soles traces of japanning. Good- (HOO24 26) 30-60 |
*2018-008 MILLERS FALLS No. 14 bench plane. Nice and clean tiny nicks in throat. Good (COL261) 25-50 |
2018-009 KEEN KUTTER No. 7C jointer plane. Knob worn and a chip out of tote also worn. Japanning 70 percent. Blade has Richards and Conover HDW mark. Corrugated bottom in good condition. Good plus (FNK103) 30-60 |
2018-010 Lot of cutters. 6 scraper blades and 3 small blades all unmarked. And 2 STANLEY 1-five-eighths inch blades with notched rectangle marks. Inside STANLEY box with split seams with partial label. Good (PNG61) 40-80 |
2018-011 Lot of 2 STANLEY bench planes. A No. 2 vee mark on cutter plain lever cap crack in tote grind marks on sole japanning may be repainted. No. 3 has B casting marks patent date cutter with pitting tote appears ok japanning 60 percent. Good- (THF323 324) 50-100 |
2018-012 Lot of 2 bullnose planes. RECORD No. 077 light surface rust good throat. And a STANLEY No. 75 early type with 2 line mark on cutter and delicate screw cap throat a little worn but no damage japanning 70 percent spot of paint on heel. Good (MSV72) 50-100 |
2018-013 STANLEY No. 98 and 99 side rabbet pair. Both Type 1 with unmarked cutters patent dates on skate B casting marks. Knobs worn japanning 85-90 percent. Good plus (TWR242) 50-100 |
2018-014 Lot of 2 modified STANLEY planes. A No. 78 with front half of body cut off in front of cutter to create a bullnose throat good. And the back part of a No. 92 with rosewood body top and brass sole in front nicely made. Good (MHT57) 35-70 |
2018-015 Lot of 3 bench planes. STANLEY No. 3 vee mark cutter 3 patent dates behind frog wood and japanning ok. And a No. 4C patent date cutter repaired crack in tote. Plus a MILLERS FALLS No. 9 with moderate wear. Good- and better (FNK302 581 649) 40-80 |
2018-016 J. KELLOGG screw-arm plow plane. Unhandled boxwood body threads and nuts have chips and wear crack at toe above skate replacement wedge with DWIGHTS FRENCH cutter. Good- (NHF340) 30-60 |
2018-017 MATHIESON and SON screw-arm filletster. Beech body turned finials proper marked cutter has rust spots. Staining and a few checks on body chips in threads and nuts. Good (GAN5159) 30-60 |
2018-018 CHILD PRATT and CO handled plow plane. St. Louis hardware dealers in the 1850s. Beech body TILLOTSON cutter stamped No. 104 at toe with crack through it fence has large chip and tote missing tip chips on threads replaced wedge. Good- (GFR68) 35-70 |
2018-019 M. COPELAND screw-arm plow plane. Beech body with boxwood nuts BUTCHER cutter chipping to threads especially at ends a couple scuffs in body and mild chewing of wedge. Good (CGD20) 35-70 |
2018-020 E. BALDWIN wedge-arm plow plane. Beech body brass caps on arms one wedge replaced cutter wedge lightly chewed user marks. Good (CGD272) 30-60 |
*2018-021 User modified plane. Someone took a wedge-arm moving filletster and shaved the sole into a convex shape similar to a coachmaker's rabbet and added boxed depth stops to toe and heel. Still has fence arms have brass caps wedges look like replacements. Good (NHF339) 25-50 |
2018-022 JNO COCKBAIN moving filletster. Screw-arm beech body a few spots of rust a couple chips on threads. Good (GAN5126) 30-60 |
*2018-023 Large wooden trammel points. One fixed trammel one wedge-locked 9 inches long total with half inch inch points. 59 inch keeper with hanghole looks like oak. Good (ECN233) 20-40 |
*2018-024 Lot of 2 wooden travellers. Hand carved 7-one-half inch and 8-one-half inch heads held by iron pins. Some wear and staining hangholes. Good (ECN289) 20-40 |
2018-025 Lot of 2 extremely large wooden dividers. A handcarved pair with 46 inch long round legs held together with iron pin light wear. And one with 5 foot long legs with beveled front and flat backside designed to be opened fully and marked in one foot increments on one leg and two feet on other so that in total it will measure 10 feet. Bulbous end serves as handle. Looks manufactured but no maker's mark. Staining and light wear. Good (ECN213) 30-60 |
*2018-026 Lot of 4 rules. Three extensible rules in 12 foot 10 foot and 6 foot. Only 6 foot is marked as STANLEY No. 360. All worn and stained. Plus a STANLEY No. 41 yardstick marked with fractions of a yard on backside wear to wood. Good- (ECN106) 25-50 |
2018-027 Lot of 3 log rules. A super clean 42 inch one by LUFKIN an unmarked 56 inch one with light wear. Plus a thicker 42 inch unmarked one with light wear and hanghole. Good and better (CVR642) 30-60 |
2018-028 STARRETT combination square set. The 12 inch version of Starrett's combination square and protractor. Protractor is marked by Starrett square is not and may have come from a different set japanning like new but no scratch gauge. Good (RRT425) 60-120 |
2018-029 Lot of 2 panel gauges. A STANLEY No. 85-one-half unmarked as usual but with user stamps brass tarnished wood slightly dinged. And an early prick wheel panel gauge possibly user made with brass trim and large iron thumbscrew light wear. Good (LHD151) 40-80 |
2018-030 Lot of 2 bevels. What looks like a STANLEY No. 24 bevel square unmarked rosewood handle and with 4 inch and 7 inch edges. And a STANLEY No. 25 sliding t-bevel with 12 inch blade. Both have light wear to wood. Good (LHD153) 30-60 |
*2018-031 WILEY and RUSSELL traveller. Marked Green River 7 inch wheel with traces of nickel on pointer traces of japanning and a few rust spots. Good (LEE68) 15-30 |
2018-032 Lot of 3 STANLEY No. 18 bevels. 6 inch 8 inch and 10 inch blades. Slight wear and pitting but overall clean. Good (LHD155) 30-60 |
2018-033 Lot of 3 STANLEY No. 25 bevels. All appear to be Type 1 with 6 inch 8 inch and 12 inch blades and brass locking wingnuts. Unmarked wood lightly worn and some mild pitting on the largest. Good (LHD154) 40-80 |
*2018-034 Clamp-on level. Fully brass 5 inch long case with knurled brass locking thumbscrew. Unmarked some tarnish spots vial wet. Good (DEN159) 25-50 |
*2018-035 FRANK B. HALL line level in case. Octogonal line level with what looks like replaced vial inside tin case with 80 percent paint. Good (RML238) 10-20 |
2018-036 Frame saw. Sometimes called a Bettye saw. 25 inch by 39 inch frame 29 inch blade held with tension clamp. Unmarked. Good (CRT240) 35-70 |
2018-037 Lot of 3 small bow saws. Two unmarked with 10 inch blades in clean nicely made frames and a DISSTON with 16 inch frame that has wear and staining. Good and better (RBN51) 35-70 |
2018-038 Lot of 3 bow saws. Two larger with red frames and 27 inch blades paint worn on one. Smaller one looks hand carved with 14 inch blade and worn wood. Good (ECN227) 30-60 |
2018-039 Buck saw. 24 inch blade with curved metal frame that appears to be made from tine of hay rake. Well made. Good (DCR389) 30-60 |
2018-040 Logging saw. 65 inch blade double handles clean and in nice shape with light wear. Good (ECN235) 30-60 |
2018-041 CLARK BROS BOLT CO. box with miscellaneous tools. 20 inch x 13 inch x 12 inch wood box with painted decal on one side green paint on other. Includes a grab bag of several adzes KEEN KUTTER hatchets augers cooper's shave hammers burl mallet ice tongs Edison record container cobbler's last and more. Various (CVR117) 100-200 |
2018-042 Hat rack and hats. Wood rack with 13 wood hooks with white glass ball ends repaired cracks in wood. Has a very old black top hat that is tattered and worn and a blue fire department hat in nicer condition. Good (PLH) 35-70 |
2018-043 MILLERS FALLS The Star scroll saw. Still works with leather belt repaired in one spot red pinstriping and black paint mostly intact wood good needs blade. Spots of surface rust. 36 inches tall. Good (CVR512) 100-200 |
2018-044 GOSHEN SWEEPER CO. vaccuum. 14 inch by 10 inch wood base with 44 inch wood handle. Gold BANNER decal mostly intact brush a little dirty but good wheels work rope on corners a bit frayed. Manufactured in Grand Rapids MI. Good (CVR115) 50-100 |
2018-045 Lot of miscellaneous primitive tools. Two hay forks one with metal end and wood handle and other entirely made of wood a hay knife and a wood rake. All have some wear or rust. Good (CVR) 30-60 |
2018-046 Wooden pulley wheel. 24 inches wide with 3-one-half inch center hole clamped together with bolts. Unmarked some wear. Good (CVR533) 40-80 |
*2018-047 3 ice tongs. All with cast iron bodies one more primitive looking with rust and pitting other two nice. Good (CVR) 25-50 |
*2018-048 Lot of 2 fireplace newspaper rollers. Likely modern but made to look antique one is 20 inch long with wooden handles body painted black rolls fine. Other is 17 inch long with decorative cast sides has black wooden top handle but rolling bar and handle missing. Good- and better (CVR32 34) 25-50 |
*2018-049 Battle of Bunker Hill framed photo. Photo of John Trumbull's oil painting inside 19-one-half inch x 15-one-half inch walnut and gold leaf frame. Some flecks of gold leaf missing and a few dings to wood otherwise nice. Good (JSW30) 20-40 |
2018-050 STAR SHADE CUTTER CO. window shade machine. Model B some flaking of japanning and brown paint at base includes LUFKIN rule. Could use a little grease but works cutter wheel sharp. Good (RRT790) 40-80 |
*2018-051 Cast iron teapot. Unmarked 6 inches across with wire handle heavy. A few spots of rust but overall clean. Good (CVR26) 20-40 |
*2018-052 Policeman's dark lantern. 7 inches tall with large fisheye lens able to be shut off with internal sliding lens shield wire handles and a belt clip. Knob to turn the internal shield broke off but is tied to handle wick and canister still inside dirty with rust and grime S.H.H. 1863 painted in red on side. Good- (PLH) 20-40 |
2018-053 BAUSCH and LOMB OPTICAL comparator. 27 inches tall designed to allow comparison of optical lenses side by side and has two lense mounts that move independently. Serial number 965. Missing lenses and eyepiece on top mirror at base also missing rust and flaking of japanning. Uncommon. Good- (PLH) 30-60 |
*2018-054 Lot of household items. 3 sadirons rusty and pitted one KENMORE electric iron in box with silver shield resting plate tin and wood candlestick and tin oil can. Good- (CVR27 28 30 35 ) 20-40 |
2018-055 Lot of miscellaneous items. A tin for RIVAL peanut butter with a rusty lid and missing handle 2 tins for DREF'S MANDRAKE COMPOUND liver pills a belt buckle for LONE STAR BEER cast iron sign for THE LION lawn mower from Ransomes Ipswich and THE CHALLENGE spring postage scale for letters in original box clean and still works. Good- and better (PLH) 30-60 |
2018-056 Patented game. Roulette style game marked with 8-11-1874 patent that corresponds to one granted to Henry Seher of Boston who patented several other tabletop games. 20 inch wide base on which a 17 inch bowl rotates inside are spokes coming out of the center gold painted plate with two circular indentations. Small metal ball included which presumably is thrown in while top is rotated. Floral design and red and gold paint 65 percent intact. Uncommon. Good (PLH) 60-120 |
2018-057 Toy trucks. Mostly tin or pressed steel in various sizes but one is cast aluminum and other plastic. Includes a BELL TELEPHONE truck a COKE truck a couple fire vehicles and a few dump trucks. 7 total most have scratches and paint missing one or two has wheels or parts missing. Good- and better (PLH) 35-70 |
2018-058 Cast iron pot. Likely a glue pot solid cast iron with three feet and lid light rust but overall in good shape. Good (CVR24) 30-60 |
2018-059 Ice skates. Nicely made rosewood bottoms that screw into shoes with nickel plated inlay at toe and star inlay in sole. Metal is rusty and missing straps but still very attractive. Good (PLH) 30-60 |
2018-060 SARGENT No. 316 tailed block plane. 6 inches long with adjustable throat marked 1-five-eighths inch cutter. It's been cleaned and japanning repainted one fork on tail broken off and has bench plane knob as the ball throat slightly widened and nick at toe. Fair (BFS102) 50-100 |
2018-061 SARGENT No. 507 rabbeting block plane. One of Sargent's less common planes. 7 inch sole with rabbeting cutouts on both cheeks plating 95 percent on cap japanning good proper cutter good throat. A few rust spots. Good (BFS109) 100-200 |
2018-062 SARGENT No. 317 tailed block plane. 7 inch long body marked 1-five-eighths inch cutter japanning 70 percent. Ball looks original with a few chips at base. Good (BFS31) 120-240 |
2018-063 STANDARD RULE patented block plane. Based on Solon and Arthur Rust's 1883 patent 6-three-eighths inch long with adjustable mouth and marked cutter. Looks like the plane shown in plate 219 on pg. 148 of PTAMPIA II but with the lever cap shown in Figure 220. Light surface rust japanning 50 percent. Rated R2 for rarity in Blanchard and Larson. Good (PLH182) 150-300 |
2018-064 E.P. PRESTON No. 1347F bullnose plane with fence and depth stop. One of the rarest Preston planes complete with all parts japanning about 65 percent surface rust small chip on corner of mouth. Good (PLH198) 200-400 |
2018-065 Lot of 4 STANLEY planes. A No. 5 and No. 6C kidney lever caps totes in rough shape. And two No. 8C one with 3 inches missing off the rear body other has pitting and two holes in cheek both with chipped plain lever caps. Good- (RUS241 335 344 373) 40-80 |
2018-066 Lot of 3 bench planes. A FULTON No. 6 tip of tote missing and knob cracked. A SHELTON No. 14 wood ok. And a CHAPLIN No. 1207 traces of nickel plating knob loose hanghole. Good- and better (RUS385 386 422) 35-70 |
*2018-067 Lot of 4 smoothing planes. A STANLEY Defiance No. 1204 and three unmarked one missing cutter and cap some pitting. Fair and better (RUS231 232 233 254) 20-40 |
2018-068 Lot of 3 bench planes. A STANLEY No. 40 scrub plane unmarked cutter tote has a few checks initials stamped several times. A STANLEY No. 4C patent date cutter crack in tote chips in cheeks. And unmarked No. 4 size with Stanley cutter wood rough some rust. Good- and better (RUS338 339 388) 30-60 |
2018-069 Lot of 3 planes. A FULTON No. 5 sized plane crack in tote. A SIEGLEY No. 5 with patent date cutter knob replaced crack and chip in tote brazed repair on both cheeks and sole. And a SARGENT No. 409 wear to wood minor pitting. Fair and better (RUS341 342 415) 35-70 |
2018-070 STANLEY No. 608C Bedrock jointer. Type 3 with later type cutter. Knob cracked but tote ok traces of japanning rust spots. Good (RUS242) 40-80 |
2018-071 STANLEY No. 603 Bedrock smoothing plane. Type 6 with patent date cutter half of knob base missing crack in tote and public schools stamped on it. Number 6 stamped in one cheek and 4 stamped on lever cap. Good- (RUS337) 50-100 |
2018-072 STANLEY No. 605C Bedrock jack plane. Type 6 with sweetheart cutter knob has a bit of white paint at base hairline crack in tote. Japanning near complete. Good (RUS343) 50-100 |
*2018-073 Lot of three No. 3 sized bench planes. A BELKNAP BLUEGRASS fairly clean front knob screw may be replaced spots of rust. A 4MOST cheeks have mill marks otherwise clean. And a SHELTON in good shape with user name on cheek. Good (RUS234 310 374) 25-50 |
2018-074 Lot of 2 edge tools. A stirrup adze 4-one-half inch edge marked No. 3 surface rust carved handle with a spot of green paint modern wedge. And a broadaxe with 10-one-quarter inch edge forging flaw near edge 10 inch handle. Good (NHF374) 30-60 |
2018-075 D. SIMMONS and CO broad axe head. 11-one-half inch edge also has user inital P.M. and hanghole through one side near mark. Good (RUS346) 35-70 |
2018-076 Lot of 2 froes. 9-one-half inch and 10 inch edges good handles one has modern wedge in eye. Good (RRT780) 30-60 |
2018-077 Pick and mattock. Appears to be a military adze likely from WWII marked DIAMOND CALK and what looks like 1943. Has canvas carrying case. Good (NHF) 40-80 |
2018-078 LandIJ WHITE cooper's shave. 6-one-half inch edge large chip at end of handle rusty blade with chips as well. Good- and better (RUS345) 35-70 |
2018-079 Lot of 2 corner chisels. Three-quarter inch edge and 1 inch edge. Larger one has nub of a handle other has good handle but loose and pitted metal. Good- (RUS60 62) 35-70 |
2018-080 Lot of 6 braces. Most are ratcheting including two FRAY a GOODELL PRATT No. 2510 a STANLEY Handyman and a FULTON. Plus an unmarked one with two jaw chuck. All have worn wood and some rust spots. Good- and better (RUS83 84 86 91 92 95 ) 30-60 |
2018-081 Lot of 7 braces. A few clean most rusty with damage to wood makers include STANLEY CRAFTSMAN PSandW HSB and CO. Good- (RUS90 93 96 97 283 284) 30-60 |
2018-082 Lot of bit tools. Four braces including two child's toy braces a MILLERS FALLS No. 1950 and a gentleman's ball brace. All but the Millers Falls have wear and rust. Plus a three-jaw-chuck hand drill with no bits and japanning 60 percent. Good- and better (RUS85 87 88 94 98) 35-50 |
2018-083 Small tool chest. 17 inch x 11 inch x 8 inch wood chest with dark stain missing the panel in front of 5 drawers wire replacement handle. Corner protectors ok light wear and dinging. Good (ASY135) 30-60 |
*2018-084 Youth tool chest No. 1A. 17-one-half inch x 9-one-half inch x 6-one-half dovetailed box with good label has about half its tools including saws plane clamp mallet hatchet. Some staining and wear missing rear trim. Good- (RBN7) 25-50 |
2018-085 Gerstner style tool chest. Unmarked 20 inch x 10-one-half inch x 8 inch oak box with 7 drawers decal initials R.S. on front. Mirror in lid green felt lining in drawers. Rusty latches and corner protectors. Has National Lock Co. lock with key some drawers loose due to missing track could be repaired. Good- (ASY133) 40-80 |
2018-086 Small tool chest. 16 inch x 10-one-half inch x 8 inch oak box with metal and brass trim and corners 7 drawers with leather pulls and leather handle. Missing front a latch a few leather pulls gone and a few tracks missing for drawers. Some wear. Good- (ASY134) 35-70 |
*2018-087 Lot of 2 STANLEY Sweetheart promotional items. A brass belt buckle made by Alvin Sellens No. 215 of 800 clean. And a die cast model truck made by MACK in original packaging a little bent up but truck looks fine. Good (VTO82) 25-50 |
2018-088 Lot of stamp books and envelopes. Two SCOTT'S American Album for United States Stamps unused. A Modern Postage Stamp Album from the 1940s with some stamps affixed. A LIFE magazine featuring the World's Rarest Stamps. Five small pocket stamp books three of which have stamps inside. 1974 and 1975 MINKUS stamp catalog supplements. And two large ring binders with numerous unused pre-stamped United Nations envelopes. Good plus (PLH) 50-100 |
2018-089 GENERAL DETROIT CO. QuickAid fire extinguisher. 13 inch long brass plated canister with label Model 85 some flaking and tarnish. Good (CVR633) 30-60 |
2018-090 Lot of railroad items. An ARMSTRONG WHITWORTH Locomotives Brochure 60 book likely from around 1920 containing glossy prints of each locomotive pasted to a page at least 30 pages long with light wear. Uncommon. And a French railroad lantern marked SNCF clear glass missing from front some light tarnish and wear. Plus we're throwing in a K-D LAMP CO. road flare lantern No. 604 looks to be battery operated with top light and six red side lights - one missing. Good- and better (PLH602) 50-100 |
2018-091 Lot of 2 household items. A TELECHRON electric clock Model No. 2H39 red circular atomic style with domed clear front light wear and might need repair to work. And a SILVERTONE tube radio Model No. 109.216 bakelite case has crack light wear still works when plugged in but did not tune to a channel. Good- (PLH144X 606) 40-80 |
2018-092 Lot of wooden boxes for axes. Two for KEEN KUTTER one for CLEAR CUT and one for PLUMB. All with some mild wear a couple have chips and additional stamps. Plus a small box for KNIGHT'S asthma and hay fever cure. Good- and better (PLH) 30-60 |
*2018-093 Brass pot. 2-one-half inches tall by 3-one-half inches wide with lid with slot that can be closed by sliding knob wear on black japanning gives a striped appearance. Good (PLH) 20-40 |
*2018-094 GAMEWELL Vitalarm fire detector. 6 inches tall screws into light socket with light at bottom embossed with word FIRE. Has about 85 percent of original label. Good (PLH) 25-60 |
2018-095 Lot of antique cards and postcards. About 100 total from the early 1900s to 1930s includes various postcards and greeting cards in decent shape. Good (PLH) 30-60 |
2018-096 1834 scroll. The front depicts a shield with a crown on top of it with a plane and calipers shovel and guns inside shield held by cherubs. The back has some writing in what looks like a Slavic language and the date 1834. Some flaking of paint off the canvas and a few cracks from age otherwise remarkably in decent shape with black painted wood bars to roll it up. Good (PLH) 100-200 |
2018-097 UNITED NATIONS pre-stamped envelopes and postcards. Several dozen from the 1950s and 1960s majority unused with United Nations stamps and designs on the envelopes and cards. Many in protective wax envelopes. Good and better (PLH268X) 30-60 |
*2018-098 Lot of golf clubs. Three chippers including one marked Andy Robertson and a No. 8 marked Arnold Palmer. One chipper very rusty others have spots of rust two have wood handles and two are metal. Good- and better (CVR12) 15-30 |
*2018-099 Lot of three transitional planes. A 28 inch STANLEY No. 33 sweetheart cutter wood worn repaired tote and a 15 inch No. 27 Liberty Bell patent date cutter tote replaced wood has checks. And a 20 inch UNION No. 29 worn and tip of tote missing rusty cutter. Good- (RUS52 53 389) 20-40 |
*2018-100 Lot of 5 STANLEY transitional planes. Three No. 31s including one with replaced wood bottom and a Type 10 and Type 13 all have patent date cutters totes have some wear. Plus a Type 16 No. 28 and Type 13 No. 29 wear and chips to wood. Good- and better (TWR369 370 371 373) 25-50 |
*2018-101 Lot of 4 transitional planes. Three STANLEYs - an earlier type No. 33 with eagle mark and two later type No. 26. Wear to wood and a few chips. Plus a SARGENT No. 3420 with chips on tote and light wear mainly on sole. Good (TWR363 364 368 372) 25-50 |
*2018-102 Lot of 3 STANLEY transitional planes. Two later type No. 26s one with partial decal moderate wear. And a No. 28 a few dings but fairly clean. Good (TWR365 367) 20-40 |
*2018-103 Lot of 2 STANLEY Liberty Bell planes. A Type 3 No. 35 and a No. 127 that looks like Type 10. Light wear on both and repaired crack on the 127. Good (TWR366) 20-40 |
2018-104 Lot of 2 No. 5-one-halfC bench planes. A later type STANLEY japanning ok crack in tote and chip in lever cap. And a KEEN KUTTER with 75 percent japanning proper cutter tote has staining but looks ok. Good (FNK122 123) 50-100 |
2018-105 Lot of three No. 4 sized bench planes. Two STANLEYS one with corregated sole and sweetheart mark and other later type with kidney lever cap. And a KEEN KUTTER KK4C a little japanning left crack and wear on tote. Good- and better (FNK306 308 309) 40-80 |
2018-106 Lot of 3 bench planes. Two STANLEYs No. 5C with vee logo plain lever cap and three patents behind frog and a No. 5-one-halfC with notched rectangle cutter both with good japanning. Plus a KEEN KUTTER K6C chipped lever cap japanning 80 percent. Good- and better (FNK112 121 124) 40-80 |
2018-107 Lot of 3 STANLEY No. 4C planes. A later model and two with chipped lever caps. Japanning 75-90 percent. One has cracked tote one has chipped throat.other two worn. Good- and better (FNK286 292 298 ) 35-50 |
*2018-108 STANLEY No. 113 circular plane. Later type S casting mark on lever cap unmarked blade traces of japanning. Missing rear handle. Good- (ASY70) 25-50 |
*2018-109 GTL bench plane . 9-one-half inch sole unmarked cutter brass body tote and japanning good light wear on sole. Good (ETN10) 25-50 |
*2018-110 Lot of 2 STANLEY No. 4 sized bench planes. Both later types U casting mark on lever cap of No. 4 good japanning. And a H1204 with blue japanning worn painted handle. Good (FNK305 307) 25-50 |
*2018-111 Lot of 2 axes. A KEEN KUTTER with 3-one-half inch edge and 24 inch handle light pitting spots but edge good. And a CRAFTSMAN with 5 inch edge and 32 inch handle with duct tape grip and some chips rust on head. Good- and better (RUS38 47) 25-50 |
2018-112 Lot of 3 single bit axes. Makers are TRU-TEST VAUGHAN and KEEN KUTTER all with 4-one-half inch edge and light to moderately worn handles surface rust on Vaughan. Good (RUS35 36 37) 30-60 |
2018-113 SPEAR and JACKSON slick. 2-one-half inch edge slightly curved body 17-one-half inch handle looks like a newer replacement user initials scratched in metal. Good (JW128) 30-60 |
*2018-114 Lot of 2 turnscrews. 28 inch and 33-one-half inch made from files with worn handles Good (NHF181) 10-20 |
2018-115 Clapboard slick. D handle 4-one-quarter inch edge unmarked except user marks. 29 inches total. Some pitting especially on front. Good (SPM894) 50-100 |
*2018-116 Hoop driver. Framed metal body with wood handle 6-one-half inches long including handle with 2-one-half inch edge. Nicely made. Good (RUS280) 25-50 |
2018-117 Lot of two 3 inch wide slicks. A FULTON TOOL CO. and a JAMES SWAN with partial mark. Some scratching on Fulton and hairline crack in handle Swan is nice with good handle. Good (SPM895 898) 50-100 |
*2018-118 Lot of 8 block planes. A couple STANLEYS a RITTER a SARGENT and some unmarked. One has brass prong replacing knob moderate to high wear on most. Good- and better (RUS237 245 248 249 266 303 309) 15-30 |
*2018-119 Lot of 7 block planes. A KEEN KUTTER K102 a STANLEY No. 18 a DE110 a MILLERS FALLS No. 16 STANLEY No. 102 and an early No. 103 and a CRAFTSMAN. All with light to moderate wear. Good (RUS295 302 307 312 313) 25-50 |
*2018-120 Lot of 9 block planes. MILLERS FALLS No. 1455B a STANLEY Handyman ACE STANLEY No. 102 STANLEY No. 101 and three other finger planes. Plus a LITTLE GIANT razor blade planer. A couple have rust. Good (RUS189 267 297) 25-50 |
*2018-121 Lot of 5 block planes. STANLEY No. 60 low angle SARGENT No. 5306 two CRAFTSMAN and a DUNLAP. One or two have quite a bit of rust on sole others clean. Good (RUS238 239 247 265 299) 25-50 |
*2018-122 Lot of 4 block planes. Two CRAFTSMAN a STANLEY No. 9-one-half and one unmarked. All fairly clean. Good (RUS240 301 308 311) 20-40 |
*2018-123 Lot of STANLEY block planes. Two are No. 110s including one with sweetheart mark and a No. 18 where someone has shaved off the top of the cheeks. Plus a FULTON double ended block plane in nice shape. Good- and better (RUS246 296 298 300) 25-50 |
2018-124 NORRIS infill smoother. Gunmetal body with 7-five-eighths inch steel sole. Rosewood infill has some wear and dings tip of tote has a couple chips. 2-one-quarter inch WARD cutter marked Norris London on cap. Light dinging and surface rust to metal. Good (PLH476) 250-500 |
2018-125 Infill jack plane. User made with possibly a European infill plane steel body and replaced beech fill with front knob and closed tote. Has Stanley style bench plane lever cap and 2 inch BUCK BROS cutter. Throat has been widened. Good (MHT56) 50-100 |
2018-126 Infill smoothing plane. Unmarked but looks like a NORRIS. Steel body ebony fill and carved bun with rosewood closed tote. 2-one-quarter inch HEARNSHAW cutter. Metal rusty especially on sole which also has circular shape ding wood has wear and small chips. Could clean up ok. Good- (PLH490) 125-250 |
2018-127 Infill shoulder plane. Steel with rosewood infill 6-five-eighths inch sole POPPING cutter. Wedge has large chip and general wear to wood sole has pitting and chips at throat. Good- (ESY149) 50-100 |
2018-128 Infill low angle block plane. 7 inch sole iron body looks like a typical block plane converted into an infill with front bun wedge and rear fill made of what looks like highly worn rosewood. Traces of japanning on metal 1-five-eighths inch cutter pitted. Good (MHT65) 30-60 |
*2018-129 Rabbet plane. Steel 9-one-half inch long body with three-eighths inch cutter body stuffed with some type of wood I can't identify two hangholes through body worn wedge and surface rust spots. Good- (HEN102) 25-50 |
*2018-130 Lot of 3 blowtorches. Roughly 8 inches tall two by LENK one unmarked. Two are brass plated one nickel. 70-80 percent labels on the Lenks. Good (MHT1B) 20-40 |
*2018-131 Lot of 2 LENK blowtorches. One for alcohol other for gasoline. Alcohol label nearly complete other is 70 percent. Brass plating worn on the alcohol one but gasoline more complete. Good (MHT2B) 20-40 |
*2018-132 Lot of 2 large OTTO BERNZ blowtorches. One nickel plated and other brass plated with red handles clean with 80 percent labels. Good (MHT3B) 25-50 |
2018-133 Lot of small oil cans. 11 or so in various shapes one or two are leaking. Good (RUS278) 30-60 |
2018-134 DELAVAL cream separator oiler. Marked at base and also numbers 5809 glass and nickel plating good. Good (RUS279) 30-60 |
*2018-135 Lot of 3 tools. A STARRETT micrometer a 3 inch plumb bob in sliding wood box and a 2-one-half inch green promotional magnet for W.A. WOOD CO in Everett MA. in red pasteboard box. Good (HBD5) 10-20 |
*2018-136 Lot of 3 LENK alcohol blow torches. One in original box with missing ends one marked patent pending one plain. Boxed one has split in cap light wear on all. Good (MHT51 52) 20-40 |
2018-137 CRAFTSMAN No. 3728 combination plane with cutters. Has both rod sets plane and cutters in roll have rust spots. Box lid has dirt and split seams. Good (NHF298) 40-80 |
2018-138 Lot of 2 STANLEY No. 45 combination planes. A Type 2 missing depth stop and fence has crack chip on tip of tote. And a Type 3 tote has mild wear traces of japanning. Good- (FNK160 161) 45-90 |
2018-139 Lot of 3 STANLEY rabbet planes. Two No. 78s and a No. 192. One No. 78 is rusty with chip and ground sole other has sweetheart cutter and 80 percent japanning. No. 192 has japanning retouched missing nicker and cutter otherwise good. Fair and better (RUS235 236 306) 35-70 |
2018-140 STANLEY No. 148 tongue and groove plane. Seven-eighths inch 90 percent plating nice example. Good plus (PNG92) 50-100 |
2018-141 STANLEY No. 146 tongue and groove plane. A No. 146-three-eighths inch one sweetheart cap other plain nickel plating 90 percent. Good plus (PNG88) 50-100 |
*2018-142 STANLEY No. 46 dado plane. Plane body and fence only early type with floral body. Tip of tote has chip and wear to wood small chip on top of body traces of japanning. Good- (FNK) 25-50 |
2018-143 Lot of 5 DISSTON saws. 4 D-7s one is more modern one has partial label around medallion all have light to moderate use. Plus a No. 12 with wheatsheaf handle good etch light wear. Good- and better (NCY8 9) 35-70 |
2018-144 Lot of 4 saws. Two are DISSTON including a No. 12 with wheatsheaf handle and one with rust over the etch but good handle. Plus a JOHN B. VARICK CO. with 16 inch blade good etch. And what looks like a FRYE PHILLIPS and CO No. 36 light etch. Wear on all handles. Good (NCY7 11) 35-70 |
2018-145 Lot of 4 DISSTON saws. One with illegible etch and thumbhole handle with chipped horn a No. 7 with chipped horn and faint etch a D-8 with lightly worn handle and a modern one with rusty blade and no etch. Good- and better (RML11 RML13 RML12) 30-60 |
2018-146 Lot of 3 saws. Two SIMONDS a No. 5 missing nut with wheatsheaf handle top horn missing good etch. And one with faint etch and missing nut handle ok. Plus a SIMONDS HARDWARE CO. with wheatsheaf handle with light wear good blade. Good (BFS338 341 346) 40-80 |
2018-147 Lot of 4 SIMONDS saws. Two No. 10-one-halfs one with tarnished blade and decent handle other shorter with a few paint spots on handle and ok blade. And two No. 10s one with light wear on handle and a few rust spots and other shorter with lightly worn wheatsheaf handle blade ok. Good (BFS337 339 348 351) 45-90 |
*2018-148 Hacksaw. Old model with solid iron frame and older iron blade turned hardwood handle. Surface rust but intact. Good (LEE854) 20-40 |
2018-149 Lot of 4 hacksaws. Makers include STARRETT No. 146 MILLERS FALLS No. 10 and 515A and a SIMONDS. No. 10 has no blade the Simonds has a Stanley blade light wear on all. Good- and better (BFS370 381 382 383) 30-60 |
2018-150 Lot of 6 hatchets. Carpenter's and roofing hatchets by UNDERHILL OVB FULTON STANLEY Handyman and unmarked. Most have light surface rust. Good (RUS119 125 132 133 134 414) 30-60 |
*2018-151 Lot of 5 hatchets. FULTON PLUMB OVB VAUGHAN carpenter and roofing hatchets light wear. Good (RUS69 120 121 124 126) 25-50 |
2018-152 Lot of 3 PLUMB hatchets. Two Boy Scouts single bits and one carpenter's hatchet. One Boy Scouts clean other has moderate wear. Good (RUS65 128 413) 40-80 |
2018-153 Lot of 3 hatchets. A BUSTER BROWN SHOES single bit with worn handle a clean PLUMB with sheath and a highly worn unmarked one. Good- and better (RUS70 129 351) 30-60 |
*2018-154 Lot of 4 hatchets. MERIT VAN CAMP WINCHESTER R. KING. All have moderate wear and some chips in handles. Good- (RUS72 127 130 258) 25-50 |
2018-155 I. BLOOD broad axe head. 12-one-half inch edge Ballston NY mark for Isaiah Blood who made axes in the mid-1800s. Light surface rust. Good (RUS398) 50-100 |
*2018-156 Lot of 4 carpenter's hatchets. FIRESTONE WINCHESTER VAUGHAN and partial mark that looks like ELSOR and CO. Light wear on most. Good (RUS66 131 260) 25-50 |
2018-157 Lot of 9 beading planes. M. COPELAND GREENFIELD SANDUSKY OHIO TOOL 1 inch to three-sixteenths inch in widths. Either double or single boxing on all most boxing good but a few have stains or chips. Good (RUS173 217 220 218 228 195 211 227 225) 40-80 |
2018-158 Lot of 7 molding planes. Majority are ogees of varying widths most marked OHIO BARTLETT AUBURN TOOL. Damage and staining on several no boxing 1 inch to 2 inch in widths of cuts. Good- and better (RUS162 174 177 185 222 221 184) 35-70 |
2018-159 Lot of rounding planes. 4 nosing planes with double cutters 3 rounds. Makers include BARTLETT SANDUSKY GREENFIELD. 1-one-half inch to half inch in widths some staining and age on most. Good- and better (RUS155 175 176 178 179 203 223) 40-80 |
*2018-160 INTERNATIONAL MFG CO. breast drill. With straight adjustable handle rather than typical crank handle. Marked patent pending. One of the two pinion wheels has chip so it has difficulty turning paint on chuck. Very rare breast drill in decent condition otherwise. Good- (VTD5) 25-50 |
*2018-161 MILLERS FALLS No. 13A breast drill. Marked on chuck vial wet and japanning good a little wear but overall clean Good (REW375) 20-40 |
2018-162 Lot of 2 breast drills. One marked STANLEY No. 741 Special with sweetheart mark and a LAKESIDE. Both have wear japanning missing and need a cleaning but work fine. Good (FNK632 633) 30-60 |
*2018-163 Early breast drill. Looks manufactured but not marked circular chuck with square locking screw small breast plate traces of japanning. Good (REW378) 20-40 |
*2018-164 RUSBY patent extendible drill. One of the most gimmicky of the breast drills with its extendible neck to fit into tight locations. Breast pad is missing as it almost always is and surface rust throughout wood worn. Good- (ASY69) 25-50 |
*2018-165 Lot of 4 hand drills. Makers are MILLERS FALLS GOODELL-PRATT FULTON and CONSOLIDATED TOOL WORKS. Japanning flaked on all wear to wood no major damage. Good (NCY39) 25-50 |
2018-166 RUSSELL JENNINGS auger bit set IOB. 13 clean new bits in 3 compartment box with nearly complete label all hinges and clasps present box has light wear and scratching but no major damage Good plus (HEN65) 60-120 |
2018-167 DISSTON and SONS Shopsmith lathe chisel set IOB. 5 chisels with a couple spots of rust but mostly clean box good with a little wear. Good (NCY18) 35-70 |
*2018-168 Auger bits in wood box. 13 bits with mixed makers inside tall front-hinged wood box with brass corners on lid wear to wood and chip on corner. A few bits have rust. Good (MSV70) 25-50 |
*2018-169 CLEVELAND TWIST DRILL CO bits IOB. 10 bits from three-eighths inch to one-sixteenths inch plus a few allen wrenches thrown in. 85 percent label on sliding lid wood box with a few chips on corners. Good (ASY55) 15-30 |
*2018-170 Lot of two STARRETT dial indicators IOB. A No. 196A unused in clean wood case with decent pasteboard box and a No. 25-141 in worn pasteboard box lightly used with some rust. Good- and better (HAN667) 25-50 |
2018-171 CLARK'S screwdriver IOB. Patented wood handle and spring chuck by R.H. Brown and Company of Westville Connecticut. Not marked with 4-22-73 patent date. Wood box has with 4 bits inside and good label. Wear and surface rust. Good- (ASY71) 35-70 |
2018-172 STANLEY No. 69 hand beader with cutters. Inside fingerjointed wood box that's likely repurposed and holds 9 cutters plating on beader 80 percent and light wear on handle. Good plus (HEN67) 100-200 |
2018-173 Lot of two nicely made panel gauges. One made of tiger maple with prominent striping wood locking screw pin ok. And one made of mahogany with boxwood wedge and thumbscrew pin good user mark. Good plus (MSV26) 35-70 |
2018-174 GOODELL-PRATT No. 807 combination square IOB. Box contains two rules and two heads one red and one black looks unused with a few rust spots. Lid has split seams. Good (MHT) 35-70 |
2018-175 Lot of 15 measuring tapes. Majority are pocket tapes several are STANLEY a few LUFKIN. Most clean. Good (FNK615 616 631) 30-60 |
2018-176 Log rule. Unmarked 24 inch long and seven-eighths inch square body with light wear to lacquer. Brass end caps. Good (MSV17) 30-60 |
*2018-177 Wooden dividers. Look hand carved from mahogany 12 inch legs with one point and pencil missing from other brass locking thumbscrew. 1896 stamped on it. Good (DTN374) 20-40 |
*2018-178 Lot of 3 STANLEY marking gauges. No. 65 No. 72 and No. 74. No. 74 has sweetheart mark all with light wear. Good (FNK418 421 427) 25-50 |
*2018-179 Lot of calipers and dividers. Makers include 3 BROWN and SHARPE and 1 SANDOW TOOL CO. Plus we're throwing in a patented knife sharpener invented by Fred Pass of Chicago in 1926. Good (NCY103) 20-40 |
2018-180 Lot of rules. A STEPHENS and CO No. 36 combination rule and level with wet vial some staining pitting on angle blade. Plus STANLEY No. 54 61 and 34 all faded with significant staining and a crisp No. 61. And a small bevel with wood handle and 4 inch brass blade. Good- and better (RUS256 271 317 318 391) 40-80 |
2018-181 Small sewing box. That's my best guess. 14-one-half inch by 10-one-half inch by 6 inch with two hinged lids on either side of brass handle that have 2-one-half inch wide compartmented boxes under which lift out. Drawer on bottom. Dinging and scratches to wood but in decent shape. Needs key for drawer but not locked. Good (PLH) 40-80 |
*2018-182 Mid-century electric drill. Made by MANNING-BOWMAN model 70556 some wear. No chuck key. Inside user made wooden box. Good (AND22) 20-40 |
2018-183 Wood box with tools. 19-one-half inch by 12 inch by 9-one-half inch stained dark box containing 1-one-quarter inch chisel several rasps t-handle auger metal C clamps three-fourths inch modern chisel masonry chisel plumb bob corner square zig zag rule etc. Scratching to outside no lock. Good (AND) 40-80 |
2018-184 Green box with tools. 18 inch x 13 inch x 13 inch wood box containing 3-one-half inch NEW HAVEN TOOL slick head with hole through body KEEN KUTTER K115 circular plane missing frog and blade panel gauge hammer hatchet head marking gauges saw handles and unmarked heavily worn wedge arm plow plane with no cutter or wedge. Has lock but no key. Good- (NCY20 22 84 85 93 95 98) 30-60 |
2018-185 HOLTZAPFFEL and CO small chest. Has nearly complete label on inside lid. 18 inch by 9-one-half inch by 9 inch made of dovetailed mahogany brass handles small trays along back wall. Missing lock and knobs on drawer water stains and inactive worm. Good- (PLH) 35-70 |
*2018-186 Jointer plane. Marked From Alex Steel Rock Island ILL on toe which is probably a user mark. 26 inches long tip of tote broken with poor repair but present 2-five-eighths inch cutter good but plane worn. Good- (RUS51) 10-20 |
2018-187 NEW YORK TOOL CO. jointer with gauge. Has attached joint gauge fence on 26 inch razee body 2-one-half inch AUBURN TOOL cutter. Wood worn with a few chips. Good (BSR423) 30-60 |
*2018-188 Lot of 3 jointers. Makers include J. PIERCE and SCIOTO WORKS 30 inch 26 inch and 22 inch in length. Longest has BUTCHER cutter and chipped throat shortest has no cutter. Wood worn on all. Good- (ECN70) 25-50 |
2018-189 Panel raiser. Unmarked cuts 2 inches with skewed DWIGHTS FRENCH cutter some age checks but overall wood is nice. Good (DTN368) 35-70 |
2018-190 OGONTZ TOOL jack plane with gauge. Has metal gauge fence with locking thumbscrew plane clean with light wear to beech body and chip on tote. Good (DTN335) 30-60 |
2018-191 Ebony soled plane. ANCHOR PLANE CO. on toe 2 inch cutter also marked Anchor. Razee body has crack behind tote quarter inch thick ebody screwed onto sole two screws through rear of plane to repair crack. Good- (DTN336) 30-60 |
2018-192 Coachmaker's router. One-eighths inch cutter wood and metal both good and lightly polished leather strap at one end for hanging nicely made. Good (PNG70) 50-100 |
*2018-193 Coachmaker's side router. 5 inch wood body with metal plate and cutting mechanism that has dual cutting edges on the side and what looks like slots for dual side nickers. Cutter head held in place by bolt through body and square nut. Part of mechanism near one of the two screws is broken off but does not seem to effect use. Good- (DTN) 20-40 |
2018-194 MILLERS FALLS No. 2 spokeshave. Has a removable shoe that can be repositioned to change the profile of the sole. An early and uncommon MF tool 11 inches with rosewood handles some light rust. Good (OVR82) 35-70 |
2018-195 Lot of two MILLERS FALLS cigar shaves. One with triangle logo and red paint other older version handles have light wear some wear to plating. Good (BFS42 43) 40-80 |
2018-196 Lot of 5 boxwood rules. 4 by STANLEY including a No. 70 No. 78-one-half No. 59 and No. 62. Plus a C-S No. 60 double arch. All have some wear and tarnish to brass all missing inner pins. Good- (LBD55 59 65 69 78) 30-60 |
2018-197 Lot of 2 STANLEY rules. A No. 94 carriage maker's rule 4 foot 4-fold two strips of brass missing by hinge where it has dent pins short slightly sprung. And a No. 22 board scale rule some chips and wear pin missing scales worn but mostly legible. Good- (LBD92 94 100) 60-120 |
2018-198 STANLEY No. 35 bench rule. Uncommon rule offered from 1910-17 only. Two-fold one-foot with single line Type 3 mark. Worn but legible tight with good pins small chip by pin on backside. Good (LBD67) 60-120 |
2018-199 Lot of 3 caliper rules. Two by STANLEY including a No. 36-one-halfR with light wear and staining a No. 62C with sweetheart mark stains and wear and a LUFKIN No. 781C with light wear and slightly sprung. Good (LBD41 43 62 67) 50-100 |
*2018-200 Lot of three wooden spokeshaves. All unmarked with brass plates in sole wear to wood stains hangholes. Good- (PNG66 95 97) 20-40 |
2018-201 Lot of 7 rules. Six STANLEYs including No. 66-one-half worn and stained No. 53-one-half with beveled inner edges some stains Nos. 61 and 61A No. 68 and No. 84 all highly worn. Plus a STEPHENS and CO No. 50 with light wear and pins missing. Good- and better (LBD52 56 70 76 79 81 89) 50-100 |
2018-202 Lot of three English planes. A JIFFY fibreboard plane IOB bronze sole looks barely used holes on one side for some sort of attachment -not present-. A BRILLANT No. 300 bench plane with green japanning and wear to wood. And a RECORD T-5 jack plane with side handle wear to wood lacquer otherwise good. Good (ACS43 81 93) 35-70 |
*2018-203 Lot of 2 STANLEY circular planes. Type 2 No. 113 has about half its finish handle is nickel plated and replacement pitting. And a No. 13 patent date on adjustment knob two-line mark on cutter traces of japanning. Good- (FNK271) 25-50 |
2018-204 Lot of two STANLEY No. 40 scrub planes. Both look like early types one with vee mark cutter and other with two-line cutter japanning 80 percent wood worn. Good (BSR108 110) 40-80 |
*2018-205 Lot of 3 aluminum planes. Two ALUMO a 1A and 2B the 1A missing cutter locking mechanism and replaced with wood wedge and someone attached two fences on either side of sole. Plus a UTIL PLANE block plane in decent shape. Good (RER7) 25-50 |
2018-206 PHILLIPS patent plow plane. The third version of the Phillips patent with no maker mark on the skate and rosewood tote three-eighths inch cutter. See PTAMPIA I page 86 -left-. Japanning 70 percent crack in tote spots of rust. Good (MSV46) 150-300 |
2018-207 STANLEY No. 12-one-half veneer scraper. Later type good rosewood sole handle has mild wear japanning good. Could use a cleaning. Good (COL260) 40-80 |
2018-208 H.L. JAMES screw arm tongue plane. Clean with a few chips in threads double boxed good tote. Good (PLH3031) 30-60 |
2018-209 MANNEBACH BROS croze and howell. Maker's mark several times on both bodies brass straps and hanghole on both replacement wedge on croze. Howell has 3 inch wide slightly curved WHITE cutter and handle with black paint. Both have light wear. Good (REW1495 1511) 50-100 |
*2018-210 Handled screw-arm tongue plane. Looks European unmarked oversized nuts and 3-half inch wide fence. Large brass washer and square nut in front of chewed wedge tote has tip missing checks in body. Good- (ESY5) 20-40 |
2018-211 Rosewood plow plane. Unmarked nice sapwood streak in body with darker arms and fence. Wear to wood threads have significant chipping tip of tote missing and smoothed over. HALL CASE and CO cutter. Nicely made but highly used through the years. Good- (CVR243) 30-60 |
*2018-212 Lot of 3 planes. A European style sash plane highly worn with rope hole at toe. And two V planes one handled with double fences other is beech with grip grooves at rear. Good- (DTN278 393 394) 20-40 |
*2018-213 Wedge arm filletster plane. Unmarked replacement cutter wedge and one arm wedge missing wood worn and stained. Good- (RUS183) 15-30 |
2018-214 PHILLIPS patent beam drill. One of the least common beam drills patented in 1872 by Zechariah Phillips of Pittsburgh with a spiral screw adjustment adjustable uprights and handles. Traces of japanning mild wear to wood and chip at top of body still works smoothly. Good (REW1622) 60-120 |
2018-215 MANNEER bench drill press. 21 inches tall 1880s model with locking thumbscrew chuck mounted to metal forked base likely repainted some rust. Still works smoothly. Good (SPM) 40-80 |
2018-216 Mitre jack. 33 inches tall with 10 inch by 7 inch triangular jaws chip to wood near handle some wear. Unmarked other than user stamp. Good- (SPM495) 40-80 |
2018-217 Massive mallet. Likely for hammering tent stakes 6 inch wide log inside two solid iron rings 26 inch handle looks like newer replacement. Inactive worm on head ends have splits. Good (CVR) 30-60 |
*2018-218 Barrel cask. 10 inches wide x 18 inches tall strapped top and bottom and wires in center hold it together. Light wear and rust. Good (CVR) 20-40 |
2018-219 Caulking mallet. 16 inch by 3 inch head 28 inch handle. A few chips to wood iron rings have light surface rust. Good (BSR) 40-80 |
2018-220 Beam drill. Unmarked all wood frame that does not fold down wood worn traces of japanning FRENCH SWIFT and CO auger bit in chuck. Good- (UNK) 40-80 |
2018-221 Lathe bed. All wood and likely came from a foot powered lathe. 42 inch long with a fixed headstock and cast iron point. Sliding wedge-locked tailstock with replacement wedge square head bolts. Good (DJG) 40-80 |
2018-222 Tool chest. 39 inch x 23 inch x 22 inch dovetailed corners with metal strips on lid and base painted green and black on outside bright green on inside lid. Inside compartments are 4 drawers with top lid a front lidded section for saws and chisels plus two side lidded sections also for chisels. Hinges broken on a few. 4 metal handles on sides. Includes DENISON plow plane jointer plane coffin plane various bits and turnscrews a couple rules saw and saw file. Good- (CSD) 75-150 |
2018-223 Trunk. 28 inch x 18 inch x 17 inch with metal and wood strips on exterior inside has one upper compartment that lifts out. Leather strap handles on sides light wear and scratching. Good (CVR) 60-120 |
2018-224 Milk bottle return store sign. Three painted pasteboard signs with black background and white and yellow letters asking to return milk bottles to crates promptly when empty. 22 inch by 14 inch. A little rubbing on backs and one has small tear at corner. Good (PLH1K) 40-80 |
2018-225 MARVEL suction vacuum cleaner. Patented 12-14-09 46 inches tall and pump handle extends to an additional 22 inches. Brass tube shaped body with square collection container at base with roller beneath. Painted red missing strap that covers holes at top of tube to create suction. Good (PLH2K) 40-80 |
2018-226 SCHUYLER patented wall paper trimmer. 25 inch by 21 inch body has partially stenciled name J.F. SCHUYLER and patent date of 11-29-1870 for which I can't find a patent but there are records that a Mrs. Schuyler ran a paper trimmer manufacturing company in Fostoria after her husband died in 1881. However by 1889 an improved model was being manufactured by the O.V. WOOD CO. also in Fostoria. This example is prior to the Wood manufacture period wood has wear but in decent shape for age. Good (PLH3K) 125-250 |
2018-227 GILBERT Big Boy tool box. 22-one-half inch x 11 inch x 5 inch red painted box with brass front edges decal on outside of lid and inside lid has decal of boy with tool apron. Has black lift out tray has smaller tools such as screwdrivers and squares woodworking plans and Gilbert Home Workshop book underneath has tools such as saws braces planes. Good (PLH4K) 100-200 |
2018-228 Corn sheller. Two boards with teeth one with handle at one end and attached together with peg and spring at other end. Painted yellow worn and some rust repaired in a few spots. Good (PLH5K) 125-250 |
2018-229 DAZEY 1 quart butter churn. Reproductions are popular today but this is an original with about 60 percent of its nickel plating on gears and lid some rust and wear glass jar rim has small chip. Very uncommon size. Good (PLH6K) 120-240 |
2018-230 GOODELL Lightning apple parer. Unusual design with semi-circle gear resting parallel to table when clamped and handle runs along the track also in a semi-circular shape to turn forks while blade is stationary. Wood handle has staining some light surface rust. Good (PLH7K) 40-80 |
2018-231 Enamelware wash basin. 11-one-half inch at rim with 9 inch base 4 inches deep. Outer blue and white enamel good inner has rust and staining. Good (PLH8K) 30-60 |
2018-232 Lot of ice cream scoops. 7 are mechanical and two conical ones including one with thumbscrew that controls scraper including a CLEWELL patent from 1878. Some wear. Good (EMN25) 35-70 |
*2018-233 NEW STANDARD No. 20A cherry stoner. Has about 75 percent nickel plating red handle still works. Good (EMN40) 20-40 |
2018-234 Lot of two ENTERPRISE cherry stoners. A No. 1 and a No. 17. The No. 1 looks repainted but No. 17 has gold pinstriping. Both seem to still work. Good (UNK) 30-60 |
*2018-235 Lot of two metal tapes. Both with orange handles inside frames and made by LUFKIN and RABONE. Clean with light rust and wear to handles. Good (HAN671) 25-50 |
*2018-236 Antique trowel. 8-one-half inch blade looks to be made from file highly worn wood handle with decorative brass ferrule likely from 1800s. Good (DCR386) 20-40 |
*2018-237 Lot of two jeweler's anvils. 4-one-half inch and 4 inch in length. Clean. Good (RRT787) 10-20 |
2018-238 BELL SYSTEM smelting pot and ladle . Pot is 6 inches across and 3-one-half inches deep ladle is 4-one-half inches across and marked Bell System on bottom wood handle. Good (RRT786) 50-100 |
2018-239 Lot of 7 brass faucets. A few marked MORRISON BROS. most clean. Good (RUS281) 35-70 |
2018-240 D.C. YOUNG dairy knife. 4 tined sharp from the 1860s. Used in the separation of the curd from the whey. Good (RUS230) 40-80 |
2018-241 IRON AGE seed planter. Still has partial decal on seed canister adjusts with knob below canister for type of seed. No large front wheel or handles rusty. Good- (PLH9K) 50-100 |
2018-242 NEW ROGERS jig saw. Has most of red pin striping and leather belt wood is slightly stained. Has rust but pedals still work and just needs a blade. Good (PLH10K) 80-160 |
2018-243 PICKERING patented governor. Patented October 7 1862 Pickering manufactured governors for sawmill steam engines. Cast iron with brass a few cracks in the metal. Missing globe shaped base. Good (PLH11K) 125-250 |
2018-244 PLANET JR double wheel cultivator. Has plow rake tiller and cultivator attachments. Handles have some wear metal rusty and has piece of wood screwed to one wheel well. Good (PLH12K) 150-300 |
2018-245 Bench lathe. Unmarked mounted to piece of wood turns with handle or by leather belt but would need some cleaning to work properly. Rusty. Good (PLH13K) 50-100 |
2018-246 Large saw vise. Unmarked 20 inch long jaws 4-one-half inch by 9 inch base with holes to attach to bench jaws very slightly open and close with wood handle on backside of one jaw. Repainted. Good (CVR635A) 35-70 |
2018-247 Lot of 3 logging saws. 48 inch 55 inch and 60 inch long blades all with one handle and unmarked. Surface rust on blades and wear to handles. Good (RUS48 49 50) 35-70 |
2018-248 Lot of 6 saw vises. Makers include STEARNS STOVER DISSTON SARGENT and two unmarked. All have some rust Disston has the most. Good- and better (CVR635B) 40-80 |
2018-249 Lot of pulleys. 8 total both wood and iron frames one marked HUDSON and another has anvil symbol rest unmarked. Variety of sizes rust and wear. Good- and better (CVR16) 35-70 |
2018-250 Lot of saws. 3 ice or logging saws one with double handles 2 rip saws one DISSTON and a double bladed saw. Surface rust and wear to handles a few teeth broken on double bladed saw. Good- and better (CVR) 35-70 |
*2018-251 Large wooden wing dividers. 27 inch legs one with point and other with pencil iron wing unmarked but has user stamps. Light wear missing ferrules. Good (ECN228) 20-40 |
2018-252 Lot of 2 handled tools. A tilling spade with strapped wooden D-handle cast iron body curved end still sharp. And a hand ice plow also with wooden D-handle painted red head consists of seven pointed blades set at an angle inner five are toothed. Used to cut and harvest ice. Good (DCR446 447) 50-100 |
2018-253 Lot of 3 hay knives. Two look manufactured with double handles unmarked some wear. Plus a primitive one that looks hand forged with highly worn wood handle wide blade is rusty. Plus a BRADES England slate ripper missing wood handle. Good- and better (FNK571 572 573 579) 30-60 |
2018-254 Lot of 2 tools. A manure shovel wooden strapped D-handle has about half its plating slight rust. And a CHAMPION AUGER CO. post hole digger marked with Smith's 3-23-1886 patent. Controlled by bar that lays parallel to handle rusty and worn but still works. Good- and better (CVR602 603) 30-60 |
2018-255 Mallets and splitting wedge. Two froe mallets one larger with 22 inch handle and 9-one-half inch head inactive worm and heavy wear in one spot other hand carved with wear at end. Plus three square head mallets and a wooden 9 inch long splitting wedge. Throwing in a partial large screw vise from a workbench with wear. Good (ECN225 326 327) 35-70 |
2018-256 Lot of 2 hay tools. A handforged forked hay knife 36 inches long curved wood handle light rust. And a scythe with 25 inch long blade and decoratively carved handle very well made and clean. Good (DCR405 412) 35-70 |
*2018-257 Froe. 12 inch edge with 21 inch handle clean. Good (ECN73) 20-40 |
2018-258 Lot of 3 spoon augers. Tag attached identifies them as Scandinavian. 1-three-eighths inch 1-five-eighths inch and 1-seven-eighths inch wide and still sharp wood handles have light wear and one with broken end. Used in wooden shoe making. Good (DCR422) 40-80 |
*2018-259 Lot of 2 hay knives. One with July 20 1875 patent by by Russell Kellogg of Battle Creek MI with two handles attached in a triangular manner to a serrated blade. And one with 23 inch finely serrated edge that tapers to point straight wood handle faint blue japanning. Good (DCR446 447) 25-50 |
2018-260 Tool chest. 31 inches x 16 inches x 20 inches wood looks like oak. Metal trim on edges inside has two trays with lids and two trays without lids H. ST. GERMAIN in green paint on inside lid and H.ST.G. on outside below lock. Wood relacquered at one point a few paint splotches has key. Good (PLH14K) 125-250 |
2018-261 VICTOR shipping box. 25 inch x 22 inch x 18 inch without lid has Victor His Master's Voice embossed on two sides with red and black paint one side clean and other dirty. Also has Mrs. W. Brown Pepperell Mass and JW NY in a circle in black paint. Other end has MAH-9 which likely stood for a mahogany Victrola VV-IX model. Some wear. Good (PLH15K) 100-200 |
2018-262 STANLEY No. 45 with cutters. A Type 7 with short rods only small chip on tote plating 85 percent. With 18 cutters inside brass sliding tin stamped Mass State Board of Health. Good (NCY31 46) 40-80 |
2018-263 STANLEY No. 50 light plow plane. Later type 1 cutter plating 80 percent. Good (RUS285) 30-60 |
2018-264 STANLEY No. 55 combination plane. Body and one fence only. Wood ok. Good- (RUS286) 30-60 |
2018-265 STANLEY No. 13-050 combination plane. Plane plus 18 blades in plastic sleeve light wear. Good (MLR27) 40-80 |
2018-266 Lot of two STANLEY No. 46 dado planes. One is a Type 2 without the wraparound depth stop or cutters but does have the auxiliary sliding section and long rods. Tote has chip japanning ok. Other is a Type 6 with short rods one cutter wood worn traces of japanning. Good- (LHD146) 60-120 |
2018-267 Lot of 3 STANLEY planes. STANLEY No. 48 tongue and groove plane early type japanning 80 percent. And two No. 78s one made in US other made in England. English version has depth stop and fence but has large chip at base of handle. Good- and better (NCY37) 40-80 |
2018-268 Lot of chisels. 2 inch to one-quarter inch in widths about half have handles makers include WITHERSBY BUTCHER OVB and STANLEY. Some have rust spots most edges ok. Good (RUS47 61) 60-120 |
2018-269 Lot of two open scorps. One with 5 inch slightly curved edge and a GREAVES with more curved 4 inch edge. Both still sharp handles have light wear. Good (GAN) 40-80 |
2018-270 Lot of two closed scorps. 3 inch and 3-one-half inch. Smaller one rusty with a chip in edge larger one marked W. Germany and clean. Good- and better (GAN) 35-70 |
2018-271 Lot of 5 chisels. 2 inch to three-fourths inch in size makers are MIX MOULSON BROS UNDERHILL and BUCK BROS. Handles have some wear and cracking metal pretty clean. Good (MSV133) 40-80 |
*2018-272 I. SORBY gooseneck mortise chisel. Half inch size clean with lightly worn handle and nice brass ferrule. Good (ACS61) 25-50 |
*2018-273 Lot of 2 chisels. A three-quarter inch corner chisel by PSandW some rust spots but end ok. And a half inch mortise chisel rusty with nick at end. Good (RUS64) 25-50 |
*2018-274 Lot of 5 coachmaker's rabbet planes. Various sizes made from birdseye maple and beech look user made and stamped F.H. Borrmann under tails and dates 1976-1992 on toes. Nicely made and clean. Good (HNL487 489 490 493 668) 25-50 |
2018-275 LIE-NIELSEN No. 9 mitre plane. Based on the Stanley No. 9 but with a cherry knob that can be moved from the side to top which Stanley never thought of. L-N isn't making them anymore and they'll run you north of 500 dollars if you can find one. Unfortunately missing the hot dog a few light spots of surface rust otherwise nice and clean. Good (THF325) 300-600 |
2018-276 LIE-NIELSEN No. 95R edge trimming plane plane. Brass body 5-three-fourths inches long with seven-eighths inch cutter. 150 dollars new. Mint in original packaging. Fine (MCY51) 75-150 |
2018-277 BRIDGE CITY BS-5 transfer bevel square. Made of rosewood and brass. Number 741 mint in original packaging. No longer in production but would have cost 95 dollars new. Fine (RER9) 60-120 |
2018-278 Lot of 9 coachmaker's rabbet planes. 3-one-half inch soles to 1-one-quarter inch soles various shapes in woods like birdseye maple and pear wood. Look user made and stamped F.H. Borrmann or FHB and dates 1976-1986 on toes. Nicely made and clean. Good (HNL492. 495 496 499 501) 30-60 |
2018-279 Holster for folding lockback knife. Sold by LIE-NIELSEN and ran 40 dollars new. Stitched leather case holds a 5 inch knife. Good plus (MCY29) 30-60 |
2018-280 Lot of two STANLEY 150th anniversary tools IOB. A pocket tape mint with instructions included. And a 8 inch square rosewood handle with brass edge and blade. Looks mint. Boxes have some light wear on corners and a couple dings. Fine (CAN136 137) 35-70 |
*2018-281 Lot of 4 STANLEY levels. 28 inch and 30 inch No. 50s one with sweetheart mark a 28 inch No. 30 and a 28 inch No. 0. All have wear to wood and tarnish on brass one No. 50 has dry vial and missing one brass plate rest have intact vials. Good- (TWR323) 20-40 |
*2018-282 Lot of 4 STANLEY levels. One 24 inch No. 03 and two 28 inch No. 3 and a 28 inch No. 25. All have wear and dinging user initials scratched into one or two. The No. 25 has one brass vial ring loose. Good- and better (TWR327) 20-40 |
2018-283 Lot of 6 STANLEY levels. A 22 inch No. 00 a 28 inch No. 1 a 26 inch No. 2 a 30 inch No. 03 and 24 inch and 30 inch No. 6. Vials wet some wear and scratching. Good (TWR109) 30-60 |
2018-284 Lot of 5 STANLEY levels. 28 inch No. 3 No. 16 and No. 20. A 26 inch No. 30 and a 24 inch No. 60. Wear and dinging to wood vials all appear wet. Good (TWR326) 30-60 |
2018-285 FIELD'S parallel rule. Invented by Captain William Field in the mid-19th century labelled Capt. Field's Improved. Nearly 21 inches long boxwood rules attached with brass hinges slightly tarnished. Small crack on one edge otherwise light wear. Good (PLH3030) 30-70 |
2018-286 Railroad track level. Unmarked 44 inch long body has traces of red paint 3-one-half inch level vial with brass plate 11 inch long iron rule through the stock at one end marked from 1 inch to 8 inch with large locking thumbscrew. Two hangholes moderate wear to wood. Good- (SPM394) 50-100 |
2018-287 Lot of 4 mason's levels. A 46 inch long one painted green with no top vial and 6 stock vials. A STANLEY No. 45 level lacquer flaking and wear to wood brass tarnished. A 76 inch long one with grips painted black user made. And a more modern looking 48 inch long one with Master Quality partial decal blue paint around vials laminated stock. Good- and better (ECN198 217 234 238) 35-70 |
2018-288 BARNES Velocipede scroll saw No. 2. Has majority of red pin striping seat was painted silver at some point leather strap might be a replacement but works fine. Wood base repaired in one spot with metal plate underneath. Good (RRT) 200-400 |
2018-289 Railroad oil can. 22 inch long spout black japanned light wear to can. Good (CVR632) 30-60 |
2018-290 Saddle bench vise. Nicely made with stuffed leather seat pad riveted to 26 inch long bench. Vise has 4 inch wide jaws and is controlled with bar across base attached to leather strap. Good (RRT) 100-200 |
2018-291 BARNES lathe. 61 inches wide with two lathe ends and guard clamped on marked W.F. and J. Barnes Rockford IL 1874 on legs. Missing wheel and belt surface rust. Fair (RRT) 50-100 |
2018-292 GROUT'S EXCELSIOR foot pedaled burnishing tool. Used to polish or burnish with wheels attached to either side of head. 44 inches tall wood platform leather strap cracked but still works. Marked on head and wheel. Grout's made railroad pocket watches as well. Good (RRT) 75-150 |
2018-293 CHAMPION mortiser. Jacob Leukart patented this mortiser on 11-10-12 and this date his name and Columbus OH are cast into the body. 14 inches tall due to the side bars being shorter than normal 12 inches wide good wood handle surface rust and grime. Good (RRT784) 60-120 |
2018-294 Anvil. Roughly 80 pounds 12-one-half inch face with 9-one-half inch step and horn. Carved Panax on one side. Slight surface rust and dinging two hardy holes. Good (RRT) 100-200 |
2018-295 EDWARD BRACEWELL combination tool. Looks like a jack with L-shaped body marked with Edward Bracewell and Keighley England one end has large wrench marked Samson mounted on a screw-arm side of jack has two heads that are textured with one fixed and other rotates with a handle both locked in place with large bolt and square nut. Good (PLH) 50-100 |
2018-296 Hollow auger jig. Used to cut a tenon on a spoke or a chair leg. Square chuck with hex locking screw to hold bit chuck is at the end of long screw rod attached to metal handle surrounded by thin metal frame. Blacksmith made missing the ring that would be used to wedge the two legs together around a wood spoke. Good (PLH106X) 30-60 |
*2018-297 Lot of 3 wrenches. 15 inch and 18 inch COES adjustable wood worn and one relacquered rusty. And a fairly clean 12 inch ERIE TOOL WORKS Stilson center nut. Good- and better (RUS397 399 402) 25-50 |
*2018-298 Lot of 3 adjustable wrenches. A solid iron 18 inch by WHITMAN and BARNES rusty. An 8-one-half inch COES also rusty with worn wood. And a 12 inch center nut by BEMIS and CALL clean with dinging. Good- and better (RUS396 401 405) 25-50 |
2018-299 Lot of 8 adjustable wrenches. Most are monkey wrenches 15 inch to 6-one-half inch in length makers include COES WHITMAN and BARNES and PECK STOWE and WILCOX. All have rust and wear. Good- (RUS411) 35-70 |
2018-300 Lot of 5 monkey wrenches. 12 inch to 7 inch in length all with wood handles. Makers include WHITMAN and BARNES RUSSWIN and PSandW. Rust and wear. Good (RUS408) 35-70 |
*2018-301 Lot of 4 adjustable wrenches. 16 inch and 11 inch by BEMIS and CALL dirty and rusty. Plus two 10 inch by COES one with copper rings added to repair split in handle. Good- (RUS400 407) 25-50 |
*2018-302 Lot of 4 wrenches. Three monkey wrenches including 13 inch by TRIMONT and two 8 inch by PSandW and WHITMAN and BARNES. Plus a 5 inch bicycle wrench by SAMPSON. Needs a cleaning. Good (RUS412) 25-50 |
2018-303 Lot of 6 wrenches. Four monkey wrenches 8-one-half inch to 6-one-half inch in length by GIRARD COES and PEXTO with mild wear and rust. Plus two pipe wrenches by TIGER TOOLS some wear. Good (RUS410) 30-60 |
2018-304 Lot of bicycle wrenches. 9 inch to 5 inch in length makers include MOSSBERG and WAKEFIELD five total. Plus a WIZARD No. 9 monkey wrench. Some pitting on most. Good (RUS404 409) 30-60 |
*2018-305 Lot of tongs and pliers. 2 tongs 2 pliers and a wire cutter. Pliers rusty tongs ok. Good (RUS406) 10-20 |
*2018-306 Lot of wrenches. 2 universal bicycle wrenches 1 double ended wrench 2 pipe wrenches and 2 monkey wrenches. Most have rust. Good (RUS403) 25-50 |
2018-307 STANLEY instructional charts. 19 double sided educational charts circa 1950 most clean with light wear. Good (CVR111) 40-80 |
2018-308 Lot of 2 wood planes books. BRITISH PLANEMAKERS FROM 1700 by Goodman 2nd edition hardcover and AMERICAN WOODEN PLANES by Emil and Martyl Pollak fourth edition paperback revised and signed by Thomas Elliott. Both in clean condition. Good plus (BHR135C) 50-100 |
2018-309 Lot of 3 tool books. ANTIQUE TOOLS by McNerney paperback from 1995 OLD TOOLS by Jack Wood paperback from 1994 and DICTIONARY OF TOOLS by Salaman hardcover from 1980. All clean and in nice condition. Good (BHR135A) 40-80 |
2018-310 FINE WOODWORKING Techniques set of books. Volumes 1 through 9 from 1978. All hardcover with dustjackets. Good (CVR) 30-60 |
2018-311 Lot of 4 books. ANTIQUE TRADER TOOLS PRICE GUIDE 2007 second edition. VINTAGE BLOWTORCHES by Carr Smith and Stubbs 2007 edition number 113 out of 350. WOODWORKING PLANES by Sellens autographed hardcover 1978 edition. THE TOOLBOX BOOK by Tolpin 1995 first edition hardcover. All in good condition. Good (MHT) 45-90 |
2018-312 STANLEY TOOLS by John Walter. Second edition paperback from 1990 spine is broken and some pages loose but all there and no visible marks on pages. Good- (CVR) 40-80 |
2018-313 Lot of 3 wood plane books. AMERICAN WOODEN PLANES and its 1989 supplement both by Pollak and paperbacks in gently worn condition. Plus THE WOODEN PLANE by John M. Whelan autographed 1993 edition hardcover nice and clean. Good (BHR135B) 45-90 |
2018-314 Dealer lot of wood planes. Includes rabbeting coffin filletster sash tongue groove hollows V-plane and more. Makers include OHIO BARTLETT H. WELLS GREENFIELD SCIOTO WORKS RandL CARTER JOHN BELL. Most have wear and damage staining. As is no returns. Good- (RUS157 160 163-167 172 186 187 190 192-194 196 201 202 204 205 210 212 224 226 229) 40-80 |
2018-315 Dealer lot of miscellaneous files and rasps. Triangle and flat shapes in all lengths and sizes at least 40 total some with handles and a cigar box full of extra handles. And an aluminum bodied planer file. Most clean with a few rusty. As is no returns. Good (NCY) 40-80 |
2018-316 Dealer lot of wooden levels. 14 total. Makers include L.L. DAVIS WILLIAM JOHNSON CHAPIN STEPHENS STANLEY STRATTON DISSTON BEDORTHA BROS and HSandB. Wear on a few one or two missing a brass cap vials all appear to be wet. 26 inch to 30 inch in lengths. As is no returns. Good- and better (LHD103 104 106 112 113) 50-100 |
2018-317 Dealer lot of braces. 9 total. Two gentleman's ball braces with one missing the ball a Scottish hexagonal with pushbutton chuck two smaller ones with thumbscrew chucks and four ratcheting braces include a STANLEY two that look manufactured by FRAY and one unmarked. All have surface rust wear to wood. As is no returns. Good- (CDE) 40-80 |
2018-318 Dealer lot of block planes. 11 total. 4 STANLEY including Nos. 220 110 and one made in England. Plus a CRAFTSMAN 3704 AMERICAN BOY one marked Western Germany an aluminum bodied one by TWIX a SARGENT 207 with wedge as lever cap and one marked Made in Sweden. Rust on some. Good- and better (CDE) 35-70 |
2018-319 Dealer lot of drawknives. 7 total. Most unmarked but one is a GREENLEE one marked RAZOR one looks handforged one mark illegible. Straight and curved edges from 4 inch to 12 inch several handles split or worn one relacquered most have stains and surface rust but most of the edges good. As is no returns. Good- and better (CVR) 100-200 |
2018-320 Dealer lot of hammers. 12 total. Includes claw pick hammers body work masonry tack blacksmithing and more. Makers include PLUMB FAIRMOUNT ATHA TOOL CO SHAPLEIGH. Handles have some wear and staining but no major damage. Some surface rust. Good- and better (NW) 50-100 |